At Wang Hao's home,

Wang Hao soaked in the bathtub and kept wiping his body with a hot towel,

but the carbonized skin on his body could not be removed!

And Wang Hao's afro was still fluffy no matter how he washed it!

After washing for three hours, Wang Hao was already a little exhausted!

If his hair was still like this, he could only choose to shave it off,

and Wang Hao's charred skin, some parts of it had begun to become black and hard!

Wang Hao even took out a steel wool to rub his body hard,

but some parts still could not be wiped off!

Wang Hao was also tired of washing, so he got up from the bathtub,

and stood in front of the mirror, looking at the black and red skin, Wang Hao's eyes were full of despair!

"I won't keep getting darker like this...இ௰இ"

"No! Absolutely not! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻"

Since physical methods don't work, he can only consider other methods!

Then Wang Hao returned to his study table, flipped through the fragment and began to look for the answer.

After Wang Hao carefully read it three times, he saw the answer he wanted in an inconspicuous corner!

"Thunderbolt tempers the body, the skin is charred, and the impurities can be removed by running the Tiangang body's spiritual power route in his body!

"Haha! Sure enough, the person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it!"

Wang Hao immediately tried it, running The supporting exercises of the Tiangang Body were used to temper the body.

The result was just as recorded in the book, which could make part of the carbonized skin discharged from the body!

It was just that the part discharged from the body turned into mud and stuck to Wang Hao's body,

making Wang Hao, who had washed clean, sweat again.

But Wang Hao didn't care about these. As long as the problem of being blackened by being split could be solved, it didn't matter if it was a little dirty!

Wang Hao immediately got up and walked to the mirror to check,

and found that the skin that was originally like a black coal ball was a degree lighter!

"It's really effective! (⊙o⊙)"

According to this progress, it is estimated that it will be restored to its original state within two or three days!

Wang Hao also ran to the bathroom immediately. Only in the bathroom In the room, there is no need to worry about dirtying clothes.

Wang Hao soaked in the bathroom all day!

It was not until the afternoon that someone pressed the doorbell of Wang Hao's house, which made Wang Hao, who was soaking in the bathtub, wake up.

The first thing Wang Hao did when he woke up was to take out the Thousand Faces and a hat from the alien space and put them on,

and transformed into Wang Hao's original appearance.

The reason for doing this is that Wang Hao's current appearance is surprisingly ugly! Dark skin and big hair!

Wang Hao still has to have some face, of course he can't go out to meet guests like that!

When Wang Hao opened the door, he saw Liu Yuzhao and Jiang Rou waiting at the door,

"Why are you here?" Wang Hao asked in confusion,

but Liu Yuzhao didn't answer, but After observing Wang Hao's expression,

then he said to Jiang Rou: "I told you, Wang Hao would have a fever? You can tell it's a trick at first glance!"

As they talked, they approached Wang Hao's home.

Wang Hao saw that the two of them were just like they were at home,

and they were lying on the sofa and eating the fruit on the table.

Wang Hao looked at them speechlessly and said: "Don't make it like your own home, at least respect the owner here!"(งᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃

Liu Yuzhao replied while eating the fruit: "We are concerned about your situation! We are relieved to see that you are fine!"

Jiang Rou looked at Wang Hao in confusion and asked: "Why are you wearing a hat at home?"

Wang Hao said angrily as if his pain point was exposed: "What do you care!" Jiang Rou and Liu Yuzhao looked at each other and instantly understood what the other wanted to do! ─━ _ ─━✧ Jiang Rou rushed towards Wang Hao with quick eyes and hands, but Wang Hao was not a cover. After practicing Tiangang body, his reaction was at least twice as fast as before! He directly teleported to distance himself from the two! But Liu Yuzhao also predicted the trajectory of Wang Hao's teleportation! He threw the fruit in his hand to the teleportation position first! The fruit just touched the hat on Wang Hao's head and rubbed it upwards a little! This made the hair that might have exploded lose the suppression of the hat! "It's over! (๑‾᷆д‾᷇๑)" Wang Hao secretly shouted that it was not good! Liu Yuzhao and Jiang Rou also happened to see the fluffy hair exploded from the hat! Jiang Rou was trying hard to hold back her laughter! (ಥ _ ಥ)

Liu Yuzhao is trying his best to hold back his laughter! (ಥ _ ಥ)

"Puff...Puff, hahahahaha!!!" Jiang Rou was the first to burst out laughing.

Seeing Jiang Rou start to laugh, Liu Yuzhao couldn't help it either.

He knelt on the ground and laughed, slapping the ground with both hands! ▄█▀█●

"Hahahahaha! I finally understand why you didn't come today! (́ಢ.౪ಢ‵)"

"I was wondering why you were still wearing a hat indoors! Hahaha! So you have this trick!" Jiang Rou couldn't help but complain.

"Don't laugh! (╬◣д◢)" Wang Hao picked up the hat from the ground and put it on his head in anger.

But he didn't expect that the afro was so elastic, and it bounced out again and fell to the ground before it was completely put down!


Jiang Rou laughed out loud! (ಥ _ ಥ)

Liu Yuzhao kept laughing! (ಥ _ ಥ)

"Hahaha! Too funny, brother! Or you should stop wearing this hat, I'm afraid you'll die of laughter! Hahaha!"

Wang Hao listened to the two people's laughter, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Then Wang Hao walked to the front door, closed the door, and locked it!

Liu Yuzhao also saw that things were not going well, and shouted loudly: "Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing!∑(❍ฺд❍ฺlll)"

Wang Hao responded with a dark face: "There are few people here... It's better not to know some things! (▼ヘ▼#)"

Then Wang Hao chased them around the villa with a Tang sword in one hand and an axe in the other!


More than ten minutes later, Liu Yuzhao, Jiang Rou and Wang Hao sat down and had a good talk.

However, Liu Yuzhao was beaten up by Wang Hao.

Wang Hao didn't do anything to Jiang Rou, but took out his anger on Liu Yuzhao!

But Liu Yuzhao still asked Wang Hao,

"How did you do that? Pfft! I don't mean anything else, I just asked! (ಥ _ ಥ)"

Wang Hao glanced at Liu Yuzhao, and he knew from his expression that he was trying not to laugh that it was no good!

Wang Hao didn't want to expose the Tiangang body too early, so he made up an excuse to cover it up.

"I passed by a damn electric pole when I came back last night. The wire was grounded. I happened to pass by and stepped on it and got electrocuted like this!"

"That's quite unique! Do you consider using this hairstyle in the future? ╮(╯▽╰)╭"

"Haha! I think you want to die!" After saying this, Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao wrestled again.

The two wanted to see Wang Hao's situation, but they didn't expect to see such a thing. They really couldn't hold it back!

"I've decided! Let's shave this broken head!"

"Don't! It looks so good!"

"If you shout, I'll shave your head too! (*`д´)" Wang Hao looked at Liu Yuzhao viciously.

After hearing this, Liu Yuzhao shut up instantly.

He was really afraid that Wang Hao would shave his head too!

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