I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 86 Xu Xianchong

On the second day, Wang Hao felt something very unnatural on his way to school. He found that there were always people secretly watching him when he walked on the street! At first, Wang Hao thought someone was following him, but when someone came to ask for his autographed photo, Wang Hao realized that he seemed to have become a celebrity! But Wang Hao thought it was normal. After all, his performance in the college league was the most eye-catching, fighting against thirty first-class strong men alone! Moreover, the elimination match of the college league was broadcast live throughout the city, and there were at least millions of viewers watching those days! It was impossible not to be noticed! Suddenly, someone grabbed Wang Hao's hand from behind and ran with him. Wang Hao looked closely and saw that the man was wearing the school uniform of No. 2 Middle School, sunglasses, and a gangster mask! He took a look at the outfit, narrowed his eyes, and tentatively called out: "Liu Yuzhao?"

The man was stunned, looked at him in shock and said: "Damn! You recognize me?"

"Of course! Because I know this face very well!"

( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧

Liu Yuzhao didn't quite understand Wang Hao's confusing words,∑(´△`)? !

But he still said: "Wang Hao! I'm telling you that we've become celebrities! Do you know? I've been asked for autographs several times today! They must have taken a fancy to my handsome face!"

Liu Yuzhao said while observing the surroundings,

Wang Hao looked at his movements speechlessly (¬_¬), and said in a blow: "Come on, those people can't hide when they see the gangster mask on your face!"

The two walked side by side and soon arrived at the gate of Guangfu No. 2 Middle School,

The morning sun filled the campus, and the breeze gently blew the leaves, as if whispering.

As soon as the two walked to the school gate, salutes were fired on both sides of the school gate!

There were cheers and applause around Wang Hao and his team!

Then Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao were drowned by the crowd! They were lifted high by the crowd and thrown into the air!

Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao also accepted this welcome.

For the people of No. 2 Middle School, this college league is of great significance.

They have been suppressed by No. 1 Middle School for too long. This time, Wang Hao and his team defeated the undefeated legend of No. 1 Middle School!

It also helped the people of No. 2 Middle School to vent their anger!

The crowd surrounded them and came to the podium in the square.

On the podium, Wang Hao also saw several other people from the No. 2 Middle School representative team.

They obviously also experienced the scene just now.

And Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao were the last two people.

After all the people arrived, the grand award ceremony officially began!

After Principal Hu Wen finished the opening speech of the ceremony, the principal personally awarded Wang Hao and his team.

It was a glittering medal with Wang Hao and his own names and the logo of the college league engraved on it.

The principal hung the medal on Wang Hao's chest and shook hands with him tightly.

"Wang Hao, you have won honor for the school, you are the pride of our school!" the principal said excitedly.

Hu Wen bet a lot on this college league, fortunately he bet right!

In this college league, the reputation of Guangfu No. 2 Middle School spread throughout the province,

and Wang Hao's name was also remembered by some key colleges in other regions!

For Hu Wen, this is a matter of fame and fortune!

Afterwards, the school held a small celebration for Wang Hao and others, allowing Wang Hao and others to have a great time in the morning!

After the activity, it was already noon.

When everyone finished their meal and returned to the classroom,

they found Jiang Wenhao still standing on the stage. Everyone was also tactful and quickly found seats to sit down.

When everyone was gathered, Jiang Wenhao nodded and said,

"We have played and celebrated, and now it's time to focus!"

"We will have a 15-kilometer off-campus cross-country run in the afternoon! Carry 20 kilograms of weight!"

"Ah!" There were wails in the class!

They thought Jiang Wenhao would say something nice,

but it turned out that he was here to bring them back to reality!

Wang Hao also nodded, but if this kind of cross-country run was put in the past, Wang Hao would be exhausted,

but they traveled cross-country every day in the secret realm!

And the secret realm alone walks more than 15 kilometers every day!

For them now, 15 kilometers is a warm-up!

It was afternoon,

and the class's weighted run began!

As expected, Wang Hao was still the first! Pulling away the second and third kilometers!

Jiang Wenhao looked at the stopwatch in his hand and nodded, very satisfied with the performance of Wang Hao and other people who had participated in the secret realm!

The top eight places in the cross-country race were occupied by them.

After Wang Hao saw that the basic training was completed, he found Jiang Wenhao to ask for leave.

"Oh? Asking for leave? Where to? (¬_¬)" Jiang Wenhao asked,

"I found many ancient characters in the secret realm that I couldn't understand, so I asked someone to teach me. If I find some martial arts secrets that I can't understand in the future, I will suffer! (-_-)ゞ" Wang Hao explained the reason,

Jiang Wenhao nodded and said: "If my guess is correct, you should be looking for Professor Xu Xianchong!"

"Professor Xu Xianchong? [・ヘ・?]"

"Yes! Because ancient characters are strictly controlled in Daxia, there is almost no learning information on the Internet. In the Guangfu area, only Professor Xu Xianchong in the Guangfu Library knows ancient characters."

"Is it so strict? ∑(´△`)?!" Wang Hao asked. Although he had some guesses, he didn't expect the control to be so strict.

"Of course! If the restrictions on ancient characters are lifted, how many tomb robbers do you think will rob those ancient relics?" Jiang Wenhao's eyes became cold as he spoke.

Suddenly, he changed the subject and asked Wang Hao: "Have you joined the Zhenling Division?"

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "I inherited my father's number and badge."

After understanding the situation, Jiang Wenhao nodded and said: "Then you can go directly to the library, show him the badge, and the professor will teach you!"

"Ah? This badge is so useful?Σ(っ °Д °;)っ" Wang Hao said in surprise,

"Of course, in Guangzhou, those celebrities owe Wang Yu some favors, and it will be particularly useful for you to take Wang Yu's badge!"

Jiang Wenhao's eyes were filled with memories, as if he thought of something interesting.

Wang Hao had a thousand horses galloping in his heart. ༼´◉◞౪◟◉༽If he had known, he would have asked Jiang Wenhao first.

Now he has to treat Jiang Rou to dinner for nothing!

After getting Jiang Wenhao's approval, Wang Hao also left the school.

After waiting for Jiang Rou, the two walked together on the road to Guangfu Library.

Jiang Rou glanced at Wang Hao's dark face and asked: "What's wrong? Are you worried? Are you unhappy?"

Wang Hao sighed and said: "It's okay, it's just that I spent a lot of money to sell something, but I turned around and found that it was free. I feel uncomfortable. (¬_¬)"

After saying that, he glanced at Jiang Rou and found that Jiang Rou was trying not to laugh...ಥ_ಥ

Sure enough, Jiang Rou knew that Wang Hao could learn for free!

"Jiang Rou! You tricked me!!!╰(‵□′)╯" Wang Hao couldn't help but say,

Jiang Rou patted Wang Hao on the shoulder and said: "Alas! Suffering a loss is a blessing! That's what you said."

The two of them chased each other on the street, and soon arrived at the Guangfu City Library.

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