I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 83 Inheritance!

After signing the document, Chen Sheng solemnly took the document handed over by Wang Hao. He straightened his collar, tidied his clothes, and stood in front of the flag of the Zhenling Division. Wang Hao looked at Chen Sheng's solemn expression and looked at the flag of the Zhenling Division without a smile. He also realized that this matter might be very serious, so Wang Hao put away his playful smile and stood there seriously. Chen Sheng said solemnly: "Next, we have to swear! Repeat after me!" "We, the strangers, voluntarily join the Zhenling Division!" "We, the strangers, voluntarily join the Zhenling Division!" Wang Hao also solemnly recited it! "Resist the enemies in front of you! Guard your country behind you!"

"Resist the enemies in front of you! Guard your country behind you!"

"Keep this oath!"

"Keep this oath!"

"We are like clouds blocking the sky! Guard the Great Xia!"

"We are like clouds blocking the sky! Guard the Great Xia!"

"Swearer! Chen Sheng!"

"Swearer! Wang Hao!"

The oath is solemn, and Wang Hao will not joke here.

Since he has chosen to join the Zhenling Division, he will engrave this oath in his heart and abide by it for the rest of his life!

After the oath, Chen Sheng took out a small box from the drawer under the desk and handed it to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao took it and opened it.

He picked up the badge inside and complained: "Is this mine? You are too sure that I will join, right?"

But Chen Sheng shook his head and said: "No! This is your father's!"

Wang Hao paused when he took the badge, and his eyes softened as he looked at the badge.

"Wang Yu! Your father is also my colleague!"

"After he died in the line of duty, the Zhenling Division decided to pass on your father's badge number to you after a unanimous discussion!"

"You can also think of this as a kind of inheritance!"

Speaking of this, Wang Hao seemed to see the familiar figure standing in front of the Zhenling Division's flag and swearing like him!

"Is there anything special about this badge?" Wang Hao asked.

Chen Sheng answered his question: "Yes! The badge represents your authority. You can do many things with the badge, such as entering unopened ruins, mobilizing local Zhenlingsi personnel to cooperate with investigations, etc."

"Of course, this is your father's authority. You can do many things with it, but it is not yours after all. If you want to improve your own authority, do tasks and make meritorious contributions."

Wang Hao nodded and carefully put the badge into the alien space.

Then he said: "After saying so much, it's time to give me the spirit core."

Compared to this badge, Wang Hao cares more about the third-grade spirit core...

Chen Sheng also nodded, and then threw the spirit core to Wang Hao, and he left the command room to do official business.

Wang Hao looked at the third-grade spirit core in his hand and walked out of the command room with a smile on his face.

Wang Hao has achieved all the goals of this secret journey!

The championship is won! The spirit core is won! The skills are won! And many spirit tools and spirit cores are won!

Wang Hao's family assets became much richer after this trip to the secret realm!

"Wang Hao! What are you doing? Get ready to go! Go to the celebration party!" Liu Yuzhao waved at Wang Hao after seeing him.

"Here we go!" Seeing many people leaving the venue one after another, Wang Hao followed them.

Afterwards, the contestants from Guangfu No. 2 Middle School got in the car and drove to the city.

In the evening, in a hotel, their celebration banquet also kicked off!

The entire banquet hall was decorated magnificently, with ribbons flying and cheerful music resounding throughout the banquet hall.

"Master Xu is really good at choosing a place! He even spent a lot of money to hang banners!" Liu Yuzhao boasted beside him.

Xu Yang also did not forget what he promised today. He would arrange the celebration banquet in the evening!

Hearing Liu Yuzhao's flattery, Xu Yang also became proud.

"Of course! This is the property of my Xu family. When I, the young master, bring people to dinner, I naturally have to make a big show!"

"The rich young master is really extraordinary! I should have raised the stakes earlier and made a lot of money from him!" Wang Hao muttered on the side.

As the music in the venue continued to sound, Wang Hao and his teammates sat at the main table, their faces filled with the joy of victory.

They tasted delicious food, drank fine wine, and enjoyed the carnival of victory.

Among them, several members of Xu Yang's team devoured the food at the table, and the plates around them were piled up like a mountain!

Wang Hao and his four friends asked and found out that none of them knew how to cook!

They just ate dry food and instant noodles for fifteen days!

This made Liu Yuzhao, Lin Qingxue, and Zhang Tiedan feel lucky that they were in the same team with Wang Hao.

Wang Hao's team lived a comfortable life in the fifteen-day survival competition!

It was like a vacation in the secret realm for fifteen days!

"By the way, what kind of spiritual core did you get as the reward for the championship this time?" Wang Hao asked while chewing steak.

Wang Hao really didn't know this because they could propose the type and demand of spiritual core.

Everyone's needs were different, and the spiritual cores they got from the official were also different!

Zhang Tiedan answered first: "I asked the official to help me find the second-grade spirit core of the giant fist gorilla, mainly because the innate spirit skills of the giant fist gorilla are very compatible with me!" Lin Qingxue followed Zhang Tiedan's words and replied: "I mentioned the spirit core demand of the second-grade polar fox. The polar fox's illusion spirit skills and my blizzard combination have a good improvement!" Liu Yuzhao sipped the champagne that had just been opened and said: "I didn't ask the official to find a spirit core for me, but instead asked to help me find a new imperial spirit!" "Oh?" He knew that Liu Yuzhao's ability was very special. Every time he upgraded a large level, Liu Yuzhao could get an imperial spirit. As long as he could grow to the fifth level or above, the horror of his imperial spirit ability would be revealed. Imagine that you are soloing with him, but he suddenly summons several imperial spirits of the same level. Is this called a duel? All imperial spirits are fighting one person! "What spirit beast did you ask the authorities for?"

"Snow Sculpture!" Liu Yuzhao explained: "I can control the information on the ground now, but I can't track the opponent!"

"I want to improve my detection ability, so I need a spirit that can only fly in the air!"

"And Teacher Jiang said that with my ability, if I want to enter the reconnaissance department of Zhenlingwu University, I must be able to detect and track! As long as I contract this snow sculpture, I will basically be admitted to Zhenlingwu University!"

As Liu Yuzhao spoke, he imagined the future. Jiang Wenhao helped him plan a good path,

so he would not feel confused.

"Huh? This is the first time I heard about the school you want to apply for." Wang Hao said,

"With my ability, I can only use this unconventional method to get into a good school. It's not like you are being scrambled for by two famous schools!" Liu Yuzhao looked at Wang Hao with envy,

but Wang Hao also shook his head helplessly. He himself hadn't decided which school to go to.

Although Wang Hao had joined the Zhenling Division, they did not restrict the school Wang Hao wanted to go to.

Moreover, the conditions offered by both schools were similar, and Wang Hao was a little confused about the choice.

The few of them chatted about family matters and ate, and time passed little by little.

After the carnival, everything returned to calm.

The noise of the celebration banquet gradually faded away,

Wang Hao and his teammates left the hotel and returned home.

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