As a space-based spiritual power teleported Liu Yu away,

only Wang Hao and Ye Ye were left at the scene,

but the atmosphere between the two became tense!

At this time, Ye Ye stared at Wang Hao,

the fear and shadow of Wang Hao before had disappeared!

In his eyes, there was only extreme anger towards Wang Hao!


On the other side, Liu Yu was teleported out,

but Liu Yu was not teleported to the square like others,

Liu Yu was teleported to Chen Sheng's command room,

there were two people in the command room, one was Chen Sheng, and the other was Guangwu, the coach of No. 3 Middle School.

Guangwu walked quickly to Liu Yu's side, squatted down, and fed the prepared herbs in his hand into Liu Yu's mouth.

Then he put his hand on Liu Yu's wound, and saw that Liu Yu's injury improved visibly!

Chen Sheng stared at the screen, watching Ye Ye and Wang Hao confronting each other. He sighed, looked at Guangwu and asked, "Is it worth it? Aren't you afraid of pushing Ye Ye to an extreme with this arrangement?" Guangwu did not answer and chose to remain silent. But after hearing Chen Sheng's question, Liu Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and replied with a smile: "Of course it's worth it! Ye Ye is a true genius in my eyes!" "He shouldn't be trapped in Wang Hao's shadow for life!" "Since he is sad about that hurdle in his heart, then I will lend a hand and help him through it!" Chen Sheng was slightly stunned after hearing this, his eyes full of memories. Finally, he sighed and said, "Guangwu! I helped you this time, remember your promise! Report to Zhenlingsi!" After that, Chen Sheng left the command room. Now the college league has come to an end, and there are still some things he needs to do. Guangwu turned his back to Chen Sheng. He was still treating Liu Yu's injury. He did not look at Chen Sheng's figure, but just murmured, "I know! Teacher!" ...... The western part of Yunshan Secret Realm! Wang Hao and Ye Ye, who were in the confrontation, also started fighting.

Ye Ye held the iron feather fan and kept attacking Wang Hao!

Wang Hao dodged Ye Ye's attacks everywhere.

Wang Hao could understand Ye Ye's mood at this time.

Ye Ye's heart was filled with anger!

He couldn't listen to any words at this time!

The only way to calm him down was to fight with him!

After understanding this, Wang Hao didn't hold back with Ye Ye.

Wang Hao's spiritual power surged all over his body, and white lines appeared on his hands!

He punched Ye Ye with his right fist!

The white fist attacked Ye Ye with terrifying spiritual power!

Ye Ye had naturally seen how powerful Wang Hao was, and didn't choose to fight Wang Hao head-on.

He dodged Wang Hao's fist sideways,

and then turned around and drove the iron feather fan towards Wang Hao's head!

Wang Hao put his hands together and directly resisted Ye Ye's attack.

After the previous tempering and opening of the right hand, the hardness of Wang Hao's hands was comparable to that of a weapon!

After Wang Hao withstood the damage, he chose to attack again with a Tang sword in hand.

Ye Ye also unfolded the central axis of the iron feather fan, and the feather fan turned into a flying knife floating around him.


In a split second, the two fought again!

The two figures crossed each other quickly, stirring up dust!

But the people watching the battle could not see their figures!

All that could be heard was the sound of Wang Hao's Tang sword colliding with Ye Ye's flying blade!

With the help of his teleportation ability, Wang Hao kept shuttling through Ye Ye's attacks.

Every time he appeared, Ye Ye had to quickly adjust his attack.

However, Ye Ye was no ordinary person!

The flying blades transformed from his iron feather fan had a strong metallic aura, as if they could cut through everything.

Wang Hao saw that the number of those metal flying blades was much more than that of the previous challenge,

and he could also understand that it was not just him who had improved during this period, but others were also improving!

For a while, the two fought hard in the secret realm!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room cheered for this peak duel!

Wang Hao's Tang sword danced impenetrably, while Ye Ye's flying blade was like a spirit snake, sometimes attacking from a distance and sometimes close to the body.

Both of their movements were extremely swift, and every fight was accompanied by a strong impact!

Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in Wang Hao's eyes, and he instantly appeared behind Ye Ye, with his Tang sword drawing a sharp arc.

Ye Ye reacted very quickly, and dodged the knife easily with a shake of his body.

However, just as he turned around, Wang Hao teleported again and appeared on his side, and the Tang sword slashed down again.

This time, Ye Ye could no longer dodge!

The audience watching also held their breath,

but Ye Ye did not lose his calm mind at this time,

"Can't dodge? Then don't dodge!"

Ye Ye instantly recalled a flying blade, clenched his right hand,

and attacked Wang Hao's neck with great force!

Wang Hao saw that the situation was not good, but he did not dodge, but rolled up his left arm and pressed it against his neck!

Ye Ye frowned slightly. He understood Wang Hao's physical strength during the fight, and his hands were terribly hard!

So he changed the direction of the attack and resisted the Tang sword that attacked from the left!

Following the impact of the Tang sword, they kept retreating, and both sides pulled out a safe position!

Wang Hao did not relax his vigilance at this time. He took a deep breath, and the power in his body seemed to flow with his rhythm.

At this moment, the air around him suddenly became extremely oppressive, and an invisible force was constantly condensing.

"Cut!" Wang Hao shouted lightly.

A blade appeared in the air and flew towards Ye Ye!

Ye Ye used the flying knife to block in front of him and constantly reduced the power of the flying blade until it completely dissipated.

But because of this, Ye Ye consumed ten flying knives!

"Hmph!" Ye Ye snorted coldly and began to take out his trump card!

Suddenly, all the flying blades rushed into the sky together, and then poured down towards Wang Hao like a rainstorm.

Wang Hao's eyes were stern, and he could feel the powerful power contained in these flying blades.

At this critical moment, Wang Hao clenched the Tang sword in his hand, and shaped the spirit sword with his left hand to turn it into spirit sword fragments to protect him in front of him!

He took a deep breath, and from the moment Ye Ye started to drop the flying knife from the air,

Wang Hao began to adjust his spiritual power and kept accumulating power!

When the flying blade was about to touch Wang Hao's body, he moved!

The air around him seemed to solidify at this moment, and Wang Hao's figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

All the flying blades sent by Ye Ye missed!

They penetrated the position where Wang Hao was just now, but did not encounter any obstacles.

And Wang Hao teleported in front of Ye Ye with the Tang sword in his hand!

One cut!

In Ye Ye's eyes, this cut was very fast!

So fast that he could not do anything!

This feeling of powerlessness also appeared when he kicked the gym before.

He could not do anything at that time, and he could not do anything now!

This feeling of powerlessness made the anger that supported his actions dissipate.

Ye Ye gradually closed his eyes, as if he had admitted defeat, and even put down his hand that was raised for defense instinctively!

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