I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 70 Take Action!

On the other side,

On the edge of the snowy mountain, Xu Yang looked at the current ranking list with a gloomy face,

"Damn it! (〝▼皿▼)" Xu Yang punched the tree next to him, shaking off a lot of snow.

Peng Xiang, Zheng Wen and Wang Yuanyuan on the side also had ugly faces.

When the list was posted, they checked it immediately.

It was in sharp contrast with Wang Hao's team, which ranked first. They were 700 points behind Wang Hao's team.

Not only was he embarrassed, he also lost the bet he made with Wang Hao!

However, Xu Yang felt aggrieved when he thought of what he had experienced in the past few days. (︶︹︺)

During the past fifteen days, their team had been under surveillance by others.

Xu Yang was still clear about this. After all, the way those people looked at them was very Something is wrong.

And as long as it is a spiritual beast they want to hunt, someone will come to snatch it, and it is not just one team!

They lasted for fifteen days in this situation.

Xu Yang's face was gloomy, but he was waiting, waiting for the elimination match.

All the members of Xu Yang's team were promoted to the first rank in these fifteen days!

It was too frustrating to be targeted in this survival match!

So as soon as the broadcast said the elimination match started, they would start killing! (╬◣д◢)

Now, the radio has been playing the precautions of this elimination match. When the broadcast is finished, the elimination match officially begins!


"Each team has 100 points. If the captain's card is destroyed, the team will be eliminated as a whole!"

"That's the rules! Now, the elimination match officially begins! "......" After hearing the opening words on the radio, Xu Yang was filled with murderous intent, as were the other members of the team. Rather than waiting to be surrounded and killed by other teams, it would be better to go and fight them now! Releasing the anger that had been building up for half a month to relieve Xu Yang's hatred! The four of them moved quickly and attacked the team they had observed before. The team from the Liberal Arts Middle School was the team that had been targeting Guangfu No. 2 Middle School. At this time, they also saw the team from Guangfu No. 2 Middle School coming towards them! Xu Yang roared at the Liberal Arts Middle School team with murderous intent: "Huang Yuan! Come over here and die!" (╬◣д◢) He controlled the flying sword beside him to attack Huang Yuan! Huang Yuan also retreated and fled while dodging Xu Yang's attack. "Wasn't you very arrogant before? What are you running for now? "Xu Yang shouted angrily from behind, (`皿´)

Huang Yuan naturally wanted to run. In his team, only he and another person reached the first rank.

There was no way they could be the opponents of Xu Yang's team of first rank warriors!

Huang Yuan was also anxious, and he shouted directly to the people watching the show on the hillside: "Didn't you say you would cooperate? Is this your sincerity?" (งᵒ̌皿ᵒ̌)ง⁼³₌₃

"If I'm eliminated! You guys can't have a good life! ヽ(#`Д´)ノ" Huang Yuan said with a gloomy face,

The group of people watching the show on the hillside also stopped watching the excitement, and three people came out to stop Xu Yang.

"Xu Yang, don't be so angry, we will meet each other sooner or later, it's not good to fight like this!" The person walking in front of Xu Yang persuaded first,

Xu Yang looked at the man with cold eyes, "Li Tao! Don't be hypocritical with me, I feel sick just looking at it! "

"Don't think I don't know that you are the ones targeting No. 2 Middle School!" Many flying knives floated around Xu Yang, standing in front of him, ready to attack at any time!

After being exposed, Li Tao stopped pretending to be hypocritical with Xu Yang.

He said coldly: "We will take Huang Yuan away, and you will be eliminated here today!"

As soon as Li Tao finished speaking, three more first-class leaders appeared!

The situation on the field has reversed now!

Xu Yang's side has only four first-class people, while the opposite side has twice as many as them, eight people!

Xu Yang took a glance and found that they were all the people who had made trouble for him in the past half month.

"Just right! Every wrong has its perpetrator! I was afraid you wouldn't come!" Xu Yang grinned, with anger in his eyes.

He was already very annoyed with those who were secretly making trouble for him.

Now that they have all appeared, Xu Yang doesn't need to find them one by one!

He also knew that it would be difficult to get out of the snow mountain today, but it didn't affect Xu Yang's desire to kill happily.

As long as he could destroy one captain card, it would be no loss, and two would be a big profit!

With this mentality, Xu Yang is now particularly relaxed.

Just let it go and fight! Anyway, Wang Hao will definitely cover the bottom!

Although Xu Yang didn't want to admit it, he still recognized Wang Hao's brain and strength.

"That guy must want to use tricks to wait for you all to fall into the trap, and those idiots are still thinking about jumping in! (¬_¬)" This is what Xu Yang said in his heart.

Putting aside these, Xu Yang and all his teammates in the team began to meet the eight-man alliance.

At this time, on the snowy mountain, Jiang Rou was also watching the battle. A team had contacted them before and wanted to form an alliance to deal with Wang Hao, but Jiang Rou ruthlessly rejected it. Jiang Rou said, "You are not worthy!" and sent them away directly! Xu Zihang was also eating melon seeds while watching the show and said, "Guess who will win?" Lin Gang crossed his hands and watched the two sides fight, saying, "Although it feels shameless, in reality, the eight people still have a greater chance of winning!" Chen Yi also nodded and agreed with Lin Gang's statement. Xu Zihang turned to look at Jiang Rou and asked with a smile, "Jiang Rou? What do you think?" Jiang Rou looked at the battle between the two sides with a calm face and gave a different opinion, "It's not the other people in No. 2 Middle School that are important, it's Wang Hao! (¬_¬)" "If I were the decision maker of this alliance, I would eliminate Wang Hao first at all costs, and everything else would be fine!" Xu Zihang nodded in agreement after listening to Jiang Rou's opinion. He opened his squinting eyes and said, "In fact, Wang Hao's scary thing is not his martial arts, but his brain..."


The battle between the two sides became more intense. After more than ten minutes of fighting,

Xu Yang's body was already full of wounds!

Xu Yang took a deep breath and launched an attack again. He held a long sword and rushed towards his opponent at a rapid speed.

Huang Yuan was caught off guard and hurriedly resisted Xu Yang's attack.

Seeing this, the other people also attacked Xu Yang from different directions!

Xu Yang controlled the weapons around him to resist the attacks from all sides,

and he still held on to Huang Yuan tightly!

Xu Yang held a long sword and kept attacking Huang Yuan.

He did not collect any intelligence in the first fifteen days. At least he knew that Huang Yuan was the captain of their team!

He let go of the defense against other people and attacked Huang Yuan with all his weapons!

Faced with this kind of offensive, Huang Yuan naturally couldn't stop it, and the bracelet on his hand was broken by the long sword!

I saw a surge of space spiritual power, wrapping Huang Yuan's whole body.

In an instant, Huang Yuan disappeared!

And a broadcast sounded in the air, "Wenli Middle School, the captain of Huang Yuan's team is eliminated! The whole team is eliminated!"

As soon as the voice fell, the bracelets on the hands of the other members of Huang Yuan's team began to break, and they were all teleported away!

The situation on the field changed again, and the original four against eight became four against six!

PS: I felt that the beginning of the novel was a bit bad, so I made some changes!

Added some settings and future branch plots. If you have time, please go and take a look. If you can leave comments, I will also watch it carefully! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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