I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 7 Jiang Wenhao

Guangfu No. 2 Middle School, in the gymnasium.

Xu Yang laughed loudly, and the haze on his face was swept away.

"I thought it was so cruel. I got a perfect score in the test this morning. The spiritual power test was only the sixth level of the spiritualist. Wang Hao, how can you beat me?"

Wang Hao also glanced at it, thinking to himself, "You can show off. Let's see if you can laugh later."

The test teacher on the side also found it strange. Looking at the white spiritual power, his face was full of confusion.

So he asked: "Generally, in the spiritualist stage, the color of spiritual power is generally colorless. Only after breaking through the first level, the color of spiritual power will show different colors according to the attributes of the spiritual power owner. What's going on with you?"

Wang Hao opened his mouth and was about to answer, but was interrupted.

"This student does not need to take the test later. He can directly enter the special training class."

After this, everyone turned around and saw a middle-aged man on the railing on the second floor of the gymnasium.

Jiang Wenhao did not shy away from it and flew down directly from the second floor. His spiritual energy surged, showing his strength of the sixth rank. The pressure of spiritual power pressed on everyone, making everyone feel like they couldn't breathe.

This was only the pressure that appeared when Jiang Wenhao intentionally controlled his spiritual power. If the pressure of the sixth rank spiritual power was normal, a large number of people would probably fall down at the scene.

"I am your special training class teacher, my name is Jiang Wenhao."

The people present were very quiet and listened to his speech seriously. After all, sometimes, showing strength can solve a lot of unnecessary troubles.

For example, now, no one present would doubt whether he was a special training class teacher.

After calming the students, Jiang Wenhao turned around and said to the teacher who was testing: "This student doesn't need to be tested later. I want this student."

The teacher who was testing also nodded, and then took out his mobile phone and started to call, asking the principal about the special training class teacher. After getting a reply from Principal Hu that he was willing to move, he made a note on Wang Hao's score column.

Just when Wang Hao was about to follow Jiang Wenhao, a voice came from behind Wang Hao.


"Why can he enter the special training class without taking the test when he is only at the sixth stage of spiritual power?"

Jiang Wenhao and Wang Hao looked back and saw Xu Yang's face was dark. They didn't care about Jiang Wenhao's pressure and questioned him directly.

Jiang Wenhao raised his hand, touched his chin, and looked at Xu Yang with interest.

"Interesting, you should be the highest level in this grade, and you are qualified to ask your own questions."

"Instead of me explaining, it would be more practical for you to fight."

Jiang Wenhao looked at the test teacher again and said: "Set them up a ring and let them compete."

The test teacher also obeyed, because when he called just now, Principal Hu said that he would meet all the requirements of Teacher Jiang.

After a while, the ring in the gymnasium was set up, and Wang Hao and Xu Yang also entered the ring.

Wang Hao's spiritual energy was surging, and the white spiritual energy covered his body, a bit like a fully powerful Sel.

Xu Yang looked much more ordinary, with many swords floating around him.

"It seems that Xu Yang is serious. I have never seen Xu Yang take out a sword. At most, he just took out the iron marbles to use."

"Xu Yang's weapon control can already control five weapons, but Wang Hao's momentum is not low either."

Suddenly, Xu Yang launched.

With a wave of his right hand, three swords flew directly towards Wang Hao's body.

Wang Hao also responded calmly, moving left and right to avoid two swords, and the last sword flew towards Wang Hao at a high speed.

Wang Hao did not avoid the swords and made a dangerous move.

Wang Hao gathered the spiritual power around his body in front of his chest, and the spiritual power around his body was compressed to form a spiritual power barrier to block the swords flying at a high speed.

Jiang Wenhao, who was under the ring, saw Wang Hao's moves and said: "Compressing the spiritual power around the body and concentrating it on the chest, forming a method similar to the spiritual energy armor commonly used in the second stage, it's high."

At this time, Xu Yang was also panicked. He didn't expect how Wang Hao, with the sixth stage of spiritual power, could block his attack.

Xu Yang's face was gloomy, and his eyes were a little fierce.

He put his hands together and pointed at the two swords that Wang Hao dodged. The two swords attacked Wang Hao from behind, and then pointed at Wang Hao. The two swords around him also rushed towards Wang Hao.

Wang Hao raised his mouth and said, "It's just a trick."

The spiritual power around Wang Hao surged and spread out in the direction of the other four swords.

When the white spiritual energy touched the swords, it wrapped around the surface of the swords, instantly erasing the spiritual power mark on the swords.

The swords lost the guidance of spiritual power and lost speed, and all fell from the air.

Xu Yang's eyes widened, and he was about to say something, but Wang Hao didn't give him a chance to speak.

He teleported to Xu Yang, put his hands on his waist, pressed his legs down, and instantly charged a punch.

The fist drew a white shadow and fell fiercely on Xu Yang's face, knocking him off the ring directly.

Jiang Wenhao looked at Wang Hao and had an idea in his mind. The spiritual power changed qualitatively in advance, and it was also a space system. Could it be that child?

Xu Yang also fainted after being beaten. At this time, the medical staff below were also ready. They picked up the stretcher and carried Xu Yang up and sent him directly to the medical room.

Jiang Wenhao also commented on the ring battle: "Arrogant and conceited, despised opponents, likes to use force to suppress others, has serious lack of combat experience, can't calmly think about countermeasures, and is not good at playing dirty tricks. In a word, he is a vegetable, so practice more."

"The past is the past, and the present is now. Don't take the previous level as the present. Lions fighting rabbits know to go all out, not to mention that Wang Hao is not a rabbit."

Jiang Wenhao said to the teacher who tested: "Convey my words to Xu Yang, and he doesn't need to come for the actual combat test. Just give him 60 points."

The teacher who tested also nodded, remembered Jiang Wenhao's words, and filled in the score on Xu Yang's score.

Then, Jiang Wenhao turned around and said to all the students who took the test: "I will be fully responsible for the subsequent assessments, and I will have the final say on the scoring. If you want to enter the special training class, you must be in the top 40."

There was a sigh of dejection in the crowd. Even Xu Yang, who had the best score, could only get 60 points. How low would their scores be?

Before Jiang Wenhao finished speaking, he added: "However, the special training class adopts the last elimination system. The last 20 students in the special training class will return to the ordinary class to participate in the ranking, and the top 20 students in the ordinary class will re-enter the special training class."

As soon as the supplementary words were finished, there was a cheer from the audience.

This means that students in ordinary classes also have the opportunity to be ranked in the special training class. Students who enjoy the resources of the first batch of special training classes will also have a sense of crisis. Will they be kicked out of their classmates? If others practice and I don't practice, will I be the last one and finally not be able to stay in the special training class.

Everyone has different ideas. Some people want to be the back wave of the Yangtze River that beats the front wave, and the front wave doesn't want to be killed by the back wave, so they can only follow the back wave.

In this way, the students of Guangfu No. 2 Middle School can only be more and more competitive. Jiang Wenhao just made institutional reforms to let the invisible pressure drive the students who took the Lingwu college entrance examination to be more competitive.

Even Wang Hao, who saw the truth, couldn't help but exclaimed that the ideas of this special training class teacher were really high, and directly led to the cultivation atmosphere of Guangfu No. 2 Middle School.

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