Yunshan Secret Realm,

On the thirteenth day of the college league, in the morning,

Wang Hao walked out of the tent in the camp,

After breakfast, the four members of Wang Hao's team began to head towards the waterfall.

The valley in the south is very steep, with steep slopes or cliffs everywhere.

The four people carefully shuttled between the mountainside,

Wang Hao walked in the front, he listened carefully to the sound of the water in the distance,

and found that the sound of the waterfall gradually became clearer,

so Wang Hao turned around and said to the people behind him: "Hold on a little longer, we will be there soon!"

The three people behind nodded, and they walked in the mountains like this,

crossing the steep slopes and cliffs, passing through the cliffs,

Finally, several people came to the top of the waterfall.

Looking down from the top of the waterfall, I saw that the waterfall was like a huge silver chain, pouring down from a high place, making a deafening roar.

The water droplets splashed, like smoke and fog, forming a gorgeous rainbow under the sunlight,

spanning the waterfall, so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

On both sides of the waterfall are steep rock walls covered with lush trees, adding a touch of vibrant green to the entire waterfall.

At the bottom of the waterfall is a deep green pool with splashing water and sparkling waves,

like a huge mirror, reflecting the surrounding mountains and blue sky and white clouds.

Wang Hao, Liu Yuzhao, Lin Qingxue, and Zhang Tiedan stood on the cliff beside the waterfall,

looking down from above, they couldn't help but sigh at the magic of nature, creating such a beautiful scenery!

At this time, Liu Yuzhao looked around and suddenly said to Wang Hao: "The place where Li Yang worshipped seems to be by the pool under the waterfall!" Wang Hao compared the surroundings, nodded in agreement, and said: "Let's go and take a look!" The four of them began to go down the mountain in a detour and soon came to the pool under the waterfall. After comparing everywhere, the four found the place for worship on the mural, but there was nothing on the original site. Everyone was a little disappointed. However, Wang Hao was not surprised. The murals might be painted with dead soldiers buried by Li Yang. Those coffins could not be left here in the wind and sun. So Wang Hao gave the order first, "Let's set up camp nearby first. We will probably be here for the next two days!"

Liu Yuzhao and Zhang Tiedan also nodded, put down their luggage, and started to build the camp.

Wang Hao walked towards the nearby area. He was going to go hunting.

The food they brought before was completely exhausted last night.

Wang Hao thought he could survive for fifteen days, but in the giant ape territory, he had to take care of Jiang Rou's team's meals, and ate up the first-grade wild boar of Wang Hao's team.

Although there were still spiritual fruits in the backpack to fill his stomach,

but people like Wang Hao who love meat could not accept eating only vegetarian food,

so Wang Hao began to look for spiritual beasts around.

Not long after, Wang Hao found a goat eating tender grass on the cliff under the surrounding cliff.

Wang Hao stared at it intently, and slowly crouched in the grass beside it, ─━ _ ─━✧

Suddenly, Wang Hao seized the gap between the goat eating tender grass and pounced on it with a teleportation!

But Wang Hao didn't expect that the goat was still very alert to the surrounding situation.

The goat peeked slightly, then did a spin jump, and finally pulled a big distance away!

The goat's actions made Wang Hao lose his mind and he missed.

"Damn it! (๑ʘ̅ д ʘ̅๑)!!!" Wang Hao was stunned by this operation, and looked at the goat on the cliff in shock.

After the goat saw Wang Hao's face clearly, its eyes were filled with three parts of disdain, three parts of ridicule, and four parts of contempt. 凸(>皿<)凸

Wang Hao's face was also a little red at this time. It was the first time he was despised by a goat! (〝▼皿▼)

"Just wait! If I can't catch you today, I'll take my father's last name!"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Hao started to move, teleporting closer to the goat,

But the goat was obviously on guard against his move, and swayed again and ran towards the mountainside,

Wang Hao saw that he had missed again, so he turned around again and chased the goat with the spirit knife,

One person and one goat were running on this cliff,

"Don't run!!! ٩(╬ఠдఠ)و "Wang Hao chased the goat and used his spiritual power to slash at it!

But the goat was not weak either, constantly using the protruding rocks on the cliff to dodge attacks,

and from time to time disgusted Wang Hao, using the height difference between the two to shit on Wang Hao's head!

Wang Hao was also furious about this and vowed to kill this stinky goat!o(▼皿▼メ;)o

The goat ran in front, and Wang Hao chased behind with a knife, and they ran for nearly an hour.

Finally, the goat was forced by Wang Hao to the edge of the cliff on the waterfall where Wang Hao had stopped before.

After Wang Hao forced the goat to the cliff, he also put his hands on his hips and panted,

and said with a mocking face (▼⊿▼): "Isn't it quite capable of running? Now run one for me to see? ”

The goat seemed to understand what he said, and looked at Wang Hao with contempt! (≖_≖ )

“Yo Yo Yo~~~”

“Where are you going? ヽ(#`Д´)ノ”

Wang Hao approached slowly, licking blood with the tip of the knife.

The goat also watched Wang Hao approach slowly, but it didn’t seem to panic at all. It shook its tongue and shook its head in mockery at Wang Hao.

Then it leaped in front of Wang Hao and jumped directly off the cliff waterfall of dozens of meters!

“Fuck! Are you serious? ∑(❍ฺд❍ฺlll)” Wang Hao walked quickly to the edge of the cliff and watched the goat fall!

Wang Hao’s mind was full of impulses, and the red temperature and the hot blood made him careless.

“Stinky goat! I’ll kill you today! I’ll keep my word! (╬◣д◢)”

Then Wang Hao also took a leap of faith! He jumped directly from the waterfall dozens of meters high!

Wang Hao's ears were filled with the whistling wind, accompanied by the roar of the waterfall, as if the hustle and bustle of the world was swallowed up in an instant.

His heartbeat accelerated, but more of an indescribable excitement and excitement!

Just as he was about to touch the water, he suddenly straightened his body, spread his arms, and adjusted his posture.

With a "plop", Wang Hao fell into the deep pool.

The deep pool was splashed with water, and the cold water instantly surrounded Wang Hao.

Wang Hao felt his body being pulled down by a huge force.

He quickly closed his eyes, held his breath, and let the water flow take him to the unknown depths.

Wait until After the impact of jumping off the waterfall was relieved, Wang Hao also tried to open his eyes.

This time, Wang Hao saw a different scene!

There were many iron chains at the bottom of the deep pool, each of which was embedded in the ground, and the other side of the iron chain was spreading in one direction.

Wang Hao also saw the escaped goat in the direction of the iron chain! ! !

He stared at the goat intently, and his intuition told him that as long as he followed the goat, he would find something!

Wang Hao also slowed down his movements and followed the goat from a distance.

In this way, one person and one goat swam towards the direction where the iron chains gathered.

After a while, Wang Hao saw a dark hole there!

The goat had already swam in, so Wang Hao followed it.

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