I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 62 Tempering The Right Hand!

Deep in the giant ape territory,

the head of the giant ape king slowly rolled off its body!

Poof! ! !

The blood was all over the battlefield,

but Wang Hao and others reacted in time and quickly avoided the blood rain that was spraying everywhere.

The giant ape king's body also lost the support of spiritual power and began to shrink slowly.

Until the huge body shrank to the original size of the giant ape king,

the blood rain spraying in the air gradually stopped.

Liu Yuzhao stepped forward, kicked the giant ape king on the head, and then retreated again.

"Dead? Dead!"

Wang Hao looked at Liu Yuzhao's actions speechlessly. He took off the mask he was wearing and said:

"How can he not die? The head has been chopped off! (¬_¬)"

As he said that, Wang Hao also strode forward and took the spirit core from the giant ape king neatly.

Originally, Wang Hao was happy to take out the second-grade spirit core,

but now, Wang Hao's team and Jiang Rou's team are different teams,

and there is only one spirit core!

How to divide this spirit core equally?

Jiang Rou saw Wang Hao rubbing his chin on the giant ape's corpse and thinking (︶︹︺), and guessed what Wang Hao was thinking about, and said directly to Wang Hao: "You killed the Giant Ape King, the spirit core belongs to you! If you feel bad, we will split the points of this spirit core equally!" The others also nodded in succession. If Wang Hao didn't have Wang Hao's axe at the last moment, they couldn't defeat the Giant Ape King. Wang Hao saw that everyone agreed, and he accepted it with peace of mind. Then he looked in the direction of the Giant Ape King's cave and said, "Let's go! It's time to harvest!" The others also nodded and walked excitedly towards the direction of the Giant Ape King's cave. Inside the Giant Ape King's cave, there was no change, just like when Wang Hao first arrived. It looked ordinary from the outside, but once you walk in, you will find that there is a different world inside! "Look, the bitter spirit tree!" Chen Yi pointed at the spirit tree soaking in the water in the corner. Jiang Rou also saw it, but couldn't help but glance at Wang Hao beside her. (¬_¬) If Wang Hao hadn't dug up the roots, the value of this spirit tree would be at least 100 million! Jiang Rou also sighed. Forget it, it's not a complete loss, although the value of this tree will be cut in half. So she said to Wang Hao: "This tree is given to us, how about we split the points equally?"

Wang Hao also nodded, he had already got the Giant Ape King's spiritual core,

As for the things in the ruins converted into points and divided in half, Wang Hao thought there was no problem,

Wang Hao also kindly reminded: "It's best not to touch the spiritual fruits under the spiritual tree! I drugged them all!"

Jiang Rou also saw the spiritual fruits under the spiritual tree that were a little black and had pinholes,

She couldn't help but doubt the intelligence of the Giant Ape King,

"This Giant Ape King is really stupid to death!"

Then several people began to explore near the Giant Ape King's cave,

After all, Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao only explored the entrance before,

As for the deeper places, Wang Hao and others were afraid of being blocked by the Giant Ape King at the entrance, so they didn't go in to explore.

This place is very big, much bigger than the snow mountain cave Wang Hao and his team had entered before.

Wang Hao shouted to them: "Explore freely around first, we will come back here in three hours to organize the information!"

The others also nodded, and then headed deeper into the cave.

Finally, Wang Hao was the only one left at the edge of the spiritual spring pool.

Wang Hao looked at the spiritual spring pool and muttered to himself: "(˘•ω•˘) It would be a pity if such a good spiritual pool is not used properly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Hao undressed and jumped into the spiritual spring.

The water level of the spiritual spring was not high, only about one meter,

Wang Hao just sat down and showed his head.

"It has been a long time since I made a substantial breakthrough. If I don't make a breakthrough, it will be difficult to deal with the next game!"

Wang Hao's previous challenge was too ostentatious, which attracted the hatred of many schools.

It is estimated that those schools will really join hands to deal with them in the last fifteen days!

And as they enter the secret realm for a longer time, more and more people will break through to the first level.

After all, the most abundant thing in the secret realm is the spiritual core!

When the strength of others catches up, Wang Hao may not be able to suppress them with his current strength.

Moreover, Wang Hao has been stuck at the tenth stage of the spiritualist for too long. If he wants to make a breakthrough, it is definitely impossible to start from the level. The director of the Zhenling Division promised him a spiritual core of the space system!

If he wasted the position of spiritual skills in the secret realm, he would lose a lot!

Finally, after thinking about it, Wang Hao decided to start from the direction of body refining.

Although Wang Hao did not have Jiang Wenhao watching him this time,

but with the previous experience of tempering the meridians with spiritual power in his left hand, Wang Hao still had a certain degree of confidence.

Moreover, when tempering the left hand at that time, a huge amount of spiritual energy was consumed,

and the thing that was least lacking in this spiritual spring pool was spiritual energy!

So Wang Hao planned to make another attempt and start tempering his right hand at the tenth stage of spiritual master!

Wang Hao sat by the spiritual pool with his eyes closed, and slowly immersed his right palm in the spiritual spring.

The surface of the spiritual pool was rippling with a faint blue light, as if it contained endless life force.

He took a deep breath, and recalled the scene of the first time he integrated spiritual power into his left hand.

Wang Hao began to learn the steps he took when he first explored,

a warm current began to slowly flow out of the spiritual pool, through his palm, and into his body.

This familiar warm current was like a hot current, shuttling through Wang Hao's meridians, bringing a tingling feeling.

He clenched his teeth and tried to keep himself calm, letting this power flow through his body.

Gradually, he felt the meridians in his right hand begin to heat up, as if there was a flame burning.

As time went on, the heat became more and more intense, as if it was going to melt his right hand!

Fine beads of sweat oozed out of Wang Hao's forehead, but he still closed his eyes and silently endured the pain.

He knew that this was the critical moment to temper the meridians in his right hand. As long as he could get through it, his strength would be improved.

As long as he could pass this level and let the meridians in his right hand show lines like the left hand,

then he would have succeeded 80%!

At this moment, a loud bang came from his right hand, as if something was broken.

He felt that the meridians in his right hand became unobstructed in an instant, as if a powerful force was surging in it.

This power was continuously drawn from the spirit pool, constantly strengthening his right hand.

Wang Hao carefully felt the changes brought by his right hand.

The whole right hand was like a heat source, spreading energy around,

constantly feeding back and nourishing Wang Hao's body, making Wang Hao's physical fitness stronger!

If Wang Hao's physical fitness could withstand the second-grade spirit core before, now Wang Hao can try the third-grade spirit core!

And Wang Hao was surprised to find that the acupoints in his right arm were completely opened!

He took a rough look at the four acupoints of Chize, Kongzui, Lieque, and Taiyuan on his arm,

the acupoints of Jianshi, Neiguan, Ximen, Shaohai, and Tongli on the palm.

This time, the meridians were tempered, and the nine acupoints on the right hand were directly opened!

Gradually, Wang Hao woke up from the practice, and he slowly opened his eyes.

He looked at his right arm again and again, and the lines on his right hand naturally emerged, showing a faint white color.

Wang Hao felt that his right hand became as hard as iron and stone, and full of powerful power.

He knew that he had successfully tempered the meridians in his right hand, and his strength had also been greatly improved!

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