I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 61 Another Battle With The Giant Ape King!

Wang Hao and Jiang Rou's teams gathered in the camp.

Wang Hao walked in front and said, "Let's go!"

The others nodded, and the eight of them set out from the camp at the same time.

When they arrived at the giant ape territory,

they observed that many giant apes were still evacuating.

This also confirmed the plan of Wang Hao and others.

They had made a long enough isolation zone between the giant ape king and the group of giant apes.

Now, as long as they enter the basin where the giant ape king is, they can fight the giant ape king with peace of mind, without worrying about other giant apes coming to harass them!

After Wang Hao arrived outside the basin, he turned to look at Liu Yuzhao,

"Send the spirit ants to find the location of the giant ape king!"

"Watch me!" Liu Yuzhao spread his hands and summoned the imperial spirit.

The spirit ants crawled from Liu Yuzhao's hands to the ground and began to control the nearby ant colonies to conduct a carpet search to find the giant ape king.

Wang Hao and others closed their eyes and rested at the edge of the basin.

They all knew that there would be a big battle waiting for them soon, so they needed to conserve their energy!

In less than half an hour, the spirit ant climbed onto Liu Yuzhao's hand from nearby and exchanged information with him.

After understanding the information, Liu Yuzhao also smiled,

"Wang Hao, your laxative is really useful!"

"Now the giant ape king is squatting in the pit three kilometers to the east!"

"According to the information given by the spirit ant, the smell of the giant ape king can be smelled one kilometer away from the pit, hahahaha!"

After hearing the news, Wang Hao turned to others and said: "(¬_¬) We will kill it two kilometers away from the giant ape king later!"

As for why they didn't attack the giant ape king squatting in the pit now?

The reason is that Wang Hao dislikes the smell and dirt!

He was really afraid that if he went to fight with the giant ape king now, the angry giant ape king would throw feces at them!

That would not only be unacceptable to Wang Hao, but everyone present would not be able to accept it!

To take everyone's psychological state into consideration, the original surprise attack was changed to a mid-way ambush...

Jiang Rou and Lin Qingxue also had the same concerns,

but they were relieved when they heard that Wang Hao changed to a mid-way ambush, (ノ ̄▽ ̄)

They were really afraid that Wang Hao would rush in like a fool, and they would suffer.

Several people also moved quickly, each finding a good position to squat,

Liu Yuzhao and Chen Yi, two people who were not good at fighting, set up traps near the position of the ape king to prevent the ape king from escaping.

Half an hour later, the ape king stood up from the squatting pit with an ugly face,

It squatted in the pit all night! ! !

At first it thought it was just a normal stomach upset,

but it had diarrhea all night!

It slowly realized that it might have been drugged!

As for the person who drugged it,

the ape king instantly thought of the two stinky monkeys who came to provoke it that day! (#`皿´)

One of them had been beaten into minced meat, and the other one, wearing its boxing gloves and mask, was missing.

The Giant Ape King also frowned. He had been searching in his territory for two days,

but still couldn't find any trace of the monkey.

If this goes on, his things will be really lost!

The Giant Ape King couldn't accept it, so he planned to walk out of the Giant Ape Secret Realm after two days and look for other places.

When the Giant Ape King stood up from the pit, his legs and feet felt sore and numb.

Even he staggered and prepared to go back to his cave to rest.

The Giant Ape King was walking halfway back,

and suddenly, he felt a chill on his back, as if someone attacked him from behind.

The giant ape king shrank his neck and suddenly fell to the ground, avoiding Wang Hao's attack on his neck!

Wang Hao clenched his two knives tightly, and his figure disappeared in an instant, leaving only a gust of wind.

He attacked again, and the sharp knife energy from the two knives caught the giant ape king off guard.

But the giant ape king relied on his flexible body to avoid Wang Hao's attacks many times!

When the giant ape king saw the black hood Wang Hao was wearing, he instantly remembered that this was the monkey who stole his spiritual weapon that day!


Its roar shook the earth, it struggled to stand up, and smashed the ground with its huge fist.

For a while, the ground trembled!

The giant ape king was full of anger, and he used his giant ape fist against Wang Hao!

"Be careful!" Lin Qingxue next to him also reminded,

I saw Lin Qingxue using her newly acquired spiritual skill - blizzard!

Blocking the giant ape king's sight, Wang Hao also took advantage of the moment when Lin Qingxue blocked him and distanced himself from the giant ape king!

"All go all out! "Wang Hao shouted loudly after retreating to the back.

Two tough guys suddenly rushed out from the bushes around the Giant Ape King.

They were Zhang Tiedan and Lin Gang!

After working together to kill the Giant Ape,

they also got their innate spiritual skills from the Giant Ape - Giant Ape Fist!

The two rushed out from the bushes on the left and right sides of the Giant Ape King, respectively, and used the spiritual skills they had just acquired.

But in the eyes of the Giant Ape King, their spiritual skills were still too low, and their moves were no different from ordinary Giant Ape Fists.

It dodged easily and then displayed the real Giant Ape Fist to fight back!

In a flash, Zhang Tiedan and Lin Gang were blasted away by the Giant Ape King,

until they knocked down three or four big trees, and they fell under the trees coughing up blood.


"Lin Gang! "

Others looked in the direction of the two nervously, but fortunately the two were strong and waved to others to show that they were fine.

The others were completely relieved,

but they were also more careful at this time.

After all, it was a bit difficult for them to win by relying on the number advantage of the second-grade giant ape king.

At this time, Wang Hao on the tree began to move again.

He was seen holding the two knives tightly, leaning forward slightly, ready to attack at any time.

Wang Hao's two knives danced quickly, as if two lightning bolts passed through the air.

He knew that the power of the giant ape king was extremely great and could not be confronted head-on. He could only win with skills and speed.

Suddenly, Wang Hao made a feint and his body instantly appeared on the other side of the giant ape king.

The giant ape king was unable to react in time, and Wang Hao took the opportunity to chop its back with a knife.

However, the giant ape king's leather armor was too thick, and the blade only left a shallow scratch on it.

When Wang Hao saw this, he also grinned and cursed: "It's really hard!ヽ(#`Д´)ノ”

The Giant Ape King was obviously not the type to passively take a beating. While Wang Hao was cursing, he used the Giant Ape Fist on Wang Hao!

A water wall suddenly appeared in front of Wang Hao.

"Lin Qingxue!" Jiang Rou also shouted.

Lin Qingxue also reacted and immediately froze the water wall to block the Giant Ape King's fist!

Jiang Rou, who was turning into a water spirit, walked behind Wang Hao, slapped him on the back of his head, and said, "Focus on fighting, don't be distracted! <(`^´)>"

Wang Hao also knew that his cursing just now affected him.

At the same time, he also realized that his current defense was really insufficient and he could only rely on teleportation to avoid damage.

He also calmed himself down and fought the Giant Ape King with a normal mentality.

After Wang Hao regained his inner peace, he once again joined the ranks of those who surrounded and killed the Giant Ape King.

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