I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 58 Battle Royale!

The Giant Ape King reacted one second after they ran away!

It shouted loudly in animal language: "Stop! Who gave you the courage to steal my things!"

But Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao couldn't understand animal language.

They only heard the Giant Ape King roaring at them.

The two ignored him and ran faster!

Wang Haoε=ε=ε=┌┤*´д`├┘

Liu Yuzhaoε=ε=ε=┌(;´°ェ°)┘

The Giant Ape King behind them saw that the two did not turn back, and was also furious.

He got up from the hot spring pool and chased Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao.

The giant ape territory was full of dense jungles.

Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao used the jungle to avoid the giant ape king's sight.

From time to time, they imitated the giant ape's running and shuttled through the jungle.

But this was mostly useless.

Because in their sacks, the two ancient spiritual weapons were still emitting a faint light.

The giant ape king could quickly determine their location!

Suddenly, a deafening roar came from a distance, which made the two people's heartbeats accelerate.

They knew that this was the roar of the giant ape king.

"To your left!" Liu Yuzhao reminded in a low voice.

Wang Hao also noticed the giant ape king rushing over from his left.

Wang Hao quickly jumped up and hung on the tree with one hand.

Then he bounced off the branch by inertia and narrowly avoided the giant ape king's hand that was swooping over to grab Wang Hao.

The giant ape king was in a hurry to catch Wang Hao, so it didn't stop at all when it rushed over.

So it slid on the ground for a long time and hit a tree before it stopped.

Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao also took advantage of the time when it couldn't get up to quickly distance themselves.

Liu Yuzhao began to observe the best escape route before planning.

He ran in front of Wang Hao, pointed to the front, and said: "There are no powerful spirit beasts within a straight range of three kilometers on this road!"

The two ran wildly along a narrow path.

The roar of the giant ape king behind was getting closer and closer, giving Wang Hao the feeling that it could catch up at any time.

Suddenly, the giant ape king rushed out of the woods and blocked the way of the two.

It swung its huge fist and smashed it to the ground, causing a strong vibration.

Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao looked at each other and immediately separated,

one to the left and the other to the right, bypassing the giant ape king.

The giant ape king was shocked by the speed of the two.

It roared angrily and turned to chase the two.

The roar of the giant ape king could be heard from time to time in the jungle at night.

Along with the roar came various fallen trees.

The giant ape king chased Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao while attacking the tree trunks with his fists,

causing the tree trunks to fall forward continuously.

It wanted to block the way of Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao in this way.

But it didn't expect Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao to be so flexible.

They seemed to have an eye behind their backs.

Every time the trees fell in the direction they were moving forward,

they could flexibly avoid them and deal with the giant ape king through the fallen trees.

But the protagonist of this battle royale did not change.

The giant ape king was still chasing them relentlessly behind them.

As time went on,

they had been fleeing in this jungle for a long time.

The trees around them became denser and denser, and the leaves above blocked the moonlight, making the jungle darker.

Every roar of the Giant Ape King made the surrounding leaves vibrate, as if it was announcing their death.

Wang Hao, who was running in front, observed the surroundings with sharp eyes.

After they ran to this forest, there were surprisingly many vines around.

He also found that after entering the dense forest,

the Giant Ape King's pursuit speed began to slow down, and Wang Hao keenly observed this.

Wang Hao reminded Liu Yuzhao while running, "Do you see the vines around? I'll deal with it, you go to the tree and pull a few long vines to trap it!" Liu Yuzhao nodded after receiving the order and ran to the side, while Wang Hao stayed nearby and dealt with the giant ape king. From time to time, a dark shadow appeared behind the surrounding trees. However, because Wang Hao was wearing a pink headgear, his figure could be clearly seen in the dark. The giant ape king was very decisive and used his spiritual skill, the giant ape fist, directly on Wang Hao's figure! There was a huge hole made by a giant fist under the big tree where Wang Hao had just stayed. Wang Hao leaned against another big tree, and cold sweat slowly fell on his head. If the punch just now hit Wang Hao, he would explode directly! The second-grade spiritual beast is indeed extraordinary! At this time, Wang Hao saw Liu Yuzhao on the tree giving a signal and nodded.

Then Wang Hao walked out from behind the tree, twisted his butt towards the giant ape king, made a provocative gesture, and then ran away. 凸(`△´+)

When the giant ape king saw the monkey's behavior, he exhaled heavily from his nose and his face quickly turned red! (╬◣д◢)

In its cognition, it was not the first time it had seen a giant ape that dared to challenge it. On the contrary, it would use its absolute strength to teach it to be an ape.

But it was the first time it had seen a monkey like Wang Hao who provoked it and brought another companion to steal its mask and gloves.

So the giant ape king was very annoyed by this existence that dared to play tricks on it.

It stared at Wang Hao straight, and flames were almost coming out of its eyes.

Without hesitation, he used his special move in the direction of Wang Hao's escape.

The giant ape king beat his chest hard, and his body began to grow gradually, from the original five meters to ten meters.

It gathered spiritual power in its fist and rushed directly towards Wang Hao.

Wang Hao looked at the giant ape king's moves, turned around and shouted to Liu Yuzhao: "Quick pull!"

After receiving the order, Liu Yuzhao also quickly pulled the vine in his hand.

The surrounding vines also quickly straightened up with Liu Yuzhao's pulling!

Many trip wires formed under the feet of the giant ape king, and there were dozens of large trees around as support points.

The moment it was pulled up, the giant ape king who passed by was thrown to the ground!

Wang Hao was not idle standing in the same place. He saw his feet inserted into the ground and pulled hard.

A cloud of dust was raised in front of the giant ape king's eyes.

The giant ape king with sand in his eyes closed his eyes and roared angrily. The roar was so loud that it spread throughout the giant ape territory!

Liu Yuzhao, who was pulling the vine, was not idle either. After tripping the giant ape queen, he quickly shuttled around his feet and tied a knot with the long vine. It would take time for the giant ape king to break free! Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao looked at each other and quickly disappeared in front of the giant ape king. But the difference this time was that the two ran in opposite directions. While walking, Wang Hao patted the giant ape king's butt! This made the giant ape king angry (〝▼皿▼), and his mind was full of thoughts about how to kill this pink-headed monkey! As for Liu Yuzhao, who was running towards the camp, he didn't even look at him. After breaking free from the vine on his feet, the giant ape king immediately chased in the direction where Wang Hao disappeared.

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