I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 56 Return To The Giant Ape Territory!

"(°Д°)What? You dug up the tree roots!!!" Jiang Rou grabbed Wang Hao's collar and shook him vigorously.

"(;¬_¬)Uh uh... The fruits were all thrown on the ground... I don't know if they will go bad..." Wang Hao added,

Jiang Rou was also amused by Wang Hao at this time,

Turning to Chen Yi, she said viciously: "Chen Yi, go to the camp and get the knife, I want to dig up his roots too!"

Wang Hao couldn't sit still,

"Damn! So cruel?"

"I'll run away!"

Wang Hao teleported directly to the front, and Jiang Rou chased him angrily, and the two chased each other in the sunset and dusk,

When Wang Hao became successful in the future, he would think of the scene of Jiang Rou chasing him and beating him after losing 100 million that day,

Thinking of the two running in the sunset~~~That was my lost youth~~~

Finally, Jiang Rou couldn't run faster than Wang Hao and gave up the chase,

Wang Hao also stopped and made them dinner as an apology.

After dinner, Wang Hao was soaking in the hot spring pool while thinking about today's incredible operation. It would be fine if he didn't think about it, but when he thought about how he had chopped down a tree worth 100 million, he felt more and more at a loss! Wang Hao was so angry that he stood up directly from the hot spring pool,

ヽ(#`Д´)ノ"No! I want to take back what I lost!"

After saying that, Wang Hao decisively stood up from the hot spring pool, wrapped himself in a bathrobe and went to find Liu Yuzhao,

"Huh? You still want to go again?"

"No, brother! You are really free!"

"Didn't we agree to stop while we are ahead? Why are you still thinking about going back to do another job!"

Wang Hao shook his finger and began to PUA Liu Yuzhao,

"\(`Δ’)/Just tell me if we didn't do it thoroughly enough today!"

"You actually wasted such an important resource as the bitter spirit fruit and threw it on the ground! It's really extravagant! We should recycle it thoroughly! Put an end to this situation!"

Liu Yuzhao glanced at Wang Hao(¬_¬), "No, Hao, you didn't say that this morning..."

Wang Hao also scratched his head and said: "Did I say that?"ㄟ(▔ ,▔)ㄏ

"People say a gentleman's word is as good as his bond, but am I a gentleman?ㄟ(▔ ,▔)ㄏ"

"ヽ(#`Д´)ノOh! The past was the past, and the present is the present! You can't always treat the past as the present!"

(#`n´) These are two different situations! Now the tree is worth 100 million. If we go back and transport it back, it will be worth 50 million if we cut it in half! "

"Who can resist money!"

Wang Hao kept giving PUA to Liu Yuzhao, which made Liu Yuzhao very upset.

"Okay, okay, I'll go with you, okay!"

When Wang Hao heard this, he immediately grabbed his hand,

(* ̄3 ̄)╭♡ said affectionately: "You are really my good brother!"

The two made full preparations in the camp and set off again,

"Wait a minute!" Wang Hao grabbed Liu Yuzhao who was walking in front of him,

Wang Hao threw a bandit hood to Liu Yuzhao with his little hand!

Wang Hao put on a black headgear and said to Liu Yuzhao: "Put it on first! I'm afraid that gorilla will remember us when we go there."

Liu Yuzhao looked at the headgear in his hand and said with gritted teeth:"(〝▼皿▼)Can't you buy the same style? What's the point of giving me a pink one? "

Wang Hao also explained:"Hey(▔ ,▔)ㄏAt that time, I could buy two pieces for 9.9 yuan in Bingxixi, but I placed the order without checking. "

"(〝▼皿▼)Are you sure you didn't check when you bought it? And why are mine pilling, and why are yours nylon! "

"......" (;¬_¬)

"(´-ι_-`)Okay, only yours was bought by Bing Xixi."

"So what do you mean by buying the pink one?"

Wang Hao's face turned red under the hood,


"Uh..., a little hobby?"

Liu Yuzhao was trying to hold back his laughter, ( ´゚ж゚` )

Wang Hao started to get anxiousヽ(#`Д´)ノ, "Take it with you! You'll only use it once anyway, why ask so many questions!"

Wang Hao grabbed the hood from his hand and put it on his head,

Then he pulled Liu Yuzhao towards the direction of the giant ape's territory.

The two of them shuttled through the jungle,

because they had explored the road in the morning, so they walked very fast this time.

It took them less than an hour to reach the edge of the basin they had seen before when they passed through the jungle.

Back to the basin again, but the surrounding scene has also changed. The fog around has dispersed, and the surrounding trees are all creased, and some have completely collapsed on the ground. Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao knew at a glance that the giant ape king couldn't find the beast, and he was angry on the surrounding trees. Liu Yuzhao looked at the fallen trees around him and murmured: "This giant ape king has a really bad temper!" "Don't worry about it for now, separate and look for what we want!" Wang Hao looked around for the tree he dug up. Reminded by Wang Hao, Liu Yuzhao also began to look for the scattered spiritual fruits around, but the two looked around and didn't see a fallen spiritual fruit. Even the spiritual fruit that was hanging on the tree and bitten by Wang Hao and others was picked up! "Damn! That giant ape king is really smart!" Liu Yuzhao said,

"Yeah! It didn't even let go of the spiritual fruit I bit. It's afraid of thieves in its house!"

Liu Yuzhao asked Wang Hao, "What should we do next?"

Wang Hao looked at the deepest part they had never been to before.

When they came in the morning, Wang Hao felt it was too dangerous because of the spiritual fog blocking his vision, so he chose not to go.

But now it's just night, and the fog in the basin has not completely covered the middle part of the basin.

At this time, Wang Hao can see the situation inside the basin clearly from a distance.

With a gleam in his eyes, Wang Hao looked at the direction of the deepest part and said, "Since we are here, how can we return empty-handed? Let's go in and take a look!"

As he said that, Wang Hao pointed to the cave where the giant ape king was.

Liu Yuzhao looked in the direction of Wang Hao's finger and happened to see the cave in the middle of the basin.

He turned around and questioned Wang Hao,

"Are you going to die?"

Wang Hao explained: "We have no information about the Giant Ape King. I want to go in and see what's going on."

Liu Yuzhao stared at Wang Hao,

Wang Hao also looked at Liu Yuzhao,

Finally, Liu Yuzhao sighed and said: "Then I will sacrifice my life to accompany you! Let's go!"

Wang Hao saw Liu Yuzhao walking in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He stepped forward and rubbed Liu Yuzhao's head, saying: "I thought you would run first, but I didn't expect you to be so righteous!"

Liu Yuzhao also broke free from his hand that was rubbing his head, glanced at Wang Hao,

and said: "Do you think I'm like you! Let me tell you first, if I really get caught here, I won't let you go even if I become a ghost!"

Although the two were noisy, in this dangerous situation,

they were both on high alert. After all, this was the territory of the second-grade Giant Ape King, but they couldn't beat it with just the two of them.

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