I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 54: In-Depth Investigation

In the eastern part of the secret realm,

outside the giant ape territory,

blood flowed into the warm hot spring, quickly dyeing the entire pool red,

and there were the two dead giant ape bodies on the edge of the pool,

at this time, Wang Hao was standing on the giant ape to dig out the spirit core,

he slowly broke the giant ape's body, found a blue crystal from it, and took it out skillfully.

The others around him were also watching Wang Hao's skillful operation, and they all exclaimed in amazement.

Jiang Rou thought to herself, how many spirit beasts has this man killed, so skillful?

In less than ten seconds, another spirit core was also taken out of the giant ape's body by Wang Hao.

Wang Hao threw the spirit core he had just taken out to Jiang Rou,

so the spirit core problem of the two teams was completely solved,

one of the purposes of Wang Hao's trip was completed,

now all that was left was to win the championship and explore the ruins left by the body-refining masters.

After the few people returned to the camp, it was already midnight. Wang Hao reminded Liu Yuzhao and Zhang Tiedan, "Don't sleep for the next two days. Practice at night. Try to raise your level to the tenth level of spiritual master in these two days, and then merge the spiritual core to quickly enter the first level!" The two people who were named also nodded and agreed to this approach. After all, after cooperating with Jiang Rou's team, Zhang Tiedan and Liu Yuzhao were the only two people among the eight who did not reach the first level. Even Lin Gang, who was also a power-type, absorbed the spiritual core of the giant ape tonight and reached the first level. This put a lot of pressure on them. If it was really because of the two of them that the team was held back, they would also feel guilty. So this night, Zhang Tiedan and Liu Yuzhao were both practicing seriously.

No one spoke all night.

The time came to the morning of the next day.

At this time, a spiritual power emerged in Zhang Tiedan's tent,

which was seen by Wang Hao who got up early.

On the other side, spiritual energy also surged in Liu Yuzhao's tent behind Zhang Tiedan.

"Oh? Just finished talking last night, and broke through today."

In fact, Wang Hao thought it was as it should be.

The two of them had reached the strength of the ninth stage of spiritual masters before the start of the secret realm,

and stayed in the secret realm for nine days.

It is not too easy to break through in such a place where even breathing carries spiritual energy!

Wang Hao was also waiting for them to break through completely.

The first thing to do after breaking through the tenth stage of spiritual masters is to integrate the spiritual core.

This is what they are doing now!

In the tent, the spiritual core in Liu Yuzhao's chest is getting smaller and smaller,

and Liu Yuzhao's momentum is gradually increasing!

In the end, the spirit core in his hand completely dissipated.

When Liu Yuzhao walked out of the tent,

he saw Wang Hao, Lin Qingxue and Zhang Tiedan who were waiting for him,

and he also went forward to say hello,

"Good morning, everyone!"

Wang Hao also asked Liu Yuzhao,

"After you are promoted to the first rank, how many kilometers of information can the spirit ant detect?"

When he was in Guangfu No. 2 Middle School, Liu Yuzhao was able to detect a distance of five kilometers in radius.

Now after being promoted to the first rank, the detection range must be improved.

Liu Yuzhao roughly estimated and gave the answer,

"About seven kilometers."

Wang Hao touched his chin and said to himself: "Well, it's enough!"

What Wang Hao and his team have to do today is to explore the giant ape territory in depth.

Liu Yuzhao's exploration ability is a must!

So the farther his exploration ability is, the more beneficial it is to the entire team.

On the other side, Jiang Rou's team had already set out to explore early in the morning.

And Wang Hao and others left the camp now because they needed to wait for Zhang Tiedan and Liu Yuzhao to break through, which was slower than them.

The four-member team was divided into two groups.

Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao were in one group, and they were responsible for going deep into the giant ape territory.

And the combination of Lin Qingxue and Zhang Tiedan was responsible for guarding the periphery of the giant ape territory, recording and observing the distribution of giant apes and the surrounding terrain.

The four men set off in two groups.

Wang Hao took Liu Yuzhao and teleported while letting Liu Yuzhao control the surrounding ant colonies and exchange information around them.

Not long after, they had already gone three kilometers deep into the giant ape territory.

Wang Hao began to be cautious. In the information given to them by the Zhenling Division, there was no information about the situation deep in the giant ape territory.

It was only known that there was a second-grade giant ape gorilla deep in the giant ape territory.

The rest of the information was blank, so Wang Hao didn't know what they would encounter after going deep into the giant ape territory.

Just when Wang Hao was lost in thought, Liu Yuzhao's voice sounded beside Wang Hao,

"Wang Hao, the information exchanged by the spirit ants came out. There are at least hundreds of first-grade giant apes around us!"

"And two of these hundred have reached the same level as the snow monsters we encountered before!"

Wang Hao also came back to his senses after listening to the information brought by Liu Yuzhao.

After listening to Liu Yuzhao's information, he frowned. What the hell!

There are nearly a hundred giant apes in this three-kilometer range alone. The number of people alone can kill them!

Wang Hao responded, "Let's go, and go deeper. At least now we don't need to hunt them to provoke them." Liu Yuzhao nodded and followed Wang Hao to go deeper. When they went five kilometers deep into the giant ape territory, "Huh?" Liu Yuzhao received the information brought by the spirit ants and made a surprised sound. "What's wrong?" Wang Hao walked in front and turned his head to look at him. "What's the situation? The giant apes nearby will be much less than those at three kilometers!" Liu Yuzhao replied, "We detected more than a hundred giant apes near the three kilometers, but There are even fewer giant apes here, only more than 20 giant apes have been detected! "

Wang Hao touched his chin and inferred: "Could it be that these giant apes are divided into classes? We were in the civilian area just now? Now we are in the rich area?"

Liu Yuzhao also agreed with Wang Hao's speculation and added: "It is indeed possible that among these more than 20 giant apes, they are all in the middle stage of the first rank or above, and they are much stronger than the ones we met before."

With such a conjecture, Wang Hao made another inference,

"Is it possible that there is only one giant ape king in the deepest part of the giant ape territory? Orangutans? "

Liu Yuzhao also replied: "It's possible! If the giant apes have this kind of class concept, the deepest part may be where the king of the giant apes stays, and it is difficult for other gorillas to get close!"

"Let's go and take a deeper look! If it is really similar to what we guessed, then it will be easy!"

Wang Hao raised his robe and led Liu Yuzhao to the deepest part.

They shuttled through the giant ape territory.

Because the place is large, but there are few giant apes.

Unlike at three kilometers, they met one from time to time.

Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao walked for half a kilometer. They didn't meet any one all day. Of course, Liu Yuzhao was observing the surroundings and avoided the route with giant apes and gorillas. They walked along the route provided by Liu Yuzhao. Soon, the two walked out of the jungle and saw a low-lying basin. This large basin was like a huge meteorite crater. The basin was bare around, with only a small amount of weeds growing next to it. But it was different inside the basin. There were many spiritual fruit trees growing around it. The spiritual fruits on these spiritual fruit trees were thick and full, making people want to take a bite! Because it was morning, there was still fog in the middle of the basin that had not dissipated. In Wang Hao's opinion, this fog was not ordinary water mist, but fog formed by the excessive liquefaction of spiritual energy. Even Liu Yuzhao couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw it, "This is heaven!"

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