I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 52: Gigantic Ape

The two teams were discussing while eating at the table, thinking about how to formulate a perfect plan that would allow them to enter the depths of the giant ape territory. "How about sending someone to poison the giant apes?" Xu Zihang proposed a method. Wang Hao retorted: "It won't work. First of all, we don't know which poisons can effectively poison the giant apes, and even if there are, the dosage we need is very large, and it will be difficult to gather in a short time." "Then let's play the game of luring the tiger away from the mountain? Lure away some of the giant apes and solve some of them first?" Liu Yuzhao proposed his idea. Jiang Rou also joined the discussion and rejected Liu Yuzhao's idea. "No, I We tried, and the number of people we transferred was far more than ours, at least ten giant apes, otherwise we wouldn't have fled in a panic on the first day. "

The two teams discussed for an hour, but they didn't come up with a final plan. In the final analysis, there was still too little information about the giant ape territory here. After all, they had only been here for one day at most. Wang Hao and others had not come into contact with giant apes. All they knew about giant apes came from Xu Zihang's narration. So the two teams decided to collect some more information tomorrow, and then make a long-term plan after they had a basic understanding of the giant ape territory.

Dinner time was over,

Wang Hao also changed into a bathrobe,

and prepared to go to the nearby hot springs for a while.

Just as he was about to leave,

a hand pinched the soft flesh on Wang Hao's waist from behind.

Wang Hao felt pain and turned around,

seeing Jiang Rou with a smile on her face,

"Hey, where are you going? Peeping thief! (◦`~´◦)"

Jiang Rou gritted her teeth when she said this,

Wang Hao was also guilty at this time,

but as long as she didn't have evidence, he would insist that it wasn't him,

who can blame me!

" (;¬_¬)Peeping thief? Who peeped? Who did you peepe on?"

Jiang Rou also rolled her eyes and insisted that it was Wang Hao who did it,

which made her feel familiar,

and the timing of Wang Hao's team's appearance,

Finally, Liu Yuzhao and Zhang Tiedan met before they were spied on, and the timeline didn't match,

and Jiang Rou also asked Lin Qingxue, she was exploring in the opposite direction of the hot spring,

it can be said to be completely irrelevant!

The most suspicious person is Wang Hao, whom they saw after arriving at the camp of Guangfu No. 2 Middle School!

Jiang Rou leaned close to Wang Hao's ear and whispered: "⌓‿⌓Wang Hao~~~ You don't want others to find out what you did."

Wang Hao got goosebumps after hearing this,

but still said stubbornly,

"What are you talking about? I warn you not to talk nonsense!"

"Besides, I don't even want to see your two taels of meat! (¬_¬)"

Jiang Rou still replied with a fake smile,

"Really? Do you dare to open your storage space for me to check~ Maybe the black robe I saw is in it?"

Wang Hao began to sweat profusely at this time (ーー;),

because the black robe was indeed in his storage space!

If she really found it, he would be caught red-handed!

Wang Hao was quick-witted and ran away!

First keep a distance, then destroy the stolen goods!

Jiang Rou was just prepared for this move, and she directly put a huge chokehold on him! Jiang Rou was not pretending anymore, Jiang Rou (╬◣д◢) "You still say it wasn't you!" Wang Hao (;¬_¬) "Maybe... it wasn't me..." "Besides, I didn't mean it! At first I thought it was just a few monkeys taking a bath, how could I know it was you!" "Hey, hey, hey, don't hit me on the head!" "Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Hey, hey, hey! Jiang Rou, don't take off my clothes! I'm not wearing anything underneath!"

Finally, Jiang Rou slapped Wang Hao twice and left with a red face...

Wang Hao was also disheveled, with two big red handprints on his face.

After watching Jiang Rou leave, Wang Hao stood up and tidied his bathrobe.

He touched his face and muttered,

"This little girl! It hurts so much when she hits me!"

He didn't stop and went to take a hot spring bath.

At the edge of the hot spring in the east, Wang Hao tentatively put his feet into the water, and found that the water temperature was just right, so he filed in. After soaking in the hot spring, Wang Hao closed his eyes and began to enjoy it. (ーー) "Ah~~~" "Enjoy~~~" "I haven't soaked in a hot spring for a long time, and it's still so comfortable." Wang Hao also wiped his body with his bare chest, dispelling the fatigue of rushing around these days. Just as Wang Hao was enjoying the hot spring, there was a sound of water entering nearby. Wang Hao's ears were very sharp, and he soon heard the movement. He also became alert and hurriedly went ashore to wipe his body and put on his clothes. "It's so late, are there still wild animals hunting nearby?" "Or are there other people coming here to soak in the hot spring?" Wang Hao, who was about to rush over, hesitated at this time. If he ran into Lin Qingxue soaking in the hot spring, he would really be in trouble now! Just when Wang Hao thought about it, he slapped himself.

"What the hell! I'm just paying attention to the surroundings! It's not peeping! Hey (▔, ▔)ㄏ"

Wang Haoヾ(⌐■_■)ノ Hey hey! Here I come!

Wang Hao groped his way to the pool next to him.

When he reached the edge of the bushes, Wang Hao could already hear the sound of people playing in the water.

The surrounding environment was so quiet, with only the gurgling sound of hot spring water and the cicadas in the distance.

At this time, Wang Hao was also struggling. Should he look or not?

If he didn't look, he wouldn't know what was next to him, and he couldn't feel at ease!

If he looked and made a mistake, he would be sorry for his conscience!

Wang Hao was lying on the ground, struggling, and still couldn't make a decision.

But the sound of water splashing next to him became louder, and the sound of playing in the water seemed to tease Wang Hao~~

Forget it! No matter! I want to see what is nearby!

Wang Hao looked up from the ground, and carefully climbed to the edge of the grass, slowly pulling apart the dense grass. After he observed the situation in the pool, Wang Hao's original excitement and anticipation seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, and it was directly extinguished! There were two giant apes in the pool! They were all enjoying the hot spring with their eyes closed. "(ノ`⊿´)ノ, what are you doing! I took off my pants to show me these!" Although he was angry, Wang Hao was not stupid enough to expose his position. Instead, he moved little by little, changing his current position, and changing to a better place to observe them. Wang Hao looked around, and he found that they were more vigilant when taking a bath than usual. There were no other giant apes around. Wang Hao had a bold idea at this time! If these two giant apes were solved here, the problem of the spirit cores needed by their team and Jiang Rou's team would be solved! At that time, there would be no need to consider the problem of spirit cores! Just think about how to get into the depths of the giant ape's territory, and many problems will be solved!

Do it as soon as you think of it. Wang Hao also retreated and prepared to call someone.

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