I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 50 Giant Ape Territory!

When the sun just rose,

the college league has reached the eighth day.

This morning, Wang Hao was packing his things early in the morning,

preparing for them to go to the eastern part of the secret realm.

The other three people were also helping to pack their luggage.

"We've almost finished packing, let's go!" Wang Hao weighed his backpack,

pointed to the southeast, and called the other three,

"Let's go!"

Wang Hao and the other four set off again.

This time they didn't rush like last time,

but started to stroll slowly,

mainly because it would be really tiring to rush like the previous few times,

and they were not in a hurry to go to the giant ape territory in the east,

so it seemed a good choice to slowly appreciate the scenery of the secret realm,


On the other side, the No. 1 Middle School team led by Jiang Rou also Arrived in the east,

They came all the way from the south.

In the team, there were four people except Xu Zihang and Jiang Rou.

There were two people in Jiang Rou's team who reached the tenth level of spiritual master.

They found a suitable spiritual core for one of them in the southern part of the secret realm.

There was another one who was a strength system, so he came to the giant ape territory in the east to find a suitable spiritual beast to strengthen their team.

Jiang Rou and his team had entered the giant ape territory for a day.

Because Wang Hao and his team's score had reached 600 points,

this put a lot of pressure on Guangfu No. 1 Middle School, which has been ranked first for many years.

So Jiang Rou and his team adopted the tactic of killing wherever they went.

During these eight days, they killed the spiritual beasts they saw and didn't even have a good rest.

The four of them walked around the giant ape territory in a daze.

Xu Zihang also found that the team was not in the right state. He reminded Jiang Rou, "Jiang Rou, we should take a good rest. Your body will not be able to bear such long-term running!" Jiang Rou shook her head stubbornly, "No! Our current score is just over 500! There is still a gap with Wang Hao and the others!" "We still have time to catch up!" Xu Zihang's expression became determined and refuted Jiang Rou's words, "We can't continue like this. Look at yourself. Your state is obviously not right. If you continue like this, you will collapse sooner or later!" "Listen to me! Let's take a rest!" Jiang Rou looked back at Xu Zihang, and saw the other two teammates who could hardly walk. She also sighed slightly, "Sorry, I was too anxious and didn't care about your feelings." But let's go forward. There is a pool of steaming water ahead. It should be a hot spring."

"Let's have a good rest over there."

When Chen Yi, who was behind Xu Zihang, heard about the hot spring, she instantly became energetic.

She pulled Jiang Rou and ran forward.

"Jiang Rou, why didn't you tell me there was a hot spring earlier!"

"Now! Immediately! Right now! Let's go to the hot spring!"

Xu Zihang and another teammate Lin Gang behind them didn't see them.

Lin Gang couldn't help asking, "Are hot springs so attractive to girls?"

Xu Zihang thought it might be because there was no place to take a bath these days. This was a little unacceptable to Chen Yi, who was originally a young lady...

Xu Zihang didn't stand there. He said to Lin Gang, "Let's not stay here. Let's follow them."

But when Xu Zihang followed Jiang Rou and the others to the hot spring,

he was greeted by a wet towel blowing on his face.

Jiang Rou looked at Xu Zihang unkindly.

"Why are you here? You should go to the other side!" Xu Zihang knew that if he stayed any longer, the two lionesses would probably go crazy, so he took Lin Gang and walked towards the pool a few hundred meters away. At this time, Wang Hao's team of four also slowly arrived at the outskirts of the eastern giant ape territory. There were many flat areas around here, with few ups and downs, which was very suitable for setting up camps. So they set up a base camp here. Seeing that the camp had been established, Wang Hao also issued an order, "Today, explore the surrounding areas freely, and come back on time to report in the evening. Let's disband!" As soon as Wang Hao finished speaking, he strolled into the jungle by himself. He thought that he would go to the giant ape territory by himself first, at least to explore how many giant apes there were in the outskirts of this territory, so that they could make plans to deal with the next unknown challenge. Wang Hao has been wandering in the trees,

from time to time teleporting to the top of the tree to check the direction, and from time to time avoiding the hunting beasts.

Suddenly, he saw the mist in front of him, as if it was a fairyland isolated from the world.

Wang Hao touched his chin and said to himself: "Hot spring? I found a good place. I didn't take a good bath in the snow mountain for a few days. This time I can soak in the hot spring."

While talking, he headed towards the hot spring in front.

When he walked deep, he could vaguely hear the sound of gurgling water and the cheerful laughter of women in front.

He looked curiously and saw a hot spring hidden in the forest, with hot air rising.

Jiang Rou and Chen Yi were soaking in the hot spring, and their skin looked as smooth as jade against the background of the spring water.

Jiang Rou's long hair was wet and stuck to her shoulders. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the tranquility and comfort.

Chen Yi turned her head and said something to Jiang Rou, with a relaxed smile on her face.

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, his heartbeat accelerated, and he even forgot to hide himself.

Not good! I was stunned for a moment! I forgot that I was still standing and watching!

Wang Hao thought to himself that it was not good, and thought about turning around and running away!

But he was seen by Jiang Rou!

Jiang Rou and Chen Yi looked at each other, and both of them blushed with shame and anger.

They quickly grabbed the stones and water plants around them and threw them in the direction of Wang Hao.

"Who?! Dare to peek at us!" Jiang Rou shouted angrily.

How dare Wang Hao look back! If he knew it was Jiang Rou, he would definitely walk around her!

And he couldn't use teleportation to escape.

After all, there was no second person who could teleport in the entire Guangfu City.

If he used it, Jiang Rou would react instantly and the person who came to see her was Wang Hao!

After all, they grew up wearing the same pants,

so familiar!

"Where are you running!" Jiang Rou scolded softly, and started the water spirit to chase after him. Wang Hao was afraid of being recognized from behind, so he found a black robe from the storage space and hung it on his body. Then he sped away from the scene. Jiang Rou didn't chase him far, and stopped about a hundred meters away. She looked at the back of the black robe and felt that it looked familiar... But she didn't continue to chase him. After all, she was only wearing a bathrobe... Even if the water spirit could cover her body, it would not look good. Chen Yi, who was behind, caught up with Jiang Rou and asked, "Jiang Rou! Did you catch the peeping thief?" Jiang Rou looked at the direction Wang Hao left, shook her head and said, "No, but I feel familiar. Where have you seen me?" Chen Yi also gritted her teeth viciously, "Then Jiang Rou, you must remember it! I haven't even married yet! I was seen naked by this yellow-haired fool!" "If I knew who he was, I would cut him into pieces!"

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