I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 5 Strength Test

The next day, Guangfu No. 2 Middle School.

Guangfu No. 2 Middle School is particularly lively today, with people waiting in the playground and gymnasium early in the morning.

For students taking the Lingwu college entrance examination, today is particularly important.

Because before today, the students had received news that this year, in order to cope with the Lingwu college entrance examination, the school specially invited seniors who graduated from Yanjing University to come and set up a special training class. The school will specially customize courses for the special training class and will also have a tilt in resources.

Therefore, the students of Guangfu No. 2 Middle School are trying their best and hope to rush to the special training class.

Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao are both in the crowd, but their states are still different.

Wang Hao is a little leisurely, holding a thermos cup in his hand, with some tea in it, blowing into the thermos cup from time to time, and then drinking a few sips.

Liu Yuzhao seems much more nervous, rubbing his hands constantly, jumping up and down from time to time, and maintaining his excitement.

When the time reached nine o'clock in the morning, the broadcasts in the playground and gymnasium sounded.

"Please enter the gymnasium for all students who have applied for the Lingwu college entrance examination."

"Dong Dong"

"Please enter the gymnasium for all students who have applied for the Lingwu college entrance examination."

"Dong Dong"

"Please enter the gymnasium for all students who have applied for the Lingwu college entrance examination."

"Dong Dong"

For important matters, the school broadcast was broadcast three times before it stopped. At this time, many people came to the gymnasium.

A teacher in charge organized discipline before the test items.

"Everyone come here to do the strength test first."

As soon as the teacher in charge finished speaking, a long line formed in front of him, and the strength test officially began.

"Use your own strength and hit the machine in front of you hard. The number on the machine is the score of the strength assessment."

"First, what's your name?"

"Zhang...Zhang Tiedan"

Wang Hao couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this name, and remembered who he was.

It was the big fool in the next class that Liu Yuzhao often talked about. Although Wang Hao knew his name, he had rarely seen his true face.

Wang Hao looked forward and saw a man wearing a white vest and black shorts. He was half a head taller than Wang Hao, about 1.9 meters tall, with obvious muscle lines on his body. He was the type of tall and strong. Although he looked tall, he had a simple and honest face, giving people the feeling that anyone could bully him.

The test teacher looked at him, nodded, pointed to the target in the middle of the machine, and said, "Hit here."

Zhang Tiedan also nodded, looked at the target in the middle, took a deep breath, and punched hard!

The target in the middle shook quickly, and a deep fist mark appeared in the middle of the target.

The machine also gave a score of 90 points.

There was an uproar at the scene. It was unexpected that the first person's score was so high, which made the students behind feel under great pressure.

Even the test teacher praised him and nodded repeatedly.


"Zhang San"




The test lasted for nearly an hour. Overall, the average strength level of the students remained around 60, with only a few reaching 70, and they were all students who had awakened the strength system.


"Xu Yang"

Hearing the name, many students looked over and began to gather here. After all, Xu Yang was recognized as the one with the highest cultivation level in No. 2 Middle School, reaching the eighth stage of spiritual master. Although he did not awaken the strength system, many people thought that Xu Yang could break Zhang Tiedan's record.

Xu Yang gathered his strength and swung it hard.

Everyone saw the number on the machine kept jumping up, and it stopped after reaching ninety-two.

Everyone exclaimed, someone set a new record again, Xu Yang, so terrifying!

Xu Yang also raised his head proudly, looked in the direction of Wang Hao and raised his eyebrows.

Wang Hao ignored him and continued to drink tea calmly.

"Next one"

"Liu Yuzhao"

Liu Yuzhao swung hard and hit the machine, and the number on it jumped to seventy-two and stopped.


Apparently Liu Yuzhao was quite satisfied with this score, he looked back at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao also nodded, walked up, and flexed his wrist.

"Next one"

"Wang Hao"

The classmates around him gathered around again when they heard this name. After all, who didn't know the god of the grade? Everyone present had witnessed the experience of one person taking all the first prizes in the exam awards ceremony.

But more people came to see the joke. Everyone knew that Wang Hao, the god of learning, was good at literature but weak at martial arts, but he chose to apply for the Lingwu college entrance examination, and everyone wanted to see his joke.

Wang Hao ignored everyone, stood two meters away from the machine, and started to move.

The test teacher began to frown, and said with some doubt: "Standing so far away, hitting the air?"

Everyone also started to laugh.

"Hahahaha, Wang Xueshen, it's better for you to go back to do the questions."

"Standing so far away and aiming at the air, hahahaha."

Wang Hao didn't say anything, standing two meters away, with his legs spread, squatting slightly, clenching his fists, holding them at his waist, and punching out!

I saw the fist shadow draw a white mark and hit the target of the machine.

Bang! ! !

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the target had been smashed, and there was silence at the scene.

The people who were laughing just now now widened their eyes, and Xu Yang even stood up from the back seat and said: "Impossible!"

And Wang Hao said nothing, put his hands in his pockets, turned around and left, without looking at the results on the machine.

Just before he reached the gate, he looked back at the teacher and said, "By the way, teacher, let me register."

After that, he put his hands in his pockets, put a thermos cup on his waist, and walked out of the gymnasium.

The teacher then reacted and took a look at the results, which was the same as what he thought.

The results on the machine turned into three digits, 100 points.

That year, I put my hands in my pockets and didn't know what an opponent was.

Wang Hao was in this mood at this time, handsome and pretentious, with a stern face on the surface, but in fact, he was already very happy in his heart.

"Hehehe, hahaha, this contrast, the reaction of others, I like it, hahahaha!"

"I can't learn from you, and I can't beat you, I just like the way you can't get rid of me when you are upset with me, hahaha!"

The atmosphere in the gymnasium was silent for a while and then became noisy again.

"Fuck, what did I just see? Wang Hao actually got 100?"

"This is the crooked-mouthed dragon king in the world! After enduring humiliation for a year, now the dragon king has returned?"

"It must be fake! I didn't even see his fist hit the machine!"

The atmosphere in the gym exploded after Wang Hao's punch, but the strength test was also postponed for half an hour. The target of the machine was destroyed by Wang Hao, so it had to be postponed. This was hard for the students who came later, and they had to wait for more than half an hour.

The whole morning was only for the strength test. Because of Wang Hao's accident, the time that could have been used to complete the two tests was spent on the strength test.

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