Wang Hao gathered power with his left hand and hit Xu Zihang,

Xu Zihang's armor was broken.

Wang Hao punched the left half of his face again,

The armor on the left side of his face was also broken.

Wang Hao saw that Xu Zihang's armor was broken, so he stopped using spiritual power and just used his own strength to hammer Xu Zihang,

"You like to throw stones! You are so taciturn!"

"You are good at bombing, right? Try bombing one now?"

"It's been a long time since we last met. You can't tell the difference between the big and small Wang, right?"

The scene was very chaotic, and the audience was also very chaotic,

because there was always smoke and dust blocking the field of vision, they couldn't see clearly,

the audience thought that it was normal for masters to not see clearly,

until the smoke and dust dissipated, the audience wanted to see the scene of the two sides going back and forth, but it didn't appear,

as the smoke and dust dissipated, what appeared was Wang Hao riding Xu Zihang and punching and kicking him.

This contrast also made the audience drop their jaws.

Xu Zihang also lost everything when he saw the face slapped like this!

He said directly to Wang Hao: "Surrender! I surrender! Did Wang Hao hear you!"

Wang Hao also began to play dumb,

"What did you say? I can't hear you."

He hit Xu Zihang faster,

Xu Zihang was also anxious, and said directly:

"I'll treat you to dinner! Eat at Xinyuexuan!"

When Xu Zihang called Xinyuexuan, Wang Hao's fist that was hitting Xu Zihang paused in front of his face.

He immediately changed his face, got off Xu Zihang with a bright smile, and kindly pulled him up.

Xu Zihang also curled his lips. Wang Hao's speed of changing his face was really faster than his!

Wang Hao didn't say anything. Someone invited me to dinner, how could I beat up the sponsor? ╮( •́ω•̀ )╭

Wang Hao looked in the direction of Guangfu No. 1 Middle School, then looked at Jiang Rou and said:

"Jiang Rou, don't go back to eat tonight, let's go out to eat, I'll treat you if you're an enemy! Let's eat at Xinyuexuan!"

Jiang Rou also looked at Wang Hao with disdain, disdainful of Wang Hao's behavior,

but someone kindly invited her to dinner~, so she agreed.

After notifying Jiang Rou, Wang Hao took out his mobile phone from the alien space,

and called Liu Yuzhao directly to inform him that there was a dinner party in the evening, and I'll treat you if you're an enemy.

Liu Yuzhao immediately understood what Wang Hao meant and said he would go at one o'clock in the evening!

Xu Zihang saw Wang Hao pick up the phone again, not knowing who he was going to call, and his face turned green.

He stared at Wang Hao fiercely and said, "That's enough! If you bring more people, we'll have to eat at a roadside stall tonight!"

Wang Hao smiled and shook his black-screened phone, saying, "Just to scare you!"

Xu Zihang also knew that he had just lost his composure, and sighed to Wang Hao, "Congratulations, you won! We recognize..."

Before Xu Zihang finished speaking, his mouth was pinched by Wang Hao.

Wang Hao smiled and looked at the crowd, saying, "Hey, since we're here, it would be unfair to come to No. 1 Middle School if we don't fight each one of them!"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Hao took out a small notebook with many names on it.

Xu Zihang glanced at it and found that he knew most of them, so he asked Wang Hao,

"How did you know them? It seems that this is your first time in No. 1 Middle School?"

Wang Hao raised his lips and said, "That's wrong! Who said you can only know them at school?"

After that, Wang Hao shouted to the crowd: "Li Pei from the special training class of Guangfu No. 1 Middle School, come out! Isn't it very easy to scold people online? What do you say to come to No. 1 Middle School to beat me up? I'm here, where are you?"

Xu Zihang was speechless. (≖_≖ )

Xu Zihang also went online, so he naturally knew that some students in the special training class liked to shout under Wang Hao's video.

But he didn't expect Wang Hao to be so boring. After a month of fighting,

he had accumulated a lot of people who scolded him online in his notebook, and now he came to tell them the truth.

Wang Hao saw that no one stood up after calling many names,

and he didn't mind the trouble and shouted directly to the crowd:


Since you don't come out, I'll beat you all, don't even think about running away!

Yu Wen also stood up and yelled at the people in the special training class: "Go and fight! Don't you even have the courage to fight?"

Under Yu Wen's intimidation, Wang Hao fought against the people in the special training class of Guangfu No. 1 Middle School again.

The result was obvious. Even Xu Zihang lost. The remaining students were just food for Wang Hao.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when Wang Hao came to Guangfu No. 1 Middle School. It was only five o'clock when Wang Hao finished fighting with them.

Because Wang Hao was strong, there were also some cowardly lizards who were killed by Wang Hao in seconds.

After the fight, Wang Hao also stretched his body easily and followed Xu Zihang and Jiang Rou out of the school through the back door.

As for why the club didn't go through the front door, Wang Hao knew without opening it. There must be many reporters hiding in the seemingly ordinary school gate. Wang Hao didn't want to be caught by them, so he followed Jiang Rou out of the back door.

When Liu Yuzhao arrived at Xinyuexuan, he saw Wang Hao and the others and immediately greeted them with a smile.

"Long time no see, long time no see, eh? What happened to Master Xu?"

Liu Yuzhao saw two big bumps on Xu Zihang's head. Don't ask, if you ask, it's because he was beaten.

Liu Yuzhao also understood tacitly and said, "I understand! This is the rise of a powerful person!"

"No wonder Mr. Xu is so generous, it turns out that he has encountered good things!"

Xu Zihang's mouth twitched, and every sentence was praising him and pointing at him.

Xu Zihang was also a little bit upset, and threatened Liu Yuzhao directly, saying: "If you want to come to dinner, then talk nicely. If you keep being sarcastic to me, you will pay for it yourself."

Liu Yuzhao also smiled and said: "Mr. Xu is the boss who is treating us. You are generous. It is me, Liu, who is short-sighted. Please forgive me, please forgive me!"

The four of them walked into Xinyuexuan together, sat at the table, and began to order dinner. Wang Hao and Liu Yuzhao were not polite to Xu Zihang, and ordered all the dishes that should be ordered.

Who asked Xu Zihang to say that he was treating us? He asked for it.

The dishes were soon served at the table. Wang Hao, Jiang Rou, Xu Zihang and Liu Yuzhao sat together, enjoying the food and the relaxed atmosphere.

"Aren't we going to have a drink? Why are we here?"

"You know nothing! This is called a place for both the refined and the popular. Drinking in a place like this is the best way to have fun!"

When Wang Hao heard this voice, he looked back. Jiang Wenhao also looked back. The two of them happened to meet each other's eyes.

Jiang Wenhao turned back and said to the waiter: "No need to book a room. Just take this table. We are acquaintances. Add a stool!"

Yu Wen also turned back and saw Wang Hao and the other four. He gladly accepted it. The main reason was that he also wanted to get in touch with Wang Hao.

As the two sat down, Liu Yuzhao, Jiang Rou, and Xu Zihang became more reserved.

Only Wang Hao ate without swallowing, which was in sharp contrast with them.

Yu Wen also looked at Wang Hao's eating style, leaned towards Jiang Wenhao, and asked, "Is he like this usually?"

Jiang Wenhao curled his lips, thinking that this scene was a little familiar, as if he had treated everyone at that time, and immediately made a judgment,

"Maybe he didn't pay for this meal, if he eats less, he will lose..."

It has to be said that Jiang Wenhao's judgment was accurate. Yu Wen also glanced at the others, and when he saw Xu Zihang, he knew that he probably lost the game, so he came to treat everyone...

How pathetic!

And Xu Zihang also buried his head in his food, thinking to himself, why are you looking at me? I have become a prominent figure, what can I do?

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