I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 23 Broken Knife


The second person from Guangfu No.3 Middle School couldn't hold on, and was knocked down by Wang Hao within one minute of going on stage!

Wang Hao stood on the stage, looked at the students from No.3 Middle School coldly, and said:

"Next one!"

Wang Hao was poisoned and needed to hurry up.

The students from Guangfu No.3 Middle School on the opposite side also knew that only by delaying time could they have a chance of winning!

So when the students from Guangfu No.3 Middle School fought in the ring, they rotated slowly, just to delay time.

They were waiting for the poison in Wang Hao's body to spread all over the body, and then the strongest person would defeat Wang Hao!

But Wang Hao didn't give them a chance. If they went on stage slowly, I would kill you instantly, and basically equalized the time with the time of challenging students from other schools before.

In this way, you and I went back and forth, and Wang Hao knocked down nearly 30 people.

At this time, the color of Wang Hao's right arm had begun to change.

The wound on his arm began to turn purple, and purple textures spread from the wound to the entire right hand.

Wang Hao felt the numbness on his right hand, and the hand holding the spirit knife began to be a little unstable!

Ye Ye, who was standing in the audience, noticed this subtle movement, narrowed his eyes, and said to the remaining people who had not yet entered the arena:

"The poison has begun to take effect! He has begun to lose control of the knife in his hand!"

The people who had not yet entered the arena also looked at Wang Hao's right hand, and could clearly see the wound on Wang Hao's right hand.

The black and purple lines had already spread across Wang Hao's hand.

Wang Hao also noticed that the people below were staring at his wound, and sneered:

"What, do you think you can beat me just because your little trick worked?"

"Come up quickly, next one!"

Ye Ye stood with his hands behind his back, and said to the remaining students: "Go ahead, consume his spiritual power first, and I will defeat him in the end."

The remaining people nodded, and walked towards the arena without hesitation, all thinking about consuming Wang Hao's spiritual power,

Bang! ! !

"Next one!"

Bang! ! !

"Next one!"


Wang Hao began to breathe heavily, his hair was soaked with sweat, and the numbness on his right hand became stronger.

At this time, his right hand began to turn purple, and Wang Hao frowned.

The spiritual power in Wang Hao's body burst out and rushed to his right hand to suppress the spread of the poison, so that the poison could only stay on Wang Hao's right hand.

After Wang Hao did all this, he looked at the last person who came up, and it was Ye Ye who came on the stage.

Ye Ye first bowed to Wang Hao and said sincerely: "I wanted to compete with you in an upright manner. Even if I lost, I would have no regrets. Unfortunately, I represent a group and can only win by any means."

Wang Hao also smiled disdainfully and said: "Stop talking nonsense, let's start the fight quickly, I'm going to play against No. 1 Middle School tomorrow!"

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Ye Ye also put away his smile, narrowed his eyes, and stared at Wang Hao.

Two figures stood in the silent ring, with swords drawn.

Wang Hao also paused slightly, holding the spirit knife in his right hand, ready to strike at any time.

The field remained silent, both were accumulating strength, ready to fight at any time,

The audience in the audience was also watching, this was the focus of the battle between the two sides, the audience held their breath, waiting for both sides to make a move.

As a breeze blew, Wang Hao took the lead in moving,

Wang Hao waved his long knife, slashing at Ye Ye with a sharp wind.

Ye Ye calmly dodged, waved the iron feather fan in his hand, and attacked instantly.

Each attack was accompanied by a strong sound of wind, like an eagle in the night sky.

Wang Hao responded calmly, and the spirit knife drew arcs in the air,

like a dragon out of the sea, dissolving Ye Ye's attacks one by one.

Ye Ye's face began to darken, he didn't expect Wang Hao to be so good at fighting after the previous consumption!

Ye Ye also let go of his hands and feet, exerting his own abilities,

I saw Ye Ye dismantling the axis of the two iron feather fans, and the scattered fan blades floated around Ye Ye,

The iron feather fan also changed from a fan to a bunch of flying knives.

The spiritual power surged in Ye Ye's body, and his cultivation level was also revealed. The golden spiritual power on his body wrapped him up.

Wang Hao laughed ferociously, and pale white spiritual power also emerged from his body.

"Come on!"

After challenging various colleges and universities until now, he finally had an opponent with first-class cultivation.

Wang Hao took the initiative and waved the spiritual knife in his hand. The knife energy shot out instantly and went straight to Ye Ye's face.

With the blessing of the space system spiritual power, this knife was very fast.

Ye Ye instinctively sensed the danger and dodged in a hurry, but was still cut by the knife.

The face was slightly scratched, the wound was stained red, and blood flowed.

Ye Ye also followed with anger,

controlling the flying knife to draw a complex trajectory in the air, attacking various parts of Wang Hao's body.

Wang Hao changed to holding the knife in his left hand, and kept swiping in front of him, forming a barrier to block all the flying knives.

Wang Hao snorted coldly, and began to inject spiritual power into the spirit knife, and quickly slashed at Ye Ye.

For a moment, countless knife lights seemed to appear in the air.

Ye Ye was not to be outdone, and the flying knives weaved into a dense net in the air, constantly resisting Wang Hao's attack.

The two of them fought back and forth, both offensive and defensive.

Wang Hao used the special nature of the spirit knife to constantly try to break through Ye Ye's defense.

Ye Ye maintained the balance on the field by controlling the flying knives.

The battle became more and more intense, and the figures of the two intertwined in the air, and the knife lights were flying, making people dizzy.

Wang Hao jumped high and slashed a knife from the air towards Ye Ye,

Ye Ye narrowly dodged it and slashed the ground with a knife, and the ground instantly cracked into a deep mark.

Seeing this, Ye Ye controlled all the flying knives to roll towards Wang Hao and attack Wang Hao.

Wang Hao was not afraid, the spirit knife rotated a circle in his hand, and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot,

Wang Hao teleported and appeared behind Ye Ye.

Ye Ye was startled and turned around quickly, only to see Wang Hao had already jumped high and slashed down with his spiritual knife.

Ye Ye hurriedly controlled the flying knife to block in front of him, but found that this knife was completely different from the previous attack.

Wang Hao's spiritual knife was as heavy as a mountain, with endless power.

Ye Ye barely resisted this attack, and blood appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But in order to block this attack, all the flying knives were broken into powder.

And Wang Hao's situation was not much better.

The paralysis poison in his right hand began to rush to his whole body because of the lack of spiritual power suppression. Wang Hao didn't have much time to waste!

Ye Ye looked at Wang Hao's appearance and smiled.

It seems that the plan was successful. The poison in Wang Hao's body began to spread to his whole body!

Ye Ye also took a deep breath, and his spiritual power surged. Many flying knives shaped by spiritual power appeared beside him.

After Wang Hao saw Ye Ye shaping the flying knives, his eyes gleamed, and he asked Ye Ye his own question,

"Will you not use up all your spiritual power by shaping so many flying knives?"

Ye Ye did not suggest to drag time with Wang Hao, because the longer he dragged, the better for him, and he also gave an answer,

"The more specific and larger the shaped object is, the more spiritual power it consumes."

"And the flying knives I shaped are not that specific, and they are very small"

"This is much easier than shaping a knife. As long as you have the Strong control, the effect is similar to my iron feather fan. "

Wang Hao also suddenly realized after hearing it, and laughed to himself: "So that's it!"

Wang Hao changed to holding the knife with his right hand, and the spiritual power of his left hand surged.

Ye Ye saw white lines began to appear on Wang Hao's left hand.

Suddenly, a terrifying pressure suddenly appeared on Wang Hao. Ye Ye gritted his teeth and muttered: "Do you have any more cards?"

But the left hand with the lines did not hit Ye Ye, but hit the spiritual knife.

The original slender spiritual knife was broken into pieces and turned into many spiritual knife fragments!

Wang Hao controlled the fragments to surround him, and then these fragments were pieced together into a broken knife.

"So that's it, this way you can save spiritual power and reduce the spiritual power to maintain the entire blade!"

After speaking, Wang Hao looked at Ye Ye with a smile and said:

"Thank you! Help me solve the problem I have been thinking about for a long time!"

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