I Alone Defeat All Enemies

Chapter 10 Liu Yuzhao's Talent

In the morning, at the gate of Guangfu No. 2 Middle School.

Wang Hao stood at the school gate and stretched. After yesterday's breakthrough, he was in particularly good condition.

After arriving at the special training class classroom, he heard the students from various classes who passed the exam, forming small groups to discuss.

"I checked last night, and the special training class teacher of our class seems to be a senior who graduated from Yanjing University."

"This teacher Jiang seems to be very famous in Yanjing. My friends who studied in Yanjing all know his name."

"Oh? Is he famous for anything?"

"I heard that he was admitted to Yanjing University from Guangfu No. 2 Middle School at the age of 18. His strength did not fall out of the top ten in their class. After graduation, he was admitted to the Zhenling Division."

"WC, if we build a good relationship with Teacher Jiang, wouldn't that mean we have a relationship with the Zhenling Division?"

"You think too much. The rules of the Zhenling Division are to help the reasonable and not the relatives. You still want to build a relationship, dream."

Wang Wang Hao sat in his seat and listened slowly. He did hear some useful things. He thought to himself, "So Teacher Jiang is from the Zhenling Division." Liu Yuzhao also came over at this time, hugged Wang Hao, and said, "How was your assessment yesterday? Did you pass?" Wang Hao said speechlessly, "Nonsense, of course I passed, otherwise you can see me sitting here so leisurely?" Liu Yuzhao also asked, "How did Teacher Jiang assess you? Tell me." Wang Hao thought of the gravity field last night. For ordinary people, three times the gravity alone would make them unable to get up. He didn't know what Jiang Wenhao could do. But thinking that Wang Hao himself had worked so hard to break through the seventh stage of the spiritualist last night, he smiled and said to Liu Yuzhao: "You are blessed! ⌓‿⌓"

Not long after, Jiang Wenhao yawned, stretched, and walked into the classroom leisurely. The students in the audience sat upright. Jiang Wenhao said to the students: "The special training class was established to allow you to strengthen your training and find your own way."

"But I don't know your abilities and talents. You can come up and introduce yourself one by one."

Jiang Wenhao looked around and pointed to the girls in the first row and said: "Start with you."

The girl who came on stage introduced herself briefly

"Lin Qingxue, seventh stage of the spiritualist, ice and snow ability"

"Lin Qingxue, the school beauty of the grade, but it's too cold. I will freeze next to her."

Wang Hao naturally knew her. If there was no dispute about the first place in the grade, most people would focus on the competition for the second and third place.

Lin Qingxue and Xu Yang were the competitors for the second and third place.

However, Lin Qingxue doesn't like to talk and is very cold. Over time, her presence has faded. Many people know her, but not many can chat with her.

Jiang Wenhao commented: "Ice-type superpowers are rare. The spiritual power level is still acceptable at this age. It won't be too far behind Guangfu No. 1 Middle School. The ice-type has strong plasticity. You can consider developing in the direction of field control."

Lin Qingxue nodded after hearing the comments. She would still seriously consider the advice of the top student who graduated from Yanjing University.


Liu Yuzhao walked up to the podium at this time, but he stuttered and his face was blushing.

Wang Hao was also confused. He and Liu Yuzhao had been playing together since childhood. When he began to awaken his superpowers, Wang Hao asked Liu Yuzhao what his superpowers were.

But Liu Yuzhao just smiled and said it was very powerful, but didn't say what it was. But seeing Liu Yuzhao blushing, he felt something was wrong.

Jiang Wenhao couldn't stand it anymore and threatened directly: "Hurry up, or I'll kick you out of the special training class."

Liu Yuzhao had no choice but to say: "My ability is to control the spirit, the sixth level of the spirit."

Jiang Wenhao felt surprised and said: "Controlling the spirit? What's wrong with that? It's a very rare ability. Summon your spirit beast and let's see."

Liu Yuzhao said awkwardly: "Then... I have summoned it."

Jiang Wenhao was even more surprised. What species? Even he didn't feel its existence? Could it be another genius?

Wang Hao was also surprised. Could he really be a genius?

Jiang Wenhao stared at Liu Yuzhao. Although he didn't want to admit that he couldn't find it, he was still curious about what kind of spirit beast it was and asked:

"Where is it?" Liu Yuzhao pointed to the table with a blushing face. "Here it is." Jiang Wenhao and the whole class followed Liu Yuzhao's hand and looked at the table. They didn't see anything at first, but when they glanced, they saw ants moving on the table. "......." Silence... The class was extremely quiet. I don't know who it was, but it seemed that they couldn't help laughing. "Puff, puff" The people in the class tried to hold back their laughter, but they couldn't hold back when they heard the sound. The laughter was like a reservoir bursting its banks, and it couldn't be stopped. "Hahahahahahahahahaha!" "Give you the rarest talent and ability, but you contracted an ant, hahahaha!" "Awesome, where on earth did this talent come from? He can even enter the special training class, hahahaha!" Even the usually cold Lin Qingxue couldn't help but smile, and laughed while lying on the table. In fact, when he just awakened, Liu Yuzhao was still ambitious. He thought that with this ability to control spirits, he could just contract a powerful spirit beast... But he didn't pay attention when he caught a spirit beast in the wild... He caught nothing... The spirit seal he made when he contracted was printed on an ant nest... When Liu Yuzhao reacted, he had already completed the contract. At this time, Liu Yuzhao on the podium couldn't stand or sit. Now he just wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into and never come out again. Jiang Wenhao stopped laughing after a while, raised his hands high and pressed them down, and the class also became quiet. Said to Liu Yuzhao: "Does your ant have any special abilities?"

Liu Yuzhao said: "Yes, does it count if it can communicate with me?"

After that, there was another laugh. Contracting ants is outrageous enough, and communicating with ants, hahahahahahaha...

Jiang Wenhao did not laugh again, gave Liu Yuzhao respect, and said: "Anything else?"

"Yes, it can attract other ant colonies and temporarily become their queen ant. It can drive other ants to communicate and collect information."

Jiang Wenhao's eyes flashed, and he quickly asked: "How far away can it control ants? How far can it exchange information?"

Liu Yuzhao looked at Jiang Wenhao's serious look, and quickly answered: "The spirit ant can control ants within ten meters at most, but it will not disappear if it is far away from me, but I can't communicate with it, only I can communicate with it. You can communicate only when you reach within ten meters. " Before he finished speaking, Liu Yuzhao added: "Because I have a contract with it, I can sense its direction. I don't know how far it is, I haven't tested it." After listening to Liu Yuzhao's words, Jiang Wenhao gave a detailed comment, "Control ant colonies, exchange information, and sense the direction of spirit ants. Moreover, the spirit ants are weak, and even I can hardly sense them." "The actual combat ability is not good, but the information collection, infiltration, and positioning capabilities are top-notch. You will have a bright future if you go to the information position." "There is still one year. If you can strengthen the ability of your spirit ant, you can make the examiner of the Supervisory Department shine. It is estimated that you can be recruited into a top university." After listening to Jiang Wenhao's evaluation, the class gradually fell silent. The students who were still laughing just now felt that it was bad. It turned out that I was the clown! Wang Hao nodded again and again after hearing Jiang Wenhao's evaluation. He could understand the importance of information on the battlefield. If there is an information gap, the opponent can be caught off guard. Wang Hao was also glad for Liu Yuzhao that he met a good teacher who used professional knowledge to help him find the right direction for development. If other teachers saw Liu Yuzhao's talent and spirit beast, they would only say: "It's over, this kid is useless, let's start over." But fortunately, he met Jiang Wenhao, and in front of Teacher Jiang, he would only say: "It's stable! It's completely stable! If you choose the right development direction, you can get Yanjing University and Imperial Capital University!"

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