Hunting for Love for 101 Times

Chapter 246: Do you really have no trace of affection for me?

Xia Nuanqiang endured his inner discomfort and performed very dull. Pass the cell phone to Auntie Lian: "I see, Auntie Lian, go to rest first."

Aunt Lien carefully observed Xia Nuan, "Mrs. are you all right?"

Xia Nuan smiled, held An Sheng's hand, put it on his lips and kissed him: "It's all right."

Aunt Lien seemed a little lost, and then she left.

Xia Nuan's gaze shifted from An Sheng, and her pet eyes became gradually lost.

After coaxing An Sheng to fall asleep, she looked at Wuyou and Nianci uneasily. Seeing that they were sleeping very sweetly in bed, covered them with a quilt, and silently returned to lying next to An Sheng.

She looked at the moonlight outside the window and couldn't help thinking about Ye Sishen, wondering what he was doing now, with Roland or with Mi Ke?

Mick must be having a bad time with Lacey

Xia Nuan wouldn't care about the separation between Luo Mi and Roland because she didn't care. What she cares about now is An Sheng's condition. She wants to cure An Sheng's illness as soon as possible. Xia Nuan pulled his thoughts away from Ye Sishen, looked at An Sheng, kissed An Sheng's forehead, and closed his eyes slowly.

In the vagueness, Xia Nuan felt a scorching breath coming towards her. The scorching enveloped her strongly and choked her. She slowly opened her eyes and bumped into the deep pair of Ye Sishen Obsidian's eyes.

Xia Nuan was frightened by those eyes and stretched out his hands to push him away, but he caught him instead, pressing firmly on the bed sheet, he bullied himself, and squeezed his lips.

"It's not yet ovulation." Xia Nuan struggled.

She looked around in bed in anxiety and found that An Sheng was not in bed. At one glance, it was Ye Sishen who carried him to a small bed next to her. She was worried that An Sheng woke up and was busy getting up, but was fixed by Ye Sishen.

"Now is a wedding night." Ye Sichen emphasized arrogantly, pinching her chin, raising it, and then kissed her neck.

Xia Nuan said, the heart was disturbed by him more and more. When thinking of him and Roland, Xia Nuan recovered a bit of reason: "Yesi Shen, I need to take care of my body, I have had a miscarriage before, and need to nurse, otherwise It ’s difficult to conceive. "

"I know, you have been recuperating for a long time." Ye Si responded vaguely.

Xia Nuan was about to refute. Ye Sishen's wolf sank heavily. Xia Nuan took a breath and took a bite on his shoulder. Ye Sishen did not have any pain, but the factor of happiness rose in his heart. Little bit contagious summer warm.

Ye Sishen's eyes became more and more confused, looking at Xia Nuan, obsessed with obsession, bowed his head again, and a fine kiss fell on her heart.

"I am your husband, remember." Ye Si sank in his ear to remind Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan's frown stretched a little, and began to meet Ye Sishen a little. Ye Sishen slightly released her hand, and she immediately reached out and hugged him, becoming more and more charming.

Ye Sishen's demand was endless. He didn't give up until Xia Nuan asked for mercy. After the calm, Xia Nuan turned his back on Ye Sishen with a little anger, closed his eyes, and kept a distance from Ye Sishen silently.

Ye Sichen stretched out her hand, put it on her waist, and wrapped it gently, forcing her to fit tightly against his wide chest.

"Do you have to show weakness to you just as you did just now?" Ye Sishen's chin resisted Xia Nuan's shoulder, and her **** lips kissed obsessively on her shoulder: "I just warmed up before, We have to do this every day, so you have to adapt and your nutrition must be up to standard. "

Xia Nuan slowly closed his eyes: "I just

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When you are pregnant, you better not touch me when I am reluctant. "

This sentence somewhat annoyed Ye Sishen. His hand was heavy and he turned her over, forcing Xia Nuan to look up at him: "You are my wife."

"That's for the children, we are all too clear."

"No matter what you do, you are now a husband and wife with me, and my wife is obliged to meet the needs of her husband. Otherwise, what I do to marry you, to marry you, is to sleep with you righteously, anytime, anywhere."

"I'm not your tool, you want to find a woman to sleep, please." Xia Nuan laughed coldly: "Anyway, some women stick to you."

"I know you don't care, it doesn't matter. If you have the patience to make me tired of your body, I don't mind going outside to find a woman." Ye Si said lightly and arrogantly.

"You can go now, I won't stop you." Xia Nuan still looked indifferent.

Seeing this, Ye Sichen tore her newly dressed clothes again. Xia Nuan's heart trembled, and she was about to hold him against him, but was hugged tighter by her. Xia Nuan couldn't breathe.

She was out of breath, yelling at Ye Sishen, and twisting in Ye Sishen's arms, Ye Sishen's breath became more and more erratic, and her eyes grew deeper: "In motion, I want You once. "

Xia Nuan knew that Ye Sishen did what he said, and he was not fighting anymore. He stubbornly looked at Ye Sishen.

Ye Sishen grinned, and kissed her mouth: "For you, I broke so many cases, every time I get mad at you, every time I can't let you down, you don't understand me at all heart."

"I do n’t understand, because I have never understood you, and I have never walked into your heart. You have regarded me as a physiological tool from beginning to end. What you really ca n’t put down is Roland. When I was kidnapped, I heard The news is that you and Roland are married. It's okay. You can continue to marry her, but you have pushed me to the moonlight and my child. I won't forgive Roland for everything. " Watching Ye Sishen.

"But I'm marrying you. Walking for marriage is also to save you. At first I was worried that the moonlight would hurt you, in order to reduce those people's harm to you."

"Because of the child, we have to do this." Xia Nuan interrupted Ye Sishen's words, she did not believe what Ye Sishen said.

"Well, it's all my fault. I can make up for all your injuries, okay?"

Even if you explain to her now, she won't accept it, simply, he just follows her first.

"How do you make up, that child is gone, and you probably also forgot that I had been aborted once by Lauder's calculations. At that time, not only did you not believe me, but you also wronged me and said that I was killed. That child, now I suddenly realize that I can only avoid these injuries if I stay away from you. "

When Xia Nuan thought of the bad things in the past, her hate swept again.

Ye Si was sad and sad, his eyes were red: "Sorry, A warm. I am willing to use my second half of life to make up for all this."

"I don't need you to make up, I just hope that An Sheng's illness can be cured now." Xia Nuan took away his hand.

"Okay, let's work together." Ye Sichen held her in arms.

Xia Nuan stopped talking, leaving him to hesitate, and now he was mainly pregnant, so she set aside some unpleasant things.

The next day, Xia Yan called and told Xia Nuan that she would take her mother back to Zhongshan. Xia Nuan learned that she drove to Xia Yan and Zeng Guihua in person.

However, unexpectedly, Xia Nuan also saw Ye Enshen. Ye Enchen should be in prison at this time.

Xia Yan

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She didn't even see Ye Enshen, she shook her head and got into Xia Nuan's car.

Ye En Shen chased after him. Xia Nuan felt Xia Yan's reluctance and did not instruct the driver to start the engine.

Ye Enshen stood by the window and looked at Xia Yan: "Xia Yan, sorry, I know you won't forgive me, but I still want to make up for you, here is 50 million, I hope you accept.

Xia Yan's favorite is money, so Ye Enshen hopes to get her forgiveness through money.

Xia Yan, this time, took the check without looking at it, took it directly, and torn it into thin pieces.

"Xiao Nuan, drive."

Xia Yan said to Xia Nuan.

Zeng Guifang looked at this scene aside, some distressed with the money.

Xia Nuan instructed the driver to drive how far Ye En sinked.

"How did he get out of prison?" Xia Nuan asked Xia Yan puzzledly.

Xia Yan didn't say anything, she just stared at the road ahead, her eyes lost.

Zeng Guihua said, "Xiao Yan is just too soft-hearted, go to Ye Sishen and ask Ye Sishen to get him out of prison."

Xia Nuan hesitated a moment. She had never heard Ye Sishen talk about it.

It was only yesterday that when they registered their marriage, the staff of the marriage registry only said that Ye Enshen agreed to cancel the marriage contract with Xia Nuan.

"I'm just too cheap, no matter how he treats me, I can't help it, but I hurt you for him, separated you and Ye Sishen." Xia Yan sighed and smiled bitterly: "Little warm, you Don't worry, I won't make that mistake in the future. "

Xia Nuan shook Xia Yan's hand: "Let it pass, I hope you can start again."

"Well, I will start again." Xia Yan nodded, smiling at Xia Nuan.

After Xia Nuan sent Xia Yan and his mother to the airport, he saw Ye Enshen outside the airport.

Ye Enshen stopped Xia Nuan's way.

"If I were you, even if Xia Yan begged me to save me from prison, I wouldn't be released from prison. Ye Yan would be heavy. If you want to have a little conscience, I shouldn't come out, but stay in the prison to make atonement." Xia Nuan angered Said.

"There are many ways to make atonement, and you don't have to go to prison." Ye En retorted cheekily.

Xia Nuan smiled coldly: "You have treated Xia Yan like this and have committed the crime of intentional homicide. How can you say such words frankly? Sure enough, you are selfish. Xia Yan is so stupid that she chose to forgive you. . "

Xia Nuan felt that there was nothing to say about Ye Enshen. She didn't want to delay time here for a moment. She could understand it. Ye Enshen didn't mean to confess.

"Xia Nuan." Ye Enshen caught Xia Nuan's arm and stopped her pace.

Xia Nuan let go of his hand.

"It was Ye Si who forced me. He forced me to divorce you. If I didn't agree, I would be sentenced to life imprisonment. Of course, it doesn't matter. But my mother couldn't take the blow, so I had to compromise."

Xia Nuan was shocked, watching Ye En Shen.

"I admit that I can't forget you, but I also know that if I have been fighting for you, Ye Sishen will never call me peace, so I choose to give up. However, I just want to ask you a word, you Is there really no trace of affection for me? "Ye En's look on Shen Shen's decadent face looked a little anticipation.

When Xia Nuan was about to speak to her, her arm tightened again and was pulled away by a force.

End of this chapter

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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