Hunter: Tonight, Germain joins the hunt

Chapter 161 Germain’s derivation of the Xiyou Nian ability system

Chapter 161 "German's Derivation of the Xiyou Nian Ability System"

As the rusty cargo ship slowly docked, the week-long long sea voyage finally came to an end.

Although Germain, Kurapika and Westward Journey found interesting things to do on the ship from time to time, such as fishing or walking on the passing islands, none of them felt more at ease than setting foot on the mainland.

The continent where the Cajin Empire is located is called the Aizhen Continent, which is exactly diagonal across the sea from the Ulubian Continent where Youkesin City is located.

This place is quite wonderful. It not only maintains the historical flavor of the ancient kingdom, the predecessor of the empire, but also has a sense of modern novelty after the rapid development of economy and science and technology.

After Westward Journey briefly chatted with the members of the "Witch Clan", he left with Germain and Kurapika, and took a taxi to the train station in a familiar manner.

It seems that since Biyande is hiding in the Cajin Empire, he has been here quite often on his journey to the west and is very familiar with the road conditions and landmark buildings.

The reason why Byande is here is also very simple. The royal family of the Cajin Empire is the largest sponsor of his next "Dark Continent Adventure".

The Cajin Empire has now made remarkable achievements in various fields. Its rapid rise has made it possible to be compared with the major V5 countries. Even the "V6" argument has been repeatedly mentioned by news newspapers in recent years.

Regardless of who spread this rumor, the current strength of the Cajin Empire is not false and cannot be underestimated.

Journey to the West booked a train compartment. The compartment was quite spacious and bright. There were four beds placed by the window. The three of them each chose a bed and put down their luggage.

The train started with a rumble and a slight bump.

"It's a day and night train trip." Xiyou lay down carelessly on the white sheets, "Then someone will come to pick us up, and then we can meet Biyande."

"Great, this journey is finally over. After my duty as a "guide" is over, I will go to the Cajun Empire to take a look around and take some time off. "

He clasped his hands behind his head, looking quite relaxed.

This was not the first time that Kurapika heard the name "Biyander". He didn't know much about it. He only knew that the teacher came to the Kajin Empire just to meet Biyande.

Kurapika didn't know anything else. Since the teacher didn't tell him, he didn't get to the bottom of it.

However, Kurapika more or less guessed that the probability was the same as when he was at the mansion stronghold.

The teacher, Bisji, Xiaodi, Yungu, Menqi, Buhara, and Sangbika have been hiding something. That is probably the secret that the teacher hopes he can help.

Kurapika believed that the reason why the teacher did not tell him the truth was because he was not strong enough. Even if he knew it, it would be meaningless and it might be exposed.

After all, the total number of "psychic ability users" in the six continents is not large, but it is enough to produce all kinds of strange "psychic abilities".

The teacher said that there is a person named Paknoda in the "Phantom Troupe". She has the "Nen ability" to "read memories", so Kurapika should be careful.

Sometimes, even if you don't want to reveal information, you will reveal everything in disguise when facing some special "psychic users".

Kurapika thought about it and suddenly thought of the "Psychic Ability System".

He felt that if he could identify the opponent's "system" as soon as possible, he might be able to prevent the opponent's ability from taking effect.

So, he sat on the edge of the bed and asked Germain, who was standing by the window blowing the wind, "Teacher, I have a question."

"Actually, you can ask me." Xiyou was lying on his bed, eating a green apple, and said to Kurapika with a smile, "It's enough for me to guide you."

Kurapika just glanced at Saiyou, but ignored him and continued to look in the direction of the teacher.

Xiyou curled his lips.

Germain paused at the window and then turned around.

He had now put on a hunter's black robe and a three-cornered hat, and took off his mask, revealing his handsome face.

"what is the problem?"

"I heard Bisji say..."

Xiyou interrupted again at this time and emphasized: "It's Grandma Bisij."

"Indeed." German thought for a moment and nodded, "It's Granny Bisij."

"Teacher, Bischi will kill you if he finds out." Kurapika raised his forehead and continued, "What I want to ask about is not Bischi's title, I'm asking about the "system identification method." "

"She said that someone mentioned that the "psychic ability system" can be distinguished by personality..."

"Ah, that..." Germain pointed to himself and said, "That 'someone' is me. In addition, I also heard what others said. However, you don't need to pay too much attention to this method."

"It's actually just empiricism, similar to things like 'the relationship between zodiac signs and personality', which doesn't make much sense."

"It will give you a long list of personality summary words, and you can find at least one or two that match your own. And once you find more, you will believe this set more and more."

"My view is the same as Bisgi's. It has no meaning in actual combat. If you don't make rational judgments based on facts, you will die in this theory."

Kurapika listened and realized the seriousness of the matter, so he nodded.

"I understand, teacher, I will clarify the differences and connections between the "six major thought ability systems" instead of mechanically judging based on personality. "

Xiyou became interested. He sat up, threw the apple core into the trash can, and said with a smile:

"If I hide it well, and my "psychic ability" is still the kind of "kill at first sight", and I don't give you much time to judge, what are you going to do? "

Kurapika frowned as he listened.

Xiyou turned to Germain with a smile: "As his teacher, won't you answer this question?"

"My suggestion is to keep a safe distance." Germain closed the car window, blocked the wind outside, and turned around. "Then it's still observation, thinking and judgment."

"What if I get close to you on purpose?" Xiyou got up from the bed and walked towards Germain.

Germain looked at Xiyou's whole body and said, "If you get close to me, it proves that you are confident in your own strength and speed."

"Because for you, even if you have the "psychic ability" of "First Met Killer", you still need to take a big risk if you take the initiative to get close to me. This distance is enough for me to severely injure or kill you. "

"You only came close to me because you were confident that you could dodge my attack at this distance. In addition, I noticed that you were carrying a metal rod with you."

"That metal stick is too short, and it seems too strange as a hidden weapon, but... your name, shape, and this stick make me think of the myth and legend of Sun Wukong."

Since there is a "Dragon Ball" comic in this world, it is natural that the prototype of Sun Wukong is Sun Wukong in "Journey to the West".

"The Golden Cudgel can grow bigger, smaller, elongate, and shorten freely. With such "the nature of telekinesis", coupled with your confidence in your own strength and speed, I think you are a "change type." "

In addition, what made Germain make such a judgment was another "psychic ability" of Journey to the West.

He can summon the "Look Don't, Hear Don't, Talk Don't Monkey", a total of three "Mind Beasts", which can take away three senses of people.

This is actually a bit similar to the "Change Type" Bisiki's "Magic Beautician Miss Cookie", both are "Nent Beasts" with special abilities.

At the same time, because it is closer to the "Enhancement System", it is not surprising that Westward Journey would be confident that it can dodge the close attack of Germain of the "Embodiment System".

Of course, "reflection type" and "trait type" "mind beasts" also have special abilities, but in the end they were ruled out by Germain.

Because the most important thing is that Journey to the West is based on Sun Wukong, so the old thief should not know about the "seventy-two changes". The characters must have been created with this in mind. This is not something that Journey to the West can control.

Xiyou froze immediately as he walked over.

His expression changed, and then he touched his head: "Haha, is it a "change system"? It’s hard to say this kind of thing…”

Germain shrugged his shoulders and did not ask further.

The teacher guessed correctly. Kurapika glanced at it and thought with a smile.

Thank you book friends for your subscriptions, monthly votes, and recommendation votes!

I didn’t expect that the monthly tickets in March would exceed 1,200. All in all, I owe you 3 chapters, and I will make up for it within April, hehehe.

Don’t worry, it’s not an April Fool’s joke, I really owe you 3 chapters.

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