Thor, who felt that he was about to lose control completely, walked step by step towards Gabriel, whose eyes were gradually losing their luster, his ferocious vertical pupils full of madness.

"Whether it's this world or the previous world, I've searched everywhere, I've searched everywhere! But I can't find Xiao Lin... Only the way you suddenly appeared just now, and the way Xiao Lin disappeared, The look is almost identical.”

Thor leaned down and stared at the girl in front of him, whose eyes had completely lost their luster. He suppressed the desire to tear her apart and asked in a low voice.

"Hey, angel who believes in God, tell me... where did you hide Xiao Lin?"

This series of consecutive emergencies made Gabriel, who was almost scared to the point of losing his ability to think, finally make an instinctive reaction after looking at the dragon that was on the verge of losing control in front of him.

A trumpet used to announce the end of the world was subconsciously taken out.

Gabriel, whose voice was completely full of grievances and tears, shouted uncontrollably.

"Woo, wu, wu, don't, don't come close to me!!!"

Chapter 47: Uninvited guests

Fitz, the leader of the Adventure Guild of the Brumut Kingdom.

He feels that he has been really unlucky recently, not only because of natural disasters, the sudden disappearance of the seal of Storm Dragon Veludra, which caused turmoil, and the bad information he received not long ago about the possible birth of the Pig-headed Emperor, which has brought about increasing tedious work.

It's even more because of the three-person adventure team of Aileen, Kabal, and Kidd who are now traveling together.

Fitz already felt deeply regretful for his ill-conceived decision to come to the Jura Forest with them, to go to the rumored new monster town to gather information, and to see the slime with his own eyes.

No matter what you say, it’s so unreasonable to be chased by angry monsters almost every time you walk, right?


The screams that suddenly appeared in the forest were heard far away, and were accompanied by sounds similar to the migration of a large group of monsters.

"Kabar, you idiot, idiot, big idiot, why are you messing with the monsters again?" Ailian, holding her staff in her arms, ran as hard as possible to put as much distance as possible from the monsters behind her, while carrying her daily He cried loudly and shouted at the person running at the front.

"How many times have you stabbed a giant ant nest with your sword? Are there any leaders like you?"

"You're right. It's all Mr. Kabaru's fault. Can't you just mind your own hands?" Kidd kept wailing, feeling like his legs were going to cramp, and there were those dead ants behind him. The pursuit was too tight.

"Roadless race! Don't complain to the team leader!"

Kabaru, who was running at the front with brown hair and stubble on his chin, was panting and shirking responsibility without hesitation.

"Besides, that lair is so obviously there. If I didn't stab it with a sword, I would feel sorry for myself!"

"Shut up, I've had enough of you guys!"

Fitz, who was running with all his strength with a long sword in his hand, yelled angrily: "It's a shame you guys can survive this far!"

And the most deceiving thing is that he found that he couldn't outrun the three deceivers in front of him, and became the last one in the rear.

Nima, how many times have you experienced this kind of thing?

He is not too young to bear this kind of torment!

But at this time, what was even more embarrassing was that the accident happened again.

"Hey, wait, there seems to be someone in front of you?"

The surprised and slightly panicked voice from Elaine made Fitz's already bad mood even worse.

"An adventurer or a traveling merchant passing by?"

"None of them." Ailian, who had already used far-sighted magic, said with a hint of guilt in her uncertain voice, "He looks like an ordinary person who has lost his way."

Fitz's mentality collapsed: "..."

grass! If he had known this, he might as well have stayed in the office and continued processing documents. He had never been so unlucky in his life!

"Stop running, stop and prepare to fight the monster!"

Fitz, who was running at the back, cursed and stopped without hesitation. He turned around and raised his sword to get ready for the impact.

If he encounters other adventurer teams, or some hired kingdom investigation team, then he may shamelessly lead the trouble to them, and then solve the trouble together with the stranger who has a stern look on his face.

But if he meets an ordinary person without power, as the president of the Adventurer's Guild, he is not shameless enough to do something as embarrassing as deflecting trouble or leaving the other person alone.

The adventure team of Ailian and three others stopped almost at the same time, and then turned to face the group of monsters they had attracted.

"Hey, hey, I remember that the number I provoked before was not so large, right?"

"That's all, Kabal, you big idiot." Ailian had a very nervous expression on her face, with tears in the corners of her cute eyes. "If I die, I will turn into a ghost and hover next to your pillow, making you happy from now on. Don’t even think about sleeping anymore!”

"Wahahahahaha, this is impossible, because..." Kabal said the most embarrassing words with a handsome face, "I will also die together!"

That mean look made Kidd, who was pretending to be calm next to him, start to hesitate whether to kick the opponent's butt before starting the fight.

"That's enough, you living treasures!"

Fitz, who felt that he had aged several years due to the hard work in the past few days and had more white hair, began to issue instructions in an orderly manner: "Ailian, the treatment and remote support will be left to you, Kabbah. You bastard, come to my side to withstand the initial impact of the monster swarm. If anything slips through the net, it will be left to Kidd to deal with it."

He flicked the sword flower casually, and then held the hilt tightly. Fitz adjusted his breathing and said in a deep voice: "Your team will know the specific cooperation. If you protect yourself, you don't need to support me. And ...Don’t even die.”

"Oh, I know, I will definitely not die, I haven't lived enough." Ailian began to wave the staff randomly, looking unreliable.

"Of course, President Fitz, even though I just ran away, a real fight would be quite powerful." Kabal smiled toothily and raised his thumb, looking unreliable.

"Don't worry, if things go wrong, I will help you find an escape route." Kidd also vowed not to worry, looking unreliable.

Fitz: "..."

Damn it, can't you save him some time?

Fitz didn't have much free time to worry. Among the giant ant swarms that followed, the one at the front was about to collide with him.

He lowered his center of gravity slightly and took a long breath. Just when Fitz was about to use the long sword in his hand to slash away the first monster with all his strength, a strange male voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Um, do you need help?"

This voice without warning frightened Fitz to the point where he almost slashed behind him with his sword, but fortunately, he finally controlled his increasingly tired and haggard mood and said without even looking back.

"Is he the so-called lost guy that Ailian found? He's not an ordinary person at all... If you can, please help."

"Well, okay, it just so happens that I have something to ask you."

The guy behind him also voiced his agreement, but Fitz really thought that someone like this who could suddenly appear behind him without warning would release some powerful magical support.

Something that surprised and confused him happened again.

"Pheromones are confusing, and the senses are confused."

As soon as he finished speaking, the group of chasing giant ants in front of him suddenly started to commotion, and even bumped into each other. Even the giant ant running at the front stopped, gave up the prey that was close at hand, and stood still. He kept shaking his head vigorously on the spot.

This strange scene made Fitz subconsciously put down his sword and wondered to himself: "What kind of magic is this?"

But at this time, something even more shocking happened to him. Behind him, a powerful and terrifying aura that was almost unheard of in his life suddenly erupted behind him, causing him to break out in cold sweat instantly.

It was my own senses that were warning me wildly.

"Breathe simulation, deterrence."

The giant ant swarm that was originally in a state of chaos suddenly froze, and a terrifying aura from a being as powerful as the devil instantly enveloped and locked them.

They were not very intelligent and had more instinct than thinking. They even felt the aura more clearly. It came from a powerful demon with explosive muscles all over his body and snail tentacles on his head.

Scared, weak, helpless, afraid to move.

A group of mentally retarded giant ants just stayed there, trembling and trembling, not daring to move. It wasn't until the terrifying aura quickly disappeared that they thought they were being let go. Then they just stood up and hurriedly headed in the direction they came from. , fleeing and receding like a tide.

Fitz, who was ready to fight desperately: "..."

Just, is it over?

Fitz, who was a little unresponsive, after hesitating for a moment, slowly turned his head and looked behind him, and then, a young man wearing blue and white plaid pajamas, with skin as good as that of an aristocratic young master who had never worked, entered. caught his sight.

At first glance, it was indeed quite ordinary, with no strong aura or obvious muscle outlines. However, Fitz quickly rejected the possibility that the other party was an ordinary person, because...

Fitz looked down silently.

This guy's feet are hanging off the ground.


Wait, why is this guy barefoot and not wearing shoes?

Gafan, who still didn't know that the man in front of him misunderstood that he was an exhibitionist, scratched his cheek helplessly and asked with a look of despair.

"Excuse me, where is this?"

He has been wandering around here for a long time and got lost. Those broken trees all look exactly the same.

This question also made Fitz, who was slightly wary, stunned for a moment, and then tentatively replied with some hesitation.

"This is the outskirts of the Jura Forest."

"Is that so...huh?"


at the same time.

Kobayashi and Milim have finally arrived at the monster town, the center of the Jura Tempest Federation.

And looking at the town in front of him, which was obviously not a human place, Xiao Lin couldn't help but look a little surprised.

Should I call it a different world? She thought the nearest town was where humans lived.

He thought this as he looked at Xiao Lin, who was holding a small windmill in his hand, a little girl with green skin and pointed ears who was obviously not human, trotting past with a smile, and glanced at her curiously.

"Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin, what do you think... of this town?"

At this time, Xiao Lin felt the corner of his clothes being pulled, and then saw Milim looking up at her nervously for some reason.

That way, it looked like Kangna had done something wrong.

Alas, are you worried that she might be angry because she is not in a human town?

This made Xiao Lin helplessly reach out and touch the other person's head, and replied with a faint smile: "I haven't had a good stroll around here yet, how do I know? But..."

Looking at the undisguised and happy smiles on the faces of the residents around him, Xiao Lin's lips raised slightly.

"It seems like a very nice place."

"Right? I think you will like this place, Xiaolin. After all, this is a town founded by my best friend Rimuru!"

After hearing Xiaolin's answer, Milim felt that some of the nervousness and inexplicable fear in her heart were instantly swept away, and she laughed happily again.

"Xiao Lin, the residents here are all very nice people. They are also very kind to me. It is also a very interesting place. There are many interesting things. There are new things every day. Yes, yes. The most important thing is that the food here is super delicious! ”

At this point, Milim shouted as if she had remembered something.

"By the way, I've been out for a day. Zhu Cai must have prepared a lot of delicious food for me by now. Xiao Lin, please wait for me here. I'll get it and eat it with you right away. Zhu Cai's The craftsmanship is the best.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Lin watched Milim run away and disappear into the crowd in such a hurry. The strong wind caused her to helplessly raise her hand to hold her slightly crooked glasses.

"He is really an energetic child, much more active than Kangna-chan."

Then for a moment, Xiao Lin, who was standing there, suddenly didn't know what he should do now. However, the occasional glances from the residents who were obviously not human around him were only curious, without even a trace of malice.

It seems that humans are not excluded here, Xiao Lin thought a little sensitively, and looked around, trying to find a place to sit and rest.

After all, she had been walking in the dense forest since yesterday.

Please, how long has it been since she has exercised so strenuously since she has been busy at work? Already tired.

But the next moment, Xiaolin froze on the spot as if she had seen something that surprised her.

It was not something unusual, but just an ordinary shop on the roadside. The familiar fragrance and the familiar store packaging made Xiao Lin subconsciously say a word.

"Ramen shop?"


At this time.

Outside town.

Four figures wearing black armor came here.

The leader, a man with a black panther's tail swinging behind his back, looked at the very prosperous monster town in front of him and chuckled with satisfaction.

"This place looks pretty good. It's a good place for Demon Lord Kalion to control."

The man's expression looked very confident at this time, but he suddenly frowned and said strangely.

"Hey, why is there a human smell?"

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