Hundreds of steam cannons similar to the products of goblin technology were located around the edge of the square, but they did not emit any energy fluctuations belonging to the elven corridor.

Because this is the crystallization of wisdom that belongs exclusively to mankind.

The endless mist of the void surged and rolled, making the scenes of the timeline continue to advance, allowing Gafan to witness with his own eyes the establishment of a human kingdom from scratch, and the transformation from backwardness to a somewhat cyberpunk style.

Using that roll of blueprints as the starting point, the human race's method of "boiling water" has been continuously optimized, and with the full and unreserved help of the entire Ex-Machina race, the time required for this process has been shortened by an unknown amount. times.

Minerals that could not be processed before have been fully utilized, and the labor force that was originally scarce has been supplemented in an alternative way.

People's quality of life is constantly improving, and simple wooden houses are gradually disappearing. High-rise buildings that have a bit of a modern science fiction style are constantly rising from the ground.

But there are no weapons that can take lives.

Because that's simply not needed.

Under the game rules of a certain god, this world prohibits all killing, war, and plunder, and everything can only be resolved through the outcome of the game.

Although humans are still at a disadvantage compared to other advanced races with various magical abilities, compared to the original timeline, this is really much better...

"The ten covenants you made back then are really being abided by by everyone now and even in the future. Rick, I really belong to you."

Looking at the tombstone in front of him, Gafan chuckled.

There is not much description or introduction left on it. What is left is just a simple sentence: "This is a loving and happy couple."

Under the tombstone, buried was an old man who lived a long life and died at the end of his life, and a girl who chose to destroy her core and sleep together.

Under his gentle gaze, there was an elderly man with a very kind and warm smile, who was sweeping the grave alone.

He watched the other person mumbling something to himself, stayed there for a long time, and then staggered away alone.

He looked at the other person sitting under the stars in the sky, his eyes seemed a little dull as he was remembering something. There was a steaming bowl of whole grain rice beside him, and he didn't know who he was waiting for to eat.


In a sea of ​​blooming flowers, Gafan looked silently at the old tombstone in front of him, looking at the stone that even had some moss growing on it. There was no name left on it, only a simple line of words——

A smiling girl sleeps here.

"...eldest sister."

A drop of liquid dripped down and wet the old tombstone.

Gafan, who could no longer control his emotions, slowly knelt down with his hands covering his face.

This was the first time he knelt down to someone in his two lives. He had never done this before, whether as an ordinary person or when he was strong enough to fight with gods, but now... ...

Facing this tombstone, he knelt willingly without any resistance.

"Gafan, don't cry."

The inseparable girl carefully hugged the sad man.

This is the first time she has seen each other in this fragile state since they have been together.

His eyes were also a little red, and he didn't know how to comfort him. All he could do was accompany him.

"It's okay, I'm okay..."

After a long time, Gafan took a deep breath and showed a somewhat ugly smile.

"The eldest sister is living a happy life. With Rick and Hubie by her side, she will not be alone for the rest of her life like in the original book. Moreover, the human kingdom of Elkia has been established smoothly in every aspect. .....It seems that Tetu has not forgotten the fact that he promised me to take some care of humans."

Shrouded in the fog of the void, drizzle seemed to begin to fall in the blue sky.

In the beautiful sea of ​​flowers, Gafan slowly changed from his kneeling position to sitting cross-legged, and lovingly held the girl next to him in his arms.

"Sister, this child is called the system. When I met you, she was in my mind and couldn't come out yet. Haha, does this sound a little strange?"

He looked at the tombstone and chuckled gently, mumbling something.

"Do you remember Saitama? The bald and cloaked hero. I saw him again later. At that time, I happened to be fighting an ugly weirdo with snail tentacles."

"Haha, don't worry, I am sensible. After all, the situation is urgent. I can't just ignore it, right? If that happens, I won't have the face to see you. Besides, there was a guy with a hedgehog head at the time. A super brave righteous hero is fighting with me.”

"Oh, by the way, I also met a slime named Rimuru later. Let me tell you, that guy is really super cute. I really want to take him with me to meet you, and then in that exquisite Let’s go shopping, chat, and have a party together in the beautiful monster town.”

"And more, I've met a lot of people and been to many places..."

Unknowingly, the fog of void that no longer fast forwards the timeline gradually swallows the edges of the sea of ​​flowers and shrinks and squeezes towards the center.

Gafan, who ignored these weird things, was still talking in front of the old tombstone with a chuckle.

"Sister, I take good care of myself."

"Although my mouth is still so stupid and my emotional intelligence is still so low, no matter what happens to me, I always remember to eat well, sleep well, and..."

"Live well."

Having said this, Gafan couldn't help but raise his hands to cover his face again, letting his fingers become wet.

He now understands his current situation.

He has not left the main world, and his physical body should still be in his own independent world. However, under the influence of the mist of these high-dimensional products, his subjective consciousness has directly crossed the endless void and extended to the place where he has been. , and browse there through history until time synchronizes with its own present.

The coordinates and paths required are through the few traces left on his body.

So, that is to say...

The eldest sister is really dead.

Just like Enichi Jiguo who once taught him swordsmanship, due to the different passage of time in different worlds, once we say goodbye, we will never see each other again.


The sea of ​​blooming flowers is gradually disappearing.

When the fog of void completely enveloped this place, it was the time when Gafan's main consciousness was enveloped and returned to his true form.

But at this moment, he was just sitting in front of the tombstone, meditating for a long time...

Without warning.

There seemed to be a familiar little hand gently caressing Gafan's head.

He was stunned for a moment.

Then the next moment, he suddenly raised his head, and seemed to really see the other person's gentle eyes again.

His blue and clear eyes were like the sky when the world was unpolluted, just like the first time they met.

And seemed to be whispering something——

Gafan, you have grown up.

next moment.

The endless fog of the void, along with the sea of ​​flowers and tombstones, completely submerged Gafan who was standing there, and a wave of madness poured into his body, causing the intensity of his aura to soar exponentially.

At the same time, in the world of Game Life·ZERO.

Sixteen racial chess pieces as huge as mountain peaks are located on the boundless land full of vitality and fantasy.

And on the top of one of them, there was sitting the weakest and last divine species.

That is a great existence with the authority to erase and recreate the world at will, the only god in the true sense, or in other words, the god of games who controls the Star Cup.

"Hey, the breath of a god from another world?"

Suddenly, he was playing with a chess pattern in his hand and turned his head in a certain direction with a face full of surprise.

There is a sea of ​​flowers in the human kingdom, where a red-haired girl who once loved to laugh is buried.

"No, Gafan?!"

Suddenly, Tetu felt even more surprised. He didn't expect that the other party could become so strong, but the state he was in now seemed very special, and he seemed to be about to completely leave the world again.

"What's wrong with that guy? His aura is so strong that it almost feels like that guy from the God of War, and it's still climbing?!"

The delicate brows wrinkled slightly.

But he quickly judged that the other party seemed to be in the process of completely transforming from a mortal into a being similar to a god.

At this moment, Tetu suddenly remembered that he had promised this guy that when he returned to this world again, he would grant him a wish.

But now, they are here, but they are leaving soon...

No, He cannot break His promise!

With a move of his immature little hand, he instantly summoned a sacred object that seemed to be extremely reduced from an eternal star.

The aura of the supreme world rules spreads, containing the concept of creation and the full power of the Elf Corridor on the entire planet.

That is the "Star Grail" that even the gods desire and cannot resist.

"Really, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Forget it... let me help you."

Tetu muttered a little depressed, and his beautiful pupils like Persian cats were full of physical pain that was inconsistent with the painting style of the One God, but in the end he still raised the star cup in his hand high, bursting out that both the planet and the gods would be moved. The power of trembling and shock.

In an instant, a "bright starlight" that was so dazzling that no one except the gods could detect it crossed the dimensional gap, poured into the fog of the void that was about to completely dissipate, and sank into someone's body.

That is the power that belongs to the most essential, highest level, and supreme rules of this world.

Suddenly, the strength of Tetu's aura weakened visibly to the naked eye, and his face even turned a little pale.

And this change also caused a sudden storm in the sky, and several scrutiny eyes from the great gods came from outside the planet.

"What are you looking at? Since we are all defeated, go back to sleep quickly."

Putting away the dimmed star cup, Tetu glared at them angrily.

As for the only god who became a god by picking up leaks, those great gods, after being silent for a long time, finally slowly withdrew their gaze, causing the sky to return to a state of clear sky.

"Really, a bunch of guys that make people worry."

Tetu stuck out his pink tongue in disgust, and after basking in the sun for a while, Tetu suddenly disappeared without a trace.

He is going to find someone to play games with.


main world.

The will of a great existence passed through the endless void, crossed the world barrier, and returned to a remote living planet again.

The aura belonging to higher dimensions permeates the starry sky outside the earth's atmosphere.

The vision of heaven and earth from the projection of the world still exists, and has even spread to the evolution of the rules of the world.

Earth, water, wind and fire, yin and yang and the five elements, four images and eight trigrams, two rituals and Tai Chi, the purple air travels 30 billion kilometers from the east and affects the entire solar system——

Great Dao Sanskrit! ! !

As the scale of this undetectable phenomenon of heaven and earth became more and more vast, the original chaos of time and space that caused the sun, moon and stars to set, and mountains, rivers, and vegetation to wither, gradually calmed down.

Because the fog of the void has dispersed.

Someone's dream, wake up.

Flowers are not flowers, mist is not mist, rain is not rain, and dreams are not dreams.

The flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water are like a dream, things are different and people are different from the sky.

A pair of eyes that seemed to contain all the truths in the three-dimensional space slowly opened and looked calmly at the boundless starry sky.

I see the universe, I realize the stars, I observe the world!

In an independent world connected to reality, in the center of the supercontinent whose area has expanded a hundred times, on the 100,000-meter-high Yggdrasil World Tree, the Throne of Truth has been completely formed at this moment.

And teleported to the seat of a certain man whose aura continued to surge.

Ignoring his own seemingly exaggerated power, Gafan on the Throne of Truth just held the system in his arms, silently raising his hand and gently touching his head, as if he was reminiscing about something.

But in the end, he just let out a deep sigh.

The swallows do not return, it is late in spring, and the apricot blossoms are cold in the misty rain.

A dream.


【God of truth】

Effect: Everything you say will come true, and all your wishes will come true. You will be immune to any influence caused by the three-dimensional space to a great extent. Your will is the truth of the world.

Note: Above the ultimate, the person of true God, the throne of the world, the ruler of the three dimensions.

Stepping towards the high-dimensional realm, you are already a god in the true sense.

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