Ethel glanced at the flat-haired beast with resentment, and when she was retreating to avoid Quetzalcoatl's iron fist, she found that her limbs had been wrapped with the locks of heaven that bound the divinity at some point.


A huge muffled sound like a collapsing mountain echoed in the sky, and underneath a figure falling to the earth at a high speed were hundreds of dangerous chains that were about to penetrate his body.

The space cane waved slightly.

Ethel, who successfully teleported to avoid the attack, covered her bleeding forehead and shouted loudly.

"Old Lizard, come and help me, my abilities are a bit restrained!"

The cry for help reached the ears of the God of Medicine in the Underworld, who was being pursued by a barrage of magic bullets all over the sky.

"Don't force things on others, Birdman, I'm quite busy here too."

Ninazu's helpless hoarse voice revealed exhaustion.

He waved the rotten wood scepter in his hand, controlling the sea of ​​curses that seemed to swallow the earth, and swung countless magic-laden water arrows into the sky to counteract the sky-filled barrage shot by the goddess of Venus.

He looked up at the goddess in the sky who, except for her aura and hair color, was almost the same as the one in the underworld, trying to find a flaw to directly curse her to death.

But at this time, dozens of deep purple light cannons that shattered the cursed barrier forced him to distract his attention.

"There is relevant information recorded in the mission introduction. Is this guy the Gorgon, the goddess of warcraft? How come he became such a small one?"

Ninazu, who waved his hand to cause the Sea of ​​Curses to raise a hundred-meter-high wave and block all the light cannons, looked puzzled.

The opponent's strength does not match the intelligence records, and it seems to be much weaker.

This is a good thing, but doesn’t this guy hate humans? Why do you want to help those natives attack you?

Before he had time to think too much, a huge scythe that slaughtered immortals was already facing him.

"This weapon..."

Ninazu frowned slightly, and just as he was about to retreat, he caught sight of a pair of magic eyes that could turn everything to stone, and was immediately forced to freeze in place.

The cloudy vertical pupils tightened.

Surrounded by dozens of ferocious snake heads that were made of long hair and had gathered their magic power, they were all completely locked on the prey. Ishtar, who had seized the opportunity above, had also shot a magic bullet that could penetrate the mountains.

"Damn, you rats!"

The angry curses were drowned in the huge roar that echoed through the sky.

On the ruined and ruined land, a grand mushroom cloud slowly rises, and under the light of dawn that has just risen on the distant horizon, it is rendered into an oil painting, which looks particularly shocking.

Looking at the anxious battle situation below, the God of Space withdrew his gaze and gave up the idea of ​​seeking help.

"Damn it, if the Space-Time War Spear hadn't been destroyed, how could I be in such a mess?"

Gritting his teeth, he manipulated the atmosphere, causing the swirling and disturbed sea of ​​clouds to instantly submerge the Sun Goddess, temporarily holding her back.

This crazy woman's skills in close combat are simply ridiculously high.

"Deal with you first!"

Ethel turned to look at the green-haired figure in the distance who had been disturbing her with the Sky Lock. Without any hesitation, she controlled the ionization of the atmosphere and directly hit a space thunderstorm that shook the sky.


The madly raging thunder was diverted away most of its power by dozens of chains protruding from the void.

Jin Gu, whose white robe became slightly charred at the corners, looked solemnly at the increasingly intense lightning and thunder in the sky, and raised his slender right arm, hoping to summon the Heavenly Lock to attack again.

But after a fleeting space fluctuation, a whip kick directly caught her off guard and blasted her thousands of meters away.

"No, I'm not good at dealing with space-type abilities."

Jin Gu, who stepped on the void with his white and tender feet, barely stopped his decline. After looking at the scars on his arms, he directly waved his hand to summon hundreds of heavenly locks that could restrain the gods, and crisscrossed them around him, forming a A dense net.

And just when she wanted to rush back like this, she found that dawn had risen without knowing when, and the warm morning light swayed on her back, reminding her that the night had dispersed, and...

There was a breath that was extremely familiar to her.


The melodious songs came from far away, sweet, beautiful, and... extremely dangerous.

Suddenly, Jin Gu's delicate body froze, and a dazed look flashed across her beautiful face.

She slowly turned around, and then she saw the tide of chaos on the distant horizon that was rushing toward Uruk, as if it was about to swallow up the entire continent, and the billions of second-generation Warcraft Ra that filled the sky. Hemu, and that sacred figure as huge as a mountain range——

The goddess of creation, Tiamat.

"Mother, mother..."

Seeing the being who abandoned him again, Jin Gu couldn't help but have a look of pain, confusion, and even withdrawal in his eyes.

She didn't know how to face him.

But soon, the confusion in her eyes was replaced by a kind of astonishment.

"No, that's not right, mother... Tiamat's state is very wrong."

Jin Gu's beautiful eyebrows frowned. As the other party's former "child", she could clearly sense and judge that the other party now had a disgusting and abnormal aura.

And the pair of purple-red pupils that were supposed to be lifeless and calm were now filled with abnormal paranoia and hatred.

"What's going on here?"

Jin Gu murmured to himself, and couldn't help but want to fly over to investigate the situation.

But this time.

An unprecedented sense of crisis enveloped her.


A man in black armor came to her side at some point, with a half-burned cigarette in his mouth, and glanced at her lightly.

"No, it should be said to be an artifact with self-awareness? It's really rare."

Time and space are imprisoned, and thoughts are blocked.

Jin Gu, who was unable to move for a moment, looked in horror at a big hand in front of him that seemed to be able to erase his consciousness and soul, grabbing at him.

No, I'm going to suffer!

Cracks glowing with golden light appeared on her fair and pretty face, and a huge amount of magic power exploded.

Just when Jin Gu wanted to desperately confront the extremely dangerous man in front of him and release his Noble Phantasm to resist, the other man's big hand suddenly stopped.

Because, at this moment, without any warning, another big hand firmly grasped his wrist.

His dark eyes were stern, and his blue and white robes were swaying lightly in the wind.

"Human, doll?"

Looking at the familiar back, a moment of confusion flashed in his beautiful purple eyes, but Jin Gu quickly realized that the other person was not his idiot.

"...Be careful, I'll cut you."

Gafan glanced at this gender-free guy speechlessly. After thinking of an artificially retarded person, he sighed softly and said, "Back off, let me deal with this guy."

As soon as he finished speaking, his hand was empty.

"Hey, hey, the Lord God is really capable of summoning people. He just defeated the Creation Goddess, and he wants me to subdue such a guy. This aura..."

Teleporting a hundred meters away, he put out the cigarette butt. Pan Zhen looked at the strange guy in front of him with an expressionless face, whose aura felt neither human nor divine. He silently took out the god-killing weapon temporarily borrowed from the main god space from the storage space. .

The pitch-black blade glowed with a deep luster like a black hole.

"You look strong."

He slowly opened his mouth, revealing his pale teeth, and some vague excitement appeared on his rough, seemingly lazy face.

The trait of warlikeness is shared by almost all contractors.

Although the Creation Goddess I dealt with before was also very powerful, she was still in an almost unconscious instinctive state and could only use the most brutal and direct head-on attacks, which was really boring.

Well now, I have met a good opponent.

"It's okay. I should be able to give you a good beating."

Ga Fan frowned slightly and glanced at the long knife in the opponent's hand. This thing that looked like a standard weapon could actually make him feel dangerous.

At this moment, a super-strong energy wave came, causing him to subconsciously turn his head and look, and then his face suddenly changed slightly.

It was Tiamat who had finished charging her power. She was aiming the three-kilometer-diameter super-large magic mass in front of her mouth in the direction of Uruk City, and was about to steal the incoming map cannon that would strike at a long distance.

"Oops, the clones with insufficient energy can't stop this attack."

Gafan quickly raised his hand and waved, instantly causing violent spatial fluctuations within a range of 10,000 meters, trying to stop them, but the next moment, these spatial ripples were quickly calmed down by another force.

As a result, without any hindrance, the super-large light cannon plowed a deep ravine in the ground with a ferocious momentum that could instantly shatter the towering mountains into powder, and blasted towards the ancient city.

This made Gafan hurriedly turn around and wanted to rush over to intercept, but Pan Zhen, who teleported over to block the space and blocked the way, made him look grim and took out the World Slate to punish the opponent.

But then, he was surprised to notice a familiar figure on the distant city wall, that was——

The last master of mankind.

"Ma Xiu, I order you with a command spell to guard this city."

The fierce gust of wind blew his dark hair, and his blue eyes reflected the terrifying light cannon that was approaching at extremely fast speeds and could instantly turn him into ashes, but he never showed even the slightest hint of fear.

The courage that belongs to mankind is most vividly displayed at this moment.

Fujimaru Ritsuka, whose mysterious lines disappeared from the back of his hand, shouted sternly and gave clear instructions to his servants.

"Yes, senior!"

Then came a firm response without any hesitation or confusion.

"Real name, public."

Holding the Chaldean Ethical Shield high in his hand, he chanted a solemn prayer loudly, and his magic-burning war skirt rustled in the wind.

The pink-haired girl standing at the front of Uruk City had a burning soul in her beautiful purple eyes.

"I will stand on the seat of disaster, my hometown that can heal all wounds and all resentments——"


The huge light cannon that could wipe out the entire city in an instant had arrived, and the giant shield in the girl's hand just fell to the ground, releasing the noble phantom to the maximum extent, and then caused a towering city wall to rise suddenly like a natural moat.

That was the chalk city that once held all the thoughts of the King of Knights.

Matthew shouted resolutely.

"'The ideal city Lord Camelot is already far away'!"

boom----! ! !

Countless light fragments were flying, and the whole city began to shake violently, as if it would be completely destroyed in the next moment, but the fact was that it was an attack from the Goddess of Creation.

He was blocked by a girl holding a shield with her own strength.


There seemed to be a hint of surprise and doubt in the melodious singing.

But just when Tiamat wanted to launch another bombardment at the chalk city that recreated its former scene, she discovered that the tide of chaos beneath her feet had been completely replaced by golden ripples at some point.

"The son of the god Tiamat, Jin Gu, will reveal the basket of the Heavenly Locks here."

Thousands of Heavenly Locks protruded from the void, and instantly wiped out all the nearby Herams, forming a chain of Heavenly Locks cages that stretched across the sky and the earth.

The beautiful green person stepped on the void with her naked jade feet and came to the goddess of creation. She looked up at her, her eyes full of indescribable complexity and sadness.

There is an existence in that city that I regard as a treasure, even more than my life. I have been redeemed by that idiot doll. No matter what, I don't want the other person's life to be threatened, so...

Sorry, mother.

After Jin Gu closed his eyes, his eyes that slowly opened again were filled with determination.

She knew that she couldn't stop the opponent on her own, but if she could only restrain him temporarily, she could still do it with all her strength.

"Mother's anger has passed away, and now it is the breath of the stars that is awakened."

The extremely brilliant and dazzling golden light bloomed, overwhelming the morning light of dawn, driving away the angry Rakhmu group, turning into countless chains of heaven, galloping across the sky towards the high sky, and then transformed into He made a golden spearhead as huge as a mountain range and pointed it towards the creation god on the earth below——

It crashed down without hesitation.

“‘O people of the world, I hope to bind the gods (EnumaE sh)’!!!”

Boom! ! ! ! ! !

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