[After the judgment is completed, the target is a high-value individual. Start a capture operation, try to suppress it to a near-death state, and start to control atmospheric ionization. 】

Forty-nine interstellar battleships that changed their shapes were arranged in a special square array, and the surrounding atmosphere with a radius of 100,000 meters was gathered to form a massive vortex-like ripple.

Ultra-high energy fluctuations are generated!

The dragon's vertical pupils, which were about to break through the convective clouds, suddenly tightened. A sense of crisis comparable to that of being besieged by the Angel Legion struck her, causing her to subconsciously spread her wings and stop her momentum.

next moment.

The clouds that obscured her vision dispersed on their own, and what came into view was the huge terrifying thunder pillar that lit up the night like a punishment from heaven——

"Space Thunderstorm"!


The soul-shaking dragon roar and the thunder that shook the sky sounded at the same time.

Then, a mysterious magic circle full of ominous atmosphere appeared in front of the dragon's mouth, and then...

Spraying out the flames of destruction that could destroy the war fortress in an instant——

"Chaos Breath"!

One microsecond later.

The thunder, which relied on the power of the planet, and the dragon flames that inspired the power of blood collided at a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters from the ground.

In an instant, the originally dark night suddenly became as bright as day.

The circular shock wave that spread out swept away all the clouds within a hundred miles in the blink of an eye.

The sky exploded.

Great sound!

"...Oh my god, can I not do this dragon-slaying side mission?"

The ground was in a mess, and nearly 10,000 contractors were stunned by this shocking scene.

One of the men, dressed as a gentleman, took off his black top hat, looked up at the starry sky that had become very clear due to the temporary vacancy in the atmosphere, and remained silent for a long time.

You can kill yourself with just one sneeze.

What a fucking butt!

When this is said, it is just talk. After all, the punishment for mission failure...is obliteration.

"Hey, the information on the mission panel has changed?"

The gentleman man suddenly noticed the changes on the virtual panel, but after taking a closer look, the expression on his face began to quickly change into shock and collapse.

【information update. 】

[Cancel the dragon-slaying mission and replace it with capture and recovery. The target individual must be suppressed to a near-death state and more than 80% of the body's integrity must be ensured. Failure penalty...]

【Erase. 】

"The Lord God, I am Cao Nima!"

He slammed the top hat in his hand to the ground and came into close contact with the dust. The gentleman who once slaughtered an entire troll community with his bare hands felt that his cultivation and demeanor had been lost to the dogs at this moment.

Can we fucking issue tasks based on actual conditions?

It's good if we don't get slaughtered by others. Why the hell do you want us to capture each other? !


He kept cursing, but his body was honest and he bent down to pick up the special hat that could restore mental power from the ground, and then...

With a muffled sound on the back of his head, his consciousness instantly fell into darkness.

"Hey, Kukul, do we really have to rely on just the two of us to solve so many people?"

Holding high the knotweed that had just attacked someone's sap, Leopard Man, dressed in a puppet suit, shouted energetically: "I don't want you, meow, it's too much, it's so tiring..."


Before he finished speaking, a fist as big as a sandbag knocked the Leopard Man directly into the soil.

"Don't be discouraged, Leopard Man. I have just sensed it. There are still 9,527 opponents present. I am responsible for 8,000 of them, and I will leave the remaining more than 1,000 to you. It should be fine. Bar?"

Quetzal, whose fists were smoking, asked kindly with a smile on his face.

"Huh? How could it not be..."

After struggling to pull out the head buried in the ground, the leopard man looked like "are you stupid" and was about to complain.

Then someone pinched my head.

"Or, I'll beat them up with you." Quetzalcoatl, who was occasionally unreasonable, showed his sharp shark teeth, and his beautiful smile became dangerous.

"Come on, make your choice, I'm very reasonable~"


The Leopard Man, with cold sweat on his forehead, swallowed silently, and then quickly gave a thumbs up energetically.

"Don't worry, Kukul, there are just over a thousand people, just leave them all to me. I'm sure there will be no questions...right?"

The Leopard Man, who had consumed a lot of magic power, held tightly the tiger palm staff with some cracks in his hand, and looked at the surrounding power mechas, virus enhancers, ghouls, hybrid angels, and demons in the distance. .....

I feel like being a follower of the gods is really stressful!

"Okay, let's go. The Leopard Man is the strongest in the jungle! Although the woods have all disappeared, hahaha meow!"

Watching the leopard man whose aura began to change to an extremely wild state and rushed out on his own initiative, Quetzal also pressed his knuckles.

"Hey, boys with inexplicable auras that are super annoying~ I don't know why you attacked Big Sister's Sun Temple, but that doesn't matter anymore."

With a casual move, he summoned the "solar calendar stone" placed on the altar of the temple and held it tightly in his hand.

It's like holding a burning flame.

"Are you ready? A super wrestling match that will definitely be fun-"

The figure instantly disappeared from the sight of all the contractors, and when it reappeared, it was accompanied by the wailing sound of dozens of unlucky guys being blown away at the same time like a goddess scattering flowers, and a series of crisp sonic booms.

He trampled a stunned half-dragon under his feet, under the gaze of all the contractors as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The sun goddess showed a beautiful yet extremely dangerous smile.

"It's time to start~"

Chapter 321: Absolute Warcraft Front

The northern city wall of Uruk.

Babylonia, the absolute warcraft front.

Defend Mesopotamia, the largest and last fortress in the world.

The towering city walls isolate the desolate and dangerous wilderness from the fertile and fertile plains, and keep out all the monsters that choose people to devour.

The most elite soldiers in the entire Mesopotamia are all stationed here, and are led by General Leonidas, the heroic servant summoned by the Wise King of Uruk and the former King of Sparta in ancient Greece. command.

This is the front line of the war between humans and Warcraft.

In the past, no Warcraft has ever truly broken through here. Even Ugal, known as the Sun Lion, will die under the spear thrown by the King of Sparta.

But today...

"It's strange."

Under the lonely night, a man wearing a red ridge cloak, a golden helmet, and holding a shield and a spear pondered.

He stood alone at the gate of the city, surrounded by mountains of corpses of monsters. The blood flowing out even dyed the dry and barren ground red.

These leaderless guys began to attack the front here at sunset.

But rather than saying it was an attack, it was more like they were being driven away by some scary guy and running for their lives.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After he led the loyal and brave soldiers to intercept all these monsters under the city and deal with them, a group of them were as large and dense as locusts, and their individual strength was extremely strong. The unprecedented black monsters were close to them. With the attack came a massive charge against the battered and tested city walls.

They suffered heavy losses.

But in the end, the enemy was still stopped and the battle line was not lost and collapsed, but...

This is based on the premise that those weird dark monsters suddenly stopped in the middle of the battle, and then all retreated inexplicably like a tide, as if they were rushing to somewhere.

"Your Excellency Leonidas, all the injured soldiers have temporarily retreated back to Uruk through the portal after simple treatment of their injuries."

A man dressed as a monk and wearing a black turban came over.

He carries a lot of various weapons on his back, and their blades still have blood that will not be wiped off in the future. His silent and serious face reveals a mixture of chilling and conservative temperament.

"How many soldiers do we have left?"

"Three hundred people."

Musashibo Benkei responded in a deep voice.

"The rest of them are all unable to continue fighting due to varying degrees of injuries."

There was a hint of flinch in his voice when he said this.

Because he was a wise and protective person during his lifetime. He once abandoned the monarch he was supposed to protect and left alone because of fear of death. It is not an exaggeration to call him a shameless coward.

The only reason he was still guarding this dangerous place was because of Ushiwakamaru's order.

"Three hundred people..."

Leonidas recited this number that had special meaning to him several times in a low voice, and then the corners of his resolute mouth slightly raised, revealing a hearty and heroic smile.

"That's enough. We can stay at this checkpoint for a long, long time, until...King Gilgamesh gives us the order to retreat."

Hearing these words full of determination, Musashibo Benkei opened and closed his mouth several times, as if he wanted to say something, but in his mind he recalled a certain heroic and free-spirited female military general who said to herself before leaving. After the words.

After a moment of silence, he just shook his head and turned back to his post.

Looking at the monk's leaving figure, Leonidas withdrew his gaze.

He could feel that this man's heart lacked enough courage and was filled with some inexplicable self-loathing.

The King of Sparta does not consider himself to be a delicate person, but he feels that as long as he fights and moves his body, some bad negative emotions in his heart will always be dispelled.

Or do something that everyone can do and within their capabilities.

"General Leonidas, there is an abnormal situation!"

At this time, the soldiers' shouts came from the city wall, warning that danger was coming again.

So, after Leonidas finished thinking, he immediately raised his head and looked towards the horizon ahead. This was the third time he had done this today.

The first time I saw a horde of monsters attacking, the second time I saw the Rahmu charging like locusts, and this third time...

In his suddenly tightened pupils, he reflected the dark tsunami rushing from the horizon, as if it was about to engulf the earth, like countless dirty sludge.

The desert disappeared, and the steep Gobi cliffs were smoothed, assimilated, and then became part of the dark ocean, making the menacing waves more unstoppable.

It's like a scene of world destruction.

"......weigh anchor!"

The indestructible war spear slammed on the ground, and the roar of the King of Sparta resounded throughout the Babylonian battle lines.

He recognized what the ominous world-destroying tsunami was.

The wise king of Uruk who summoned him before had informed him of the relevant information, so that he would not ignorantly think that this was a natural disaster, but that it came from the power of the real goddess of creation, Tiamat— —

"Sea of ​​Life".

A sea of ​​annihilation that can assimilate all beings swallowed up in it, transform and integrate the ecology, destroy human beings, and proliferate infinitely.

But fortunately, they were already prepared and were not without countermeasures.

"Pull out the anchor, pull out the anchor!"

The deafening roars of the soldiers followed closely.

What followed was violent vibrations on the ground and a mighty roar!

With a series of loud noises resembling the rotation of gears, deep cracks appeared on the ground five hundred meters away from the city wall. Then, like bulges, dense and huge bone spurs rapidly "grew" from them, intertwining with each other. snug.

In the end, a bone barrier that was even taller than the Absolute Warcraft Front was formed——

"The Tooth of Nabistine".

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