"Hey, system, please tell me that you have to maximize your language communication skills now. There is a ghost..."

Halfway through Gafan's decadent words, he unexpectedly got stuck in his throat because he saw a figure appearing in the distance that seemed to be riding some kind of creature, approaching quickly.

And after a while, the visitor came to the confused Gafan. He took off the linen hood that blocked the black and gray, revealing a head of red hair that reached past his shoulders, clear blue eyes, and a face with a Familiar faces with some caring expressions.

That is the sister of Rick, the hero of Game of Life Zero. She is also the founding queen of the human kingdom of Elkia in the future, and she is...

Gafan's hope of survival now.

Chroni Dora.

"Are you OK?"

Listening to the language in his ears that was obviously unfamiliar, but could be understood without any hindrance, Gafan almost burst into tears. It was a strong feeling that once again ignited the hope of life.

He covered his face, his voice was trembling, and he spoke the same language as the other party as if it was natural.

"Sister! Help!!!"

"Eh??? Don't hold my legs, I'm going to fall down!"

And just when Gafan finally grasped his hope for the future, a huge building similar to a floating island passed by from high altitude. He didn't notice the farce of the two ants below and flew into the distance. ——

The direction from which the energy ripples came before.


"Why did this guy suddenly turn into a child? He doesn't look like a weirdo."

Standing on the edge of the giant pit, Saitama raised his hands and kept flapping his wings. The struggling little Jibril, who had turned into an infant, had a face that looked like an egg that had been stripped of its shell, with a little bit of confusion.

"Did you just eat something strange? Oh, by the way, I told you not to throw things around. It would be bad if you hit others."

Saitama complained with some dissatisfaction. In his opinion, Jibril's behavior of throwing Sky Strike just now was just like him being accidentally hit on the head by someone else's basketball while he was walking well on the roadside. It was a bit annoying.

So, as he spoke, he shook the other person a little harder, hoping to make the other person apologize quickly or something.

"Ahhh! I can't get away, I feel dizzy!"

Little Jibril was so shaken that she yelled, "What kind of strange power is this?"

Even if she used all her remaining strength, there was no sign of the opponent's hand being lifted open.

No, we have to hold on for a while, the distress signal has been sent.

Although it was embarrassing, Jibril didn't believe that with the entire Tianyi race present, this strange man who was definitely not a human being could cause any trouble.

Is it possible that the other party is still strong enough to fight with the gods?

Jibril felt very stable.

"Hey, kid, don't be stunned. If you did something wrong, apologize quickly!" Seeing that the other party didn't seem to have any reaction, Saitama shook him again, causing several flawless "bird feathers" to fall out one after another. fall.

"I will forgive you after you apologize."

"Ahhh! Don't, don't use so much force!"

The young Jibril, who was lifted high, screamed in panic again.

And what about Hubie at this time?

She was down with a blank look on her face.

"Can't understand, can't understand, wrong, wrong!"

The shocking reality completely conflicted with the records in the database. The existence of the man in front of her simply subverted the definition of the human race. The chaotic data caused the body to generate heat and erupted from her little head.

But one thing is understandable and confirmed, and that is...

"Hubby, it seems that I can continue to live."

Hubie lowered his head, protecting the ring in his hand, and murmured with a smile.

Chapter 4: Beat you up

"Please, please, who are you?"

The Elf Corridor flickered slightly, and some of the missing parts on his body beat and the electric current automatically gathered back. He barely returned to his human form and once again disguised himself in the original hood. The data stream passed through his eyes, and Saitama looked fragile. asked.

There was a bit of curiosity in his eyes, but he didn't show any alertness or fear because of the terrifying punch that the other party had punched through the sky before.

Because after she got a human "heart" from Rick, she could already clearly feel whether a person was a good person, hostile or malicious.

This is not relying on the so-called data analysis of mechanical species, but a kind of "understanding" and "intuition" that mechanical species cannot have.

"Hey, me?"

Saitama, who was still raising his head to Jibril, replied a bit belatedly. He looked dull and had no temperament belonging to a strong man at all.

"My name is Saitama, kid, uh, no, you can't call me that if you're not a naughty kid."

Perhaps because he felt that it was a bit rude to stand on the edge of the huge pit and look down at Hubie and speak to him in the pit, Saitama directly grabbed the little Jibril who was still shouting and struggling and jumped down, as if he was falling freely under the cliff. , landed steadily in front of Hubi.

"By the way, little sister, do you know where this is? This doesn't seem to be Japan. I just bought crabs on sale in City Z and was going back..."

Saitama scratched his cheek and asked, and then his egg-faced face suddenly froze.

He silently glanced at his hands holding the winged devil, then looked around again, and finally saw the plastic bag covered by some sand and gravel on the ground not far to the right.

The special crabs inside seem to be quite good.

Saitama's stiff expression softened and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, luckily it's okay, otherwise there would be no dinner tonight..."


At this time, a huge beam of light came directly without warning, and instantly completely covered the huge crater in the wasteland, causing a chain of violent explosions, turning it completely into a giant crater as if it had been hit by a meteorite. crater.

"Diankai—no entry!"

A circular energy matrix appeared in time, protecting the girl curled up under it, while Saitama, another man in the huge beam of light, subconsciously protected the little Jeep that turned into a child in his hand, which he regarded as a human being. Lil.

The huge air wave generated by the energy wave swept towards the end of the horizon in all directions, covering everything. The ground surface cracked on a large scale, and the violent vibrations caused even reached an orc exploration team thousands of miles away. The original giant pit was even bigger. It was forcefully and directly out of thin air that it expanded several times and became deeper.

This scene of the terrain being forcibly changed is like the scepter of God falling into the world.

But... the smoke does no harm.

"Ahem, wow, there's a lot of dust, who is throwing things away? This is very unethical."

There was no weak sound to be heard coming from the swirling dust, and there were also two coughs.

"There's so much dust that I can't even see."

The next moment, as a wind blowing like a Category 12 typhoon appeared, the visibility of the scene that originally looked like the center of the fog instantly returned to its original state.

Then Saitama looked up and found something like an island parked in the sky directly above him, casting a large shadow.

"what is that?"

Saitama scratched his head in confusion, "It looks quite big."

And someone beside him answered this question for him.

"Abant Heim."

The circular energy matrix dispersed, and Hubi looked up at the city in the sky above.

The hope for life that had just risen in my heart suddenly disappeared in silence.

"The location of the Flügel camp, the number of high-energy reactions... Saitama, please run away."

"Escape meow?"

A cold voice with a smile suddenly appeared behind Hubi, followed by a black scythe representing death, and it cut directly and casually towards Hubi's neck.

"!!! No, Diankai - no access..."


The sickle blade, which was condensed with high concentration of energy, was chewed to pieces.


The green-haired Flügel was so shocked by the figure that instantly appeared in front of him that he subconsciously traveled through space and returned to mid-air.

"Hey, don't attack children with weapons. The era of declining birthrate does not allow you to kill children indiscriminately."

Saitama complained as he spat out the energy fragments he had bitten into his mouth, but was stunned for a moment when he saw them dissipate directly into the air.

"Eh? What is this?"

The green-haired Flügel, who once again condensed the scythe in his hand in mid-air, looked at Saitama below with some solemnity. When the opponent appeared just now, he didn't see clearly how the opponent came, and he didn't even react to the fluctuations of the elf power. Didn't even feel it at all.

"who are you?"

"Me?" Saitama replied, looking a little dazed, "I am Saitama, a hero driven by interest."

"What kind of meow is that?" The green-haired Flügel frowned, "I'm asking about the original race that you transformed into this fishy posture. Is this kind of body function a dragon elf species or a fantasy species?"

"No, what are you talking about? I'm a human being." Saitama scratched his cheek and replied seriously.

But after hearing this answer, the green-haired Flügel was directly angered.

"Monkey? Are you kidding me? You dare to fool me like this!"

The halo above his head turned into an ominous black, the white wings around his waist were fully unfolded, and the sickle in his hand was instantly covered with countless amplification arrays. The ultra-high concentration of energy reaction even distorted the air and surrounding gravity. The whole body exudes the overwhelming presence of a strong person.

The islands high in the sky flickered, and figures exuding a terrifying aura appeared one after another behind the green-haired Flügel.

She raised her hand, pointing the scythe at Saitama, her eyes glowing with dangerous green flames.

"My name is Azrael, the speaker of the Eighteen-wing Council and the plenipotentiary agent of the Flügel, Saitama. You are now regarded by us as an enemy that must be eliminated, and..."

Azriel looked at little Jibril who was still held by Saitama, and the smile on her face suddenly became very dangerous and cold.

"If you dare to bully my sister, you will have to pay some price, nya."

As if in response to her will, the hands of the Flügel behind them also condensed black death scythes. The elven corridors on their wings flickered, and the high-energy reaction condensed made Hubby's eyes flash.

On this planet, the Flügels were created by the God of War Artesh as god-killing weapons. Each individual Flügel was incredibly strong, and any Flügel could destroy a city of other races with one strike.

Their innate strength even made them the only race enjoying themselves in this protracted world war.

In the past, apart from the non-standard divine species, the only ones that could allow them to dispatch on a large scale were dragon spirits. But that time, only dozens of them were dispatched, and this time...

The wings were fully unfolded and seemed to cover the sky.

It was all the Flügel that came.

"Ah, it feels so troublesome."

Saitama, who still didn't feel the slightest nervousness, scratched his cheek, and then looked down at little Jibril, who was still caught by him. She didn't know why she stopped making noises, and was a little silent.

"She said she was your sister, but why did it seem that she also attacked you when she fired the beam?"

"That beam is an attack with specific identification. It's quite troublesome to use. It can't hurt me. Compared to this..." Jibril's young face showed some confusion and confusion at this time. Puzzled.

"Why did you protect me just now?"

"Eh?" Saitama looked a little surprised and was stunned for a moment, but he still answered her question, "You are not a weirdo. Even if I am not a hero, protecting a child is a matter of course, right?"

Looking at little Jibril who seemed to be also stunned, Saitama didn't pay attention, but ignored the increasingly dangerous atmosphere above, and looked at the position of his bag of special crabs.

"Rather than this, I'd better give you my dinner first...eh?"

The egg-faced man became silent, and Saitama looked at the remaining plastic bag remnants on the ground expressionlessly, as well as a few fragments that seemed to be crab shells.


Where is his dinner?

"Hahaha, Saitama, right? As an enemy, I will remember your name, nya."

In mid-air, Azriel laughed wildly and coldly, holding the scythe tightly in her hand, sending an attack signal through the spiritual link, and preparing to deliver the first blow of this battle herself.

The opponent is capable of defeating Jibril without any injuries, and she will not be careless in the slightest.

"Then let's start the fight..."

In just a moment, the Flügels felt uneasily that the surrounding air had become very heavy. Even Azriel stopped moving and speaking, and felt a little uncertain about any possibility in the nearby space. danger exists.

At this time, Saitama below turned his head, and his originally simple-drawn face was full of dangerous expressions.

Red gloved fist raised, clenched.

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