She was lost in her own thoughts, muttering incessantly, and then was interrupted by a cup of coffee raised in front of her.

"Miss Da Vinci..."

Roman said with a forced smile.

"Are you putting sugar cubes or pouring syrup? This is too sweet."

"It would be nice to drink some. How can you come up with so many opinions?"

Leonardo da Vinci clicked his tongue, but still took the coffee cup, not breathing hard.

"Okay, I'll make you another drink. Be grateful, Doctor Roman. This is a drink made by a talented girl."

After taking a few steps, she turned back and stuck out her tongue playfully.

“Work hard, but don’t tire yourself out.”


at the same time.

Gafan, who had just returned to his temporary residence, held the system in one hand and put the other hand against his ear, muttering speechlessly.

"No. 3, what's going on with you? Why do you keep calling me? You've contacted me dozens of times this night. It's so annoying."

Perhaps due to the influence of Uruk's magic barrier, the other end of the communication magic was temporarily silent.

Until after a while...

Only then came a slutty strange female voice.

"Oh~~Boy, you are so awesome!!"

Gafan was stunned: "?"

Then, there came another sigh of regret that the Taoist meaning was still unfinished.

"It's just a pity that it's so weak."


Gafan was shocked.

Seriously, what the hell is going on at your place, Clone No. 3? !

Reply quickly.

Don't force him to rush over and punch you in the face!

A fist the size of a sandbag is no joke!

Gafan's emotions were aroused. After all, he still valued certain aspects of moral integrity, not to mention the fact that the clone came before the main body...

"Original body, please help."

A weak and familiar voice came, and then Gafan fell into a deep silence.

"It hurts me so much when she presses me."

Chapter 302: Dragons, goddesses and superpowers

Temple of the Sun in Eridu.

Under the endless night dotted with stars, groups of pterosaurs and forest beasts wandered deep in the dense forest surrounding the temple.

From time to time, the screams of prey or the low roars of those at the top of the food chain are heard, full of the primitive atmosphere of the jungle.

But these dangerous guys dare not approach the temple area, not only because there are gods living here, but also because a new terrifying existence at the top of the food chain arrived a month ago——


"I'm going to die——"

A man in blood-stained clothes and black hair lay in a mess on the ground in a messy square. On his back sat a girl wearing a maid outfit with a pair of dragon horns on her head. Her face was filled with despair.

"I thought that the reputation of my dignified clone No. 38 would be ruined in one day, to be beaten into such a virtuous person...a bastard."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped hard on the back of his head.

The sound was so loud that the floor tiles cracked.

"You're a bastard, I'm a dragon."

Thor crossed his arms and said dissatisfied: "And you are already called Sanba, how did you get a famous name in your life? You don't have this thing since you were born."

The giant dragon, which has been poisoned by the human Internet, is obviously very clear about the special meaning of the number "38".

"It's not like I wanted to call him this codename. Who told that child Leizi to... forget it, why am I telling you this?"

Due to the lack of energy in the body, the body shape formed by the blood mimic became a bit unreal. Clone No. 38 lay on the cold ground and sighed helplessly.

"I've already told you that I'm just a clone. Why are you looking for my real body when you're angry about Xiao Lin's sudden disappearance? Why did you catch me and beat me up? I just came to you to confirm the situation."

"Hmph, you are the one named Gafan, right? When he comes, I will beat him up too. Beating you is just to warm up."

Thor bared his teeth and his tone was very unfriendly.

"And it's not just Xiaolin's matter, but you actually caused a good-for-nothing angel to live in my house. I, I... I get so angry when I think of that shameless Mi Chong!"


Clone No. 38 was stunned: "What is that?"

These words suddenly caused veins to pop up on Thor's forehead, but just when she was about to add another punch, a deafening muffled sound in front of her that signified the end of the battle attracted her attention.

A serrated blade that was closer to a blunt instrument was carelessly inserted into the ground. The blond woman wearing a feather and gem crown grabbed the left leg of the man in front of her, whose entire upper body was sunk into the ground, and pulled him out. As if he pulled it out directly.

"Hey, boy, you can't rest yet~ Let's wrestle with big sister for a while, otherwise..."

Quetzal said with a smile.

"Big sister is going to spank your little butt~"

The clone No. 3 on her head and feet glanced at her speechlessly: "Female pervert."

Quetzal, who kept smiling, slightly twitched the corners of his mouth: "...You really don't resist anymore?"

"I have no energy reserves. If I fight you again, I will really return to my unconscious blood state."

Clone No. 3 muttered feebly, with an expression like "I'm tired, destroy it, hurry up."

And Xiao Baixiu, who was staying in the pocket of his blood-red robe to provide extra energy supplies, was now so tired that he became confused and lay limp and didn't want to move anymore.

"Hey, what is this all about?"

Clone No. 3, who was casually thrown to the ground by the rude goddess and was lying on his stomach to experience the coldness of the night, was suppressed by someone sitting directly on his back. He looked helplessly at Clone No. 38, who was not far away and had an equally disgraced face.

"For someone as handsome as me... you're a cheater. If I had known about this, I wouldn't have come here to help you."

"If we talk about handsomeness, then everyone should be the same, right?"

Clone No. 38 replied depressedly: "The rigid guy in No. 2 refused to come to help, saying that he wanted to protect the lost people of the human race. This is understandable... Have you contacted the original body?"

"I have contacted him dozens of times, but he didn't answer the call. He didn't reply to me until just now."

"Huh, that's good. Have the coordinates been sent?"

"It's done. With the speed of the main body, the person should be almost there."

Under the watchful eyes of the dragon maid and the goddess, the two men sitting under them suddenly came to the door and were beaten up by them again. They still had the same aura and appearance, and they chatted like no one else. .

He was obviously still being used as a cushion by them to sit on.

"Hey, boy, since you still have the energy to chat leisurely, why don't you wrestle with big sister for a while?"

Quetzal smiled brightly and said, "If you win, Big Sister will give you some rewards."

"Let's go, we don't care."

Clone No. 3 curled his lips with a look of disgust on his face, and at the same time looked up to the sky.

"And my true form has just arrived."

The words just fell.

The dragon maid and the goddess suddenly felt that their bodies were empty, and they accidentally sat down on the gravel-filled ground.

The two figures that originally served as their cushions have released their mimicry and turned into two streams of blood that rushed into the night like sharp arrows. Finally, they all returned to a palm stretched out from the space door.

Under their gaze, a figure whose appearance was the same as that of the person they had fought before, but was wearing a blue and white robe, stepped out of nothingness, then clenched his fingers and frowned slightly.

"Hiss...this is really an unfriendly memory backup."

At a height of 100 meters, Gafan, who had just arrived from Uruk and had synchronized his memory with his clone, raised his hand to cover his slightly bulging temples and licked his tongue expressionlessly.

Unexpectedly, at this age, the first experience of wrestling with a woman was from the clone.

There is simply no one else.

He shook his head speechlessly, then raised his hand and grasped the slender ankle that was cut straight down and wrapped in white stockings.

The strong physical collision, like a falling meteorite, set off a substantial wave of air, so that all the gravel and dust in the square below were swept away in an instant.

"What a strength."

Gafan, who had accumulated many BUFFs, looked at each other calmly with the dragon maid's amber vertical eyes.

"Thor? Xiaolin mentioned you to me."

"Hey, really?"

Thor, who had originally seen the culprit who had caused Xiaolin to "disappear" with a fierce look on his face and wanted to beat him up first, was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly showed a curious expression.

"What did Xiaolin tell you about me? Did she say that I was her favorite and most important dragon? Or did she say that she would not marry anyone other than Thor?"

She asked with an aroused look on her face while panting slightly.

He even ignored the fact that his ankle was still held in the hands of the man in front of him.


Gafan, who didn't like taking advantage of others, silently let go of his hand and recited "It's black" unconsciously in his heart.

Thor, whose ideas were obviously very different from those of humans, after taking back his jade feet, shook his dragon tail carelessly and continued to ask curiously.

"Tell me quickly, human, what did Xiaolin tell you about me? And where is the fish-stealing dragon that left the scent on her body now? I want to beat her hard to declare my sovereignty!"

"Ahem, she was already drunk when she was talking to me about you guys, and she was talking nonsense. I can't remember exactly...but the phrase 'Dragon Maid is the best' I still remember the words clearly.”

Gafan responded with a chuckle. At the same time, his eyes also noticed the 40-meter-long Marduk Ax inserted diagonally behind the temple. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This thing is really big.

"As for the Stealing Dragon you mentioned, ahem, Milim is just a child, so please don't worry about it."

The second half of this obviously biased sentence was completely ignored by Thor, who had already fallen into narcissism.

"Hehe, the dragon maid is the best? Hehe, hehehe, this is how Xiao Lin sees me, I'm so sorry, hehehe~~"

Thor, who was wearing a maid outfit transformed from dragon scales, with dragon wings spread out behind his back to keep him in the air, covered his face with his hands and twisted his delicate body with a silly smile.

It looks like spring has arrived.

In response, Gafan's eyes twitched slightly, but he finally decided to ignore it and fall back to the ground first.

"Speaking of which, this is the Temple of the Sun? What a coincidence. The ax of Marduk, which is said to be a special attack on Tiamat, is even as long as Severn's height."

After his toes were three inches off the ground, he put his hands behind him and began to look around, taking in the surrounding environment, and...

Ahead was a blond goddess with a harmless smile on her face and her arms spread out as she flew toward her.

"Hey boy~ welcome to my Sun Temple!"

Under Gafan's suspicious scrutiny, Quetzal, one of the supreme beings in the Aztec mythology of South America, warmly and hospitably gave himself a hug representing friendship.

A faint fragrance like a purple orchid lingered on the tip of her nose, and the plump fat on her chest could be clearly felt soft even through her clothes.

Then the next moment——

The vision in front of me showed a sudden spin.

Bang! ! !

As the earth cracked, the sun goddess also raised the corners of her mouth happily, revealing her sharp shark teeth.

"Let's have some heart-to-heart wrestling with big sister."

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