"What's so surprising about this? Since I can achieve everything in the world, I naturally know everything... Although this is what I want to say, there is indeed something special about you, a person from a foreign land. , the omniscient and omnipotent star cannot spy on your past.”

Gilgamesh shook his head: "But these are not important. What is important is what you can bring to Uruk now. Although you are not a resident here, I foresaw that you would come to visit the city. Consumption is required during this period, which simply means..."

"You need a job."


Gafan, who was thinking, nodded subconsciously, and then he was slightly startled after realizing it: "What did you say???"

Looking at the serious-faced King Gilgamesh on the throne, Gafan blinked blankly.

He remembered that he seemed to be just out of curiosity about what the oldest fortress city of mankind in BC looked like, so he helped Fujimaru Ritsuka and others open a "gate" to come and take a look together.

Why did the topic suddenly turn to your own work?

Gafan, who was technically just a high school student, thought about it and was about to say no if it was too troublesome——

"By the way, according to my prediction, the girl who came with you really likes our lamb chops and butter cake."

Gilgamesh sighed with a hint of teasing in his red eyes.

"It's a pity that you don't let her drink the ale we have abundantly, and only give her milk."

"Butter cake?"

Anna, who was staying quietly behind Fujimaru Ritsuka, swallowed subconsciously when she heard this word, and then quickly pulled down the hood on her head with a blushing face in embarrassment.

She likes to eat sweet things.

The flower magician who noticed this on the side showed a wicked smile, and was instantly kicked hard in the calf.

The hooded girl turned away angrily.

Also, she hates the bad guy named Merlin.

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked thoughtfully at the speechless man beside him.

He was thinking about the girl King Gilgamesh said came with Mr. Gafan. Where is she now?

Then, under his stunned gaze, the strange white dumpling that had been on the man's shoulder suddenly jumped down and turned into a man wearing a sky blue coat and velvet short boots, with a face that was so delicate and cute that it even gave people Some unrealistic white-haired girls.

"Hey, is it true or false?"

System, who loves to eat, swallowed subconsciously and asked curiously.

"Those foods you mentioned...do I really like eating them that much?"

"Of course, in Uruk, ale and sheep are the food for survival, so we have absolute confidence in this aspect of cuisine, and butter bread is the most advanced dessert here."

Gilgamesh, who was not surprised that Dango turned into a human, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"There are also fresh fruits and warm milk. When you enjoy them in the future, you will really have a delicious expression on your face."

"Oh oh oh."

The system showed an expression of wonder, then blinked its beautiful big eyes and looked up at the man beside him.

Those clean blue eyes were full of suggestive meaning.


She wants to eat.

Those charming eyes are enough to touch the heartstrings of any man, and even capture the first love of all Lolita nerds.

Simply irresistible.

"... I would like to ask, do you need to spend money to buy the food here?"

Gafan helplessly touched the little head of the smiling girl. He once lived and ate for free in a certain slime's monster town. Gafan was simply being taken care of. After sighing softly, he asked tentatively. .

This question made the wise king of Uruk, who was sitting high on the throne, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes.

Does it cost money to buy something?

Oh, this is really a good question.

"Of course, the fruits of the residents' labor must be exchanged for reasonable returns... But if you can hold a job of sufficient value, I can still ask Sidulin to call someone to cook three meals a day. Help and be responsible.”

Gilgamesh's eyes seemed to become a little disgusting, but he still finished his words well.

"Because Uruk is currently at war, the affairs I have to deal with have become much busier, so even if it is night, I still don't have much free time to chat with you. As for your abilities, I The content of the foreknowledge is vague, so..."

After a slight pause in his tone, he spoke straightforwardly.

"People from a foreign land, show me your worth."

After the loud and majestic words fell, everyone present cast curious glances at the foreigner hanging in the air.

Whether it is the guarding soldiers or the veiled chief priest waiting quietly under the throne, he has a gentle and peaceful temperament.

After all, this was their first time meeting Wang Hui, and they had so many words to say at once.

This is a sign of considerable importance.

As for Fujimaru Ritsuka and others who had just witnessed "a human beating a goddess" not long ago, their eyes looked more like thinking than curiosity.

Because they are wondering if there is such a powerful guy, will the threat from the Three Goddess Alliance still seem so serious?

As for Gafan, who was surrounded by everyone, after some meditation, he suddenly waved his hand and drew a three-meter-high "miniature" door in the void.

The obscure spatial fluctuations spread, causing Gilgamesh's pupils to shrink.

Because not long ago, while he was dealing with affairs, he saw such an extremely stable space portal suddenly appear in his temple, and then one after another walked out of it, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was supposed to be still in Kuza City. et al.

Hundreds of miles across in the blink of an eye.

This level of magic was released instantly?

"I can be a logistics agent, helping you transport supplies and soldiers, or residents taking refuge."

Looking at the king who seemed a little surprised, Gafan organized his words to introduce.

"This move is called 'Realm Gate', and the energy consumption required is not much for me now. As for the maximum distance limit..."

He thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his head, his gaze seemingly ignoring the obstruction of the temple ceiling, looking directly at the bright moon hanging high in the night sky.

The tone was faint.

"If you want to take a quick trip to Jupiter, I can take you there now."

Chapter 300: Night in the Age of Gods 4K3

Unlike modern cities where you can hardly see stars, the night here is dotted with stars. When you look up while walking on the road, you will see the stars in the sky as bright and dazzling as the Milky Way upside down.

With the arrival of night, the crowded pedestrians on the street began to go home to rest, and most of the vendors who had been doing business all day had packed up their things.

The banana trees planted on the roadside have leaves larger than cattail fans swaying slightly in the breeze, and there are some green banana fruits on them for anyone to pick.

Holding the system's little hand, Gafan looked at the surrounding houses and roads neatly built of bricks, stones and clay. It was different from the slideshows he had seen frame by frame in front of the screen. After being really immersed in it, he felt that There is just a sense of epic proportions.

"In this era of thousands of years BC, having such a gathering of civilized city-states can be regarded as a great achievement."

He murmured softly.

"Huh? Mr. Gafan, did you just say something?"

The chief priest who was walking in front to help guide the way turned back in confusion.

After seeing the man shaking his head in denial, Siduli, who was wearing a veil, smiled softly and carelessly.

"The accommodation arranged for you is not far ahead. It's almost here. The chef is already preparing dinner carefully. I will help deliver it later."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, Miss Siduli."

Gafan nodded, returned a kind smile, and glanced sideways at the palace in the distance behind him.

He had just come out of there and had negotiated with King Gilgamesh about the "work" he was responsible for.

In other words, they help open long-distance portals, transport supplies, soldiers and residents, etc. The remuneration has also been agreed upon.

Provide him with accommodation and three meals a day, and give him three pieces of miko's silver every day.

To be honest, he had just arrived and had no idea about the prices here at all. However, he heard from Fujimaru Ritsuka that they successfully retrieved the Destiny Clay Tablet this time, and the total reward was only twenty pieces of shrine maiden's silver, which could almost buy half of it. A flower shop.

So when he heard this, Gafan knew it instantly.

In short, it means freedom of consumption. You don’t have to worry about the food expenses required by the system, a little glutton, in this city rich in ale and mutton.

And "Ishtar", who was brought back and tied to the stone pillar, just woke up, and was immediately laughed at without concealment by Gilgamesh who was sitting on the throne.

But Gafan realized that the wise king of Uruk must have figured out that the inner part of the stupid goddess had been temporarily replaced by the one from the underworld.

So he laughed even more heartily.

"Ishtar" was smiling so much that she deliberately concealed her identity, her mouth turned red with embarrassment, and she shouted that she would put the "exhibitionist" in a cage and blow the wind of the underworld that would freeze her soul.

All in all, the scene became quite hilarious.

Thinking of the goddess who broke free from the rope and flew away without forgetting to say harsh words, Gafan shook his head helplessly.

Then he came back to his senses because of the soft voice in his ear.

"Mr. Gafan, we are here."

Siduli came to a two-story adobe house and opened the wooden door, but accidentally choked on the accumulated dust raised inside.

"Sorry, this vacant room has been unoccupied for some time and there is no time to clean it."

She looked a little embarrassed and looked apologetic: "If you are not satisfied, I can take you to find another vacant room."

"It's okay, just stay here."

After briefly glancing at the old and simple furniture inside, Gafan snapped his fingers and let a breeze appear out of thin air, instantly cleaning away all the dust accumulated inside the house.

He even mopped the ground with water elemental magic.

The scene that transformed the room into a completely new one in the blink of an eye also made the chief priest a little stunned, but she was not too surprised.

After all, this is the Age of Gods where there are still mysteries, and strange things are not uncommon.

"Gafan, I'm hungry."

At this time, the system rubbed his flat belly, raised his head and said.

"Well, we should be able to have dinner later. System, please eat a slime bun first to relieve your stomach."

Gafan touched the little guy's head, smiled, and then turned to look at Siduli.

The other party also showed a clear expression, smiled and said that she would go to the chef to see how the food was being prepared, then she said goodbye and left.

And looking at that graceful back, Gafan also showed a thoughtful expression.

Perhaps it was his misunderstanding. He always felt that this approachable head priestess was very similar to his aunt Shizuka Hiratsuka in some aspects. They were obviously two people with very different personalities and temperaments.

"Forget it, as long as he is a nice person."

He shook his head, and then walked into his temporary residence. After walking around and looking around, he discovered that there was a backyard that was about the same size as the house.

"There are a lot of weeds. It seems that no one has lived there for a long time."

Gafan, who came to the yard from the back door, took a quick glance and had no intention of cleaning up the vegetation. Instead, after thinking about it, he snapped his fingers and used the magic of the World Tree to make a tree full of ten trees. A five-meter-tall Chinese chrysanthemum tree rises from the ground, directly exceeding the height of the house, casting a cool shadow.

We even built a small pond by the way, with clear water and decent-looking rocks at the bottom used to purify and absorb impurities.

There's just no fish in it. After all, he still doesn't know how to create life out of thin air.

However, a pool of stagnant water is not very suitable for fish farming.

After waving his hand, some thorn roses full of magic aura grew on the wall. Gafan looked at the greatly changed yard and nodded with satisfaction.

But just when he wanted to hold the system's little hand and return to the house, a confused female voice suddenly came from above.

"Where did this tree come from? It wasn't there yesterday."

A girl with a thin long sword on her waist, wooden shoes on her feet, and ultra-lightweight samurai armor that exposed most of her attractive body skin was standing on the tree crown, looking at the newly risen tree in surprise. Tree.

"Well, it doesn't look like a variety that will grow naturally in Urukri. It seems to be generated by magic."

Her small white hands touched the rough branches a few times. The girl blinked her beautiful blue-purple eyes, and then suddenly jumped down from the tree crown, landing steadily in front of the man in the yard with light movements.

"Hello, it's our first time to meet you. I'm sorry to interrupt you. I'm Ushiwakamaru."

The petite Ushiwakamaru looked up at the man in front of him who was not only eight feet tall but also had his feet dangling off the ground, and his delicate brows couldn't help but frown.

How come this person is so tall?

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