As for Gafan, looking at the girl in front of him who had already left a lot of good impressions on him when they first met, he became so angry that his face gradually turned into a puffy face, and he glared at him in embarrassment.

But there was never any sign of actually hitting him.

What a nice girl.

I just feel like people are a bit uncandid.

Gafan wiped away a bit of red bean paste that accidentally got on the corner of his mouth and smiled.

He was quite surprised that the other person, who was a god, could treat such a stranger with whom he met for the first time.

Although it is very likely that the other person is too lonely.

After all, according to the description in the original work, this kind-hearted girl has been staying in this dead and empty world since she was born, fulfilling the responsibilities imposed on herself.

The suffering and pain involved cannot be insulted or despised, and even others' praise of it can be regarded as a kind of arrogance.

So, just treat the other person with a normal attitude and have a normal chat.

For this lonely girl, it was enough.

"Uh-huh, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

After holding her breath for a while, Ai Lei, whose smooth blond hair became a little messy, finally angrily summoned the gun blade that represented the embodiment of the power of the underworld. With a wave of her hand, she used her authority to connect the road to the human world.

"Okay, annoying guy, I don't want to talk to you anymore. I'll just throw you back to the human world now. Otherwise, as a living person, if you stay in the underworld for too long... you will get seriously ill. of."

Ailei's tone was very harsh, but the underlying worry was always there.

Gafan looked at the girl quietly, and did not say anything that he could try to return to the ground by himself, but let the other party manipulate her.

But at this time, Ai Lei suddenly froze.


After failing to impose a repatriation order, she blinked in confusion, showing doubts on her face.

Then, under Ga Fan's slightly astonished gaze, he leaned forward and came closer, slightly twitching his nose, smelling the remaining regular aura on his body, as if he was confirming something.

"This aura...wait a minute, you are not a human from the age of the gods."

Ai Lei raised her head, her expression looking a little dazed for no reason.

"People from a foreign land?"

"Well, that's pretty much it. You can understand it that way."

Gafan, who silently took a step back, thought for a moment and then nodded in affirmation.

"Well, that's it."

Ai Lei showed a thoughtful expression, and suddenly began to circle around Gafan inexplicably, and looked up and down with an indescribable strange look. She seemed completely unaffected by the wind of the underworld, and seemed to be hiding something. Various humans who eat imperfect food.

"...What do you want to do?"

"Human, please introduce yourself. My name is Ereshkigal, the greatest goddess of the underworld - then, um, what is your name?"


Gafan expressionlessly took out another slime bun and gnawed it, suppressing his shock.

For some reason, he suddenly had the illusion that the other party was trying to "lock" him up.

"Well, Gafan, Gafan, um, it's a pretty good name, it's pretty good, although it sounds a little weird."

Ailei's tone became more and more unpredictable, and even her beautiful eyes still had some inexplicable light.

And just when she was about to say something else, she and Gafan suddenly let out a light sigh at the same time, as if they both sensed something unexpectedly.

Tilting his head, his eyes seemed to have seen the dazed figure of a stuffed animal that suddenly appeared on a cliff somewhere.

Ai Lei murmured to herself in surprise.

"How come another living person mistakenly enters the underworld?"

Chapter 293: Ghouls and Giants

Just a moment of trance.

The warm sunshine and the quiet city disappeared from the eyes, turning into steep and desolate cliffs at the feet, and a bottomless dangerous abyss ahead.

"...Where is this?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was stunned.

Wasn't he still in the city of Kusa just now, looking for King Gilgamesh's lost item "The Clay Tablet of Destiny"?

Suppressing the doubts and panic in his heart, Fujimaru Ritsuka stood on the cliff and looked down, and found that the abyss that could not be seen with the naked eye was connected by countless stone bridges, and there were also some gun sills embedded in the stone walls.

There seemed to be a blue flame burning inside.

"Strange, I can't connect to Chaldea."

Loose stones fell from the edge of the cliff.

Fujimaru Ritsuka subconsciously took a few steps back, but as soon as he turned around, he was frightened by a terrifying face that looked like a mummy.

"Living people, living people...why are there living people in the underworld?"

The Garula spirit, wearing a rag cloak, stared at the living person in front of him, and the confusion in his eyes quickly turned into paranoid and deep anger.

Is the other party here to laugh at it that is already dead?


The Galura spirit roared and moved forward.

And at some point, a large group of strange figures similar to it appeared in the surrounding area. They also approached with malicious intentions and surrounded the cliff with no retreat.

"This is the underworld?!"

It was only then that Fujimaru Ritsuka finally realized that he had wandered into some dangerous place.

But before he could say anything, a pair of mummy-like withered hands had already strangled his neck, bringing a bone-cold touch and a force full of murderous intent.

"Wait, please wait...!"

A sense of suffocation quickly hit Fujimaru Ritsuka's brain, while he calmly wanted to think of solutions and resolve misunderstandings.

The cute little mysterious beast that was following him on his shoulder had already let out a threatening growl.

"Fu? Fu, Fu!"

Fufu, whose silver hair exploded all over her body, was about to burst out her magic power to drive away these annoying guys who were approaching——

A big hand suddenly appeared and gently slapped away the dry hands, using low-frequency coherent resonance to temporarily render them incapacitated.

"Don't make trouble, go wander somewhere else."

Ignoring the smelly fangs that were biting in front of him, Gafan snapped his fingers, causing hundreds of tiny space cracks to appear silently, and then instantly teleported the angry guys in front of him several miles away with precision. somewhere outside.

"The goddess of the underworld is responsible for judging whether people who accidentally enter this place are guilty or not. Don't commit suicide without permission."

Gafan shook his head slightly, and at the same time felt the awkward goddess who was clearly following her, but still hiding in the dark and unable to show her face.

He felt that if he had hurt these Galula spirits just now, they might directly hit him.

After all, the souls in the underworld all accept her protection.

"Human, Mr. Puppet?"

At this time, a surprised and surprised voice came from behind.


Gafan, who was thinking about how to introduce himself, was stunned for a moment, and then turned his head in confusion.

"Wait, what did you call me?"

"Of course it's a human... Huh, no, the eyes are different." Fujimaru Ritsuka was also stunned. He looked carefully at the familiar yet unfamiliar man who suddenly appeared in front of him to help resolve the crisis.

"Sorry, you look very similar to someone I know. I got the wrong person."

That's not to say that apart from their eyes and clothes, they are exactly the same.

Even twins don't carry such "replicas".

He kept his awkward polite smile.

"Um, my name is Fujimaru Ritsuka, what is your name?"


The corners of Gafan's mouth twitched slightly.

No wonder I couldn't connect to the spiritual link of the free-range doll before. After working on it for a long time, it turned out that I had traveled through time.

By the way, why does the target range of this passive travel also include non-living things... Uh, that's not right.

Speaking of which, he had speculated before whether the doll had developed true self-awareness after eating so many souls and all kinds of weird things.

If so, then it must no longer be treated as an "item".

Rather, treat them as “people”.


Covering his face in exhaustion and remaining silent for a while, Gafan began to try to ask the puppet about its recent situation.

Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was confused about the relationship between them, also gave a weird explanation, and then——

Ga Fan couldn't help but feel even more confused.

"What? You said you separated a month ago?"

He said dumbfounded: "And that cheating puppet guy actually followed 'Enkidu' directly???"

Um, no, the "Enkidu" in the original description is a fake, with a different inner soul. It just hosts the body made of "soil" that was originally buried deep in the underworld.

His real name seems to be Jin Gu.

And if Gafan remembered correctly, the doll's body seemed to be made of a material similar to ceramic clay, so...

"What's the relationship between them?"

Gafan asked with an extremely weird and complex expression.

Because you have to know that the fake doll has been wandering around in this world for who knows how long in advance despite his appearance. If he does something artificially retarded...

He still wants to lose face.

A fist as big as a sandbag is also hard enough.


at the same time.

Outside the edge of the dense forest, somewhere in a wilderness with few human traces.

There are some abandoned eaves and broken walls here. On weekdays, only some monsters named Uridim wander here, looking for travelers who may appear or some prey that can be eaten.

Their body length is generally about four to five meters, with red skin that is tougher than leather armor, golden sideburns, exposed fangs like a saber-toothed tiger, and sharp vertical pupils full of wildness.

It looks like a cross between a tiger and a lion.

The large number of Uridim is also the most common crisis that can be encountered in the wild, and the biggest obstacle on the way to the fortress city of Uruk when they and other city residents escape.

But now, these dangerous monsters have all lost their lives and turned into dozens of bloody corpses, piled up into a smelly hill in the wilderness.

A severed arm with an animal claw full of bite marks was thrown away casually.

"Hey, the meat of these guys is so damn unpalatable, they really have to eat human flesh."

On the mountain of corpses, there was sitting a smoking red-haired man in white clothes and black trousers. On his back were twelve strange "limbs" composed of flesh and blood, with dense eyes, and they were swinging at will like tails.

He glanced at Hezi, who had just bitten off a few monsters before he died, and the hideous wounds on them were rapidly recovering.

"...No, the potential of the ghoul bloodline has been tapped out, and I can't become stronger."

The man with a cold and bloodthirsty temperament lowered his head and muttered to himself with an expressionless face.

"Even in the mission world that produced this bloodline, there is no ghoul that has evolved to a higher level than me. In this regard, I have reached the end, but in the main god space, standing still means Slow death, and blood cannot be exchanged...fuck, Mad shit, you bastard!"

He cursed a few times, and the twelve swords behind him pierced the corpses of the monsters like steel spears, and began to absorb flesh and blood nutrients to replenish their own consumption.

I don’t know what the situation is like in this world. It seems that the level of civilization is not high, but some of the little wild monsters I encounter on the roadside are at least as dangerous as S-class ghouls.

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