Gafan smiled, and at the same time, a supreme scroll appeared out of thin air in his hand, exuding the breath of the world.

"This guy can't escape anyway."

The moment the "Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map" appeared, Lucifero and Mechichura turned around and left without hesitation.

This is not because he is afraid of this ignorant human being.

They simply sensed the supreme aura in that scroll, similar to the half of the "clay tablet" that had sealed all demons for nearly ten thousand years.

They have been locked in the dead hell for too long, and have spent a long and boring time. Now that they have finally returned to the world, they do not want to add even half an accident or risk to their freedom.

But the next moment.

The devil's wings behind him had just flapped, and Lucifero was horrified to find that the world he was in had completely changed.

The night disappears and is replaced by a false sky of day.

As well as the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood that originally filled the air, it now turned into a breeze accompanied by the smell of grass.

Looking around, there is an endless vast prairie, quiet, but no living creatures can be seen.

"How about it? As your burial place, this should be quite beautiful, right?"

The sound of chuckles suddenly came from behind. The Demon King, who was in a daze, instantly and instinctively opened a distance of more than a thousand meters, and directly threw out a "gravity singularity" that could crush everything.

Then, as soon as the dark sphere reached halfway, it was swallowed up by the invisible mouth from the dream.

"The Demon King, right? He seems to be about the same strength as Momonga."

Gafan glanced at him, and his piercing gaze instantly judged its general strength, and then he ignored it for the time being, but silently looked at Mekichura who had his throat pinched with one hand.

"As for you... I think your strength is about the same as Shalltear's."

He couldn't help but frown slightly when he mentioned the True Ancestor of the Vampire who was so scared to take a detour every time he saw him since he was resurrected.

Mekichula, who was still shocked as to how he was caught, suddenly became furious when he realized what he was doing.

"'The Decline of the World'."

The power of the curse, which was so dense that it almost became a substance, immediately exploded completely and turned into an ominous barrier that could directly weaken and kill all weak life forms within a few hundred meters.

But for someone who has been blessed by the world, it just seems that the air has become a little smellier.

As for the damage?

Direct MISS.

"...I take it back, you seem to be weaker than Shalltear."

Gafan, who felt as if he was being attacked, frowned slightly, and felt that the other party seemed to look down on him.

After all, he is the highest-ranking demon, but he can't even break the defense. Why are you making trouble with me?

This thought was slightly dispelled after witnessing a hundred-meter giant python woven from the power of blood and curses that could slaughter a city and destroy a country. It was quickly summoned and roared towards him with a deafening roar. Some.

"This is so decent." Gafan, who was shrouded in shadow, chuckled.

boom! ! !

The earth collapsed and sank, and the powerful kinetic energy caused the ground to shake violently for several kilometers.

"'Evil Water Magic·Evil Water Snake of Dark Abyss'."

Being swallowed together into the belly of the abyssal python, wrapped in the stench of corrosive gas and darkness, but with a big hand still pinching his neck, Mechichula gritted his teeth bitterly.

"Quickly crush this hateful human being!"

"It stinks a little here."

Angry female voices and disgusted male voices sounded almost at the same time.

Along with it, there seemed to be something echoing [synchronicity...], a cold mechanical sound coming from the world.

The supreme breath appears.

The overwhelming sense of god-like presence, even in the darkest darkness that cannot be seen, still brought the anger of the highest demon to an abrupt halt.

Because at this time...

The extremely strange death has arrived.

"'Delay Magic·True Death'."

A plain voice sounded, subverting the truth of this earthly moment.

Without any hindrance, as if he had witnessed life and death, he took away the life of a demon who had a lifespan of ten thousand years and was the source of all the cursed power in the world.

And in this scene, the Demon King, who could also see it in the distance, had a frightening delusion for the first time in his long life.

what's the situation?

As the highest-ranking demon who could easily subvert the common sense of the world and ignore all mortals, he died like this?

How did you die? ? ? !

"who are you?!"

Lucifero panicked and wanted to escape from this vast different-dimensional space, but he immediately discovered that this place was not like the magic barrier that Maou Sadao had released when he fought with him before.

Instead, it is more like the "Hades" that once locked up all the demons including Him.

It's like a real world!

"Hey, why did you run out?"

Gafan sighed lightly, raised a finger at random, gathered superelectronic beta rays, and directly locked the opponent's artificial interstellar cannon.

He is now in the state of "King of Truth".

When he went on a killing spree in Hades before, he discovered that it seemed that because of the improvement in his essential level brought about by the "perfect cells" and the immortality of his body before the energy was exhausted, he seemed to be able to do so now. Without any burden, I entered this special state that was almost like a god.

Not only has the intensity of the ability been greatly improved again, but the time limit for its use is now gone.

So to put it simply, he can enter the "second stage" at any time without CD cooling.

"If you didn't run out stupidly, I might not be too lazy to care about you. I would just sneak into Hades and get the other half of the 'clay tablet' and leave."

Gafan's tone was full of regret.

Although in fact, even if the opponent does not come out, there is still a high probability that he will launch a matchless attack in that dead and silent alien space.

After all, the seal that isolates the passage between the underworld and the real world seems to rely largely on the half-broken "World Magic Book". If you really take it and leave, the demons will probably come out to destroy the world.

This is not okay.

Therefore, Gafan killed them all.

BOOM! ! !

The thick, high-concentration energy beam instantly blasted out a huge crater on the earth, and a rising mushroom cloud.

The Demon King, who rushed out of the dust in the sky and whose mutilated body was constantly repairing and healing, shouted and asked questions regardless of his injuries.

"Hades...Humans, why is the 'gate' in heaven closed? Why haven't the other top demons come out yet? What despicable tricks have you done!"

"Oh, you mean those guys."

When mentioning this matter, Gafan couldn't help but touch his face subconsciously.

"I have to say, they are quite strong and caused me a lot of trouble. They even used a combined force attack at the end, which completely broke through my defense in an instant and blasted my head. ”

"If it weren't for the fact that my main consciousness is now dispersed throughout the cells of my body, I wouldn't have had any vital points. Maybe I would have really fallen into trouble."

Gafan's tone revealed some joy.

But Lucifero was completely stunned.

What's the meaning?

Why did the other party say if all the top demons had been killed?

"No way...don't even try to lie to me! Human!"

Lucifero, whose thinking had begun to become a little confusing, finally gave up thinking and decided to use the most direct and violent way to solve the problem as always -

Kill the opponent.


As he raised his hands high, he roared with all his strength, outputting the most powerful magic power in the world, directly distorting all gravity within a 10,000-meter range.

next moment.

One after another "peaks" rise from the ground.

Meteorites began to appear one after another under the false sky.

Countless gravitational singularities capable of crushing everything are scattered all over the sky and the earth out of thin air, and the energy fluctuations are so unstable that it seems that they will all explode in the next second.

In this scene that looks like a catastrophe, even a country that has propped up the ancient barrier will still face destruction without a doubt.

But what about someone who completely controls the world?

Just use the permissions of world-class props to correct the gravity coefficient.


Under the shadow of mountains and meteorites that are forced to remain suspended in the sky.

Gafan, who had been forced to move behind the Demon King, casually grabbed the opponent's head. A golden clock covered with ancient gears floated behind him, and he softly spoke the ancient R'laye language.

"The goal of feisdeath."

It means——

"Death is the end of all life."

The next moment, as the hands on the golden clock moved, a soul-shaking sound came out.

Lucifero's horrified gaze was filled with a dazzling white light that was so intense that it completely blocked all senses.


The bell symbolizing death echoes in this silent world for a long time.

But after the white light dissipates.

In the space where everything turned into dust, a dark golden devil's heart remained strong.

The undead matter above is always rich.

"...I'm speechless. That guy Momonga, who claims to be the most powerful magic that can bring death to all things, why is he so stretched out? When he fought the evil god before, he could only cause minor injuries."

Ga Fan raised his hands to cover his face helplessly.

However, in fact, when he was unparalleled in the underworld not long ago, he also encountered one or two top demons in similar situations.

It was like a dog-skin plaster that couldn't be removed no matter what. He was so angry that he wanted to continue atomic concussion and shatter, and directly explode the entire Hades with a nuclear explosion.

But it was also at that time that he finally discovered by coincidence that the third function of "Yan Jin" in his hand could not be detected -

[Message status updated. ]

[Characteristic ③——"Original Sin\

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