Instead of trying to rob, they tried to act coquettishly to get food.

Because this is a magical world where everyone can do magic.

If you try to grab them, they will get beaten!

Oh, this is a cruel reality.

A white cat composed of countless lines, at some point, quietly appeared on the man's shoulder again, leisurely licking its front paws under the afterglow of the sunset.

Gafan, on the other hand, held the system's little hand and continued to enjoy the rare pleasure that traveling brought them.

"By the way, Gafan, you can obviously go directly into the sea to catch fish, why do you have to use fishing?"

"Because a fisherman will never be in the air force!"

Chapter 266: Celebration of the Undersea Temple Part 1

Late at night.

The bright moon rises high in the sky, dotted with stars.

The soft moonlight shines on the neatly arranged buildings in the small town of Lacai, bringing a peaceful atmosphere that contrasts with the humid sea breeze.

On the golden beach, the tourists who had been busy during the day had returned to their respective tavern rooms to rest and recover from the energy loss in the afternoon, but there was still a wisp of smoke rising.

Well, or "a wisp" is a bit inappropriate, after all...

"Gafan, I feel like we are setting fire."

System sat on a log with his legs wrapped around his legs, staring blankly at the fire in front of him that looked more like the smoke of a battlefield than the smoke from a kitchen.

"No, we are just having a barbecue, and this is a beach, not a forest."

Gafan, who was holding a fire stick in his hand and whose cheeks were still a little black from smoke, retorted without hesitation.

However, after seeing the bonfire in front of him that was as big as a small house, his firm eyes couldn't help but become a little erratic.

"Okay, maybe it's arson..."

"But I didn't cause any trouble to others, and this fish is really big, dozens of meters long!" Gafan emphasized.

And this is indeed the case.

At this time, on the flat beach, on both sides of the huge bonfire, there were two small windmill-like things made of steel, and there were three thick and long iron rods connected in the middle, with the afternoon Gafan fishing stick inserted on them. The giant sea monster fish coming up.

This thing has been grilling for several hours.

Several cans of various seasonings were sprinkled on top, and the alluring fragrance had already spread throughout the deserted beach.

But Gafan still thought that the big fish was still not fully cooked.

It would be better to say that until now, he still couldn't figure out why a creature swimming in the sea has such strong fire resistance?

He even tried burning it with the black flame from the demon.

"Well, okay, maybe you have a point."

The system rested her soft and pretty face on her knees, her clean blue eyes always staring at the huge grilled fish on the bonfire, her eyes full of appetite.

"But how long do we have to wait? Gafan, I'm hungry."

"Hurry, hurry."

"But you said that an hour ago, and two hours ago."

"It's really fast this time... But considering this fish is so big, can we finish it?" Gafan frowned slightly, he didn't like to waste food.

"Yes, I can finish it!" The system gave a firm response.

"Or you can ask me to help you eat together~ I don't mind, why don't you say please!" A third unfamiliar female voice appeared.

This made both Gafan and the system stunned for a moment, and then they both turned to look at the girl who appeared next to them, blinking in synchronicity and surprise.

This is a young girl with a single ponytail, her hair and pupils are reddish brown, she is wearing a pure white dress with a pattern similar to fish scales, and she also wears a few simple shell-shaped hair accessories on her head.

The fair and smooth skin gleamed faintly under the moonlight, and the beautiful and delicate face was full of a familiar smile and an unabashed appetite.

So, who is this guy?

Gafan and the system looked at each other.

In fact, they had already sensed each other, but they didn't expect that this unknown guy would suddenly approach.

"Hey, hello! This is the first time we meet. My name is Jiahenuo. My hobby is singing. My dream is to become a big star who makes a lot of money with my stupid brother. What are your names?"

The girl as beautiful as a mermaid did not face the embarrassment and politeness of strangers, but asked directly with a smile on her face.

At the same time, from the corner of his eye, he glanced at the huge grilled fish that was almost ready.

The purpose of her conversation was very clear.

It's better to blame it on the fact that the aroma of grilled fish has been wafting on the beach for almost the entire night. This is simply a tragic act that would make anyone else unable to help but feel the rumbling roundworms in their stomach!

"Jahno? Strange, this name sounds a bit familiar."

Gafan touched his chin in confusion, but out of politeness, he introduced his name first.

"Good evening, this strange lady, my name is Gafan, and I am now a traveler with a hobby, and this child is called System, and he is a child with a huge appetite."


The system was a little angry and slapped Gafan's arm hard in protest.

She felt that the other party was making fun of her, but she didn't know how to refute it for a while. After all, her appetite was indeed a bit big.

After hearing these two unexpected names, Jiahenuo was stunned for a moment, and for the first time he moved his eyes away from the huge grilled fish on the bonfire, and turned to look at the two people pushing each other in front of him in great surprise. Two people who were pushing each other.

"Gafan? System? I seem to have heard of these two names."

She tilted her head and thought for a moment, then suddenly showed an expression of surprise: "Oh, I remembered it. In the letter Mr. Asta sent me two weeks ago, your names were mentioned. He said Mr. Gafan You are a great person!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Hearing this, Gafan, who was arguing with the system, was also stunned.

At the same time, he happened to remember who the other party was. She was the only female priest from the underwater temple whom she met with the protagonist Asta and others in the original work.

A kind-hearted girl who likes to sing and dreams of becoming a big star.

"Well, Asta-kun also described your appearance to me in your letter, with black hair, black eyes, and dark circles, and that blue and white robe that you never change... Well, it seems you are not here now Wear that dress.”

After noticing the cool combination of beach pants and white jacket on the other party, Gaheno smiled a little awkwardly.

This time, Gafan responded with the same kind smile.

"Well, it seems that you really know us. What Astana said in the letter is right. I do always wear that blue and white robe, but I have been traveling recently and wanted to change my style. ”

"Oooh, trip! That sounds great!"

Jiahenuo opened his eyes wide and seemed a little excited: "After I become a big star in the future, I will also go to every place I have never been to and present the most beautiful singing and dancing to everyone with my brother. It seems to me the best thing ever!”

"Then you can start traveling with your brother now."

At this time, there was already a corn cob in his mouth, and he interjected doubtfully.

"That's what Gafan and I do. We just do whatever comes to our mind and start a quick trip. You can do this."

"No way."

Jiahenuo shook his head a little depressed: "My brother and I were fatally injured because of something. Although we are better now, my grandpa insisted that we should not go out until the end of this year."

"He is a stubborn and willful old man. Sometimes he is easy to talk to, and sometimes he is as stubborn as a donkey, although I have never seen a donkey."

"That's it." System, who was chewing roasted corn in his mouth, thought for a while, "Then can't you sneak out quietly on your own?"


As a good child, Jiahenuo was stunned. She really hadn't thought about this option.

Seeing the girl in front of him who seemed to be getting ready to move, Gafan also coughed twice on purpose.

"Ahem, what about it, Miss Gaheno, the fish is almost ready... If you don't mind, would you like to enjoy dinner with us?"

"Hey, is that okay? Great, I smelled the aroma of grilled fish an hour ago!"

Jiahenuo, whose attention was diverted for a moment, cheered happily and jumped lively on the spot, showing her youthful vitality in line with her age.

And this made Gafan couldn't help but think of Saten Ruiko. The child's personality seemed to have a lot of similarities with the mermaid-like girl in front of him.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot."

At this time, Jiahenuo, who had already taken out the knife and fork from nowhere and was about to start it without any courtesy, was suddenly stunned for a moment.

Her expression looked a little hesitant, as if she was embarrassed to say what she said.

"What's wrong?"

Gafan, who was thinking about how big a knife and fork he wanted to make using the steel magic copied from someone wearing glasses in Golden Dawn, asked with a smile.

"You don't know how to cut the fish? I can help you, but you have to wait for me to cut a plate for the system first, and the grilled fish skin seems to be quite tough."

"That's not it!"

Jiahenuo's pleasant voice rose a little higher, and finally he no longer hesitated, but asked frankly with a smile.

"I suddenly remembered that there is a grand celebration being held at my home tonight, and I wanted to ask Mr. Gafan if he would like to attend it together?"


"With the big grilled fish."

"...Okay, right?" Gafan silently looked at System, who had finished eating the roasted corn, and cast a questioning look.

After all, his original intention of catching and grilling the fish was to give the child a sumptuous dinner.


Under Gafan's gaze, the system held up the straw hat on his head with his small hands and smiled cutely.

"Although I didn't understand it before, I like the excitement now!"

Chapter 267: Celebration at the Undersea Temple Part 2

Undersea temple.

One of the strong demon zones recorded in the Clover Kingdom.

It is also the only strong demon zone in the kingdom where residents live, and the only special town with autonomous rights. Its origin and history cannot be traced.

This place is located in the deep sea far away from the shoals. The excessive concentration of magic power has led to the violent turbulence that persists all year round, as well as large and dangerous sea monsters. Coupled with the extremely high water pressure, this place is enough to contain most outsiders. It is difficult for anyone to visit.

Whether it's well-intentioned or malicious.

But today, not only does it happen to be the celebration day of the Undersea Temple, but it also happens to welcome a rare guest, and...

A huge grilled fish that was dozens of meters long and smelled delicious.

"Oh oh oh! The guest brought an unexpected gift. He is our friend!"

"It's great. I have never seen such a big grilled fish, or I always thought that the meat of those big guys swimming in the sea was undercooked!"

"Me too, but today it seems that our common sense has been subverted. I will ask the priests to give us a delicious dish like this at the next celebration!"

"No one cares how this plate, which is one-third the size of a square, just appeared out of thin air?"

"It doesn't matter, I just know that such a big grilled fish is enough for all of us here to eat for a whole night!"

In the wide square used for celebrations, there were plates of grilled fish so large that a giant could eat them.

The fragrance spreads ten miles away.

There were densely packed local residents around, all of whom had taken out sharp knives and forks in their hands and were cheering happily. A few people even danced impromptu dances, making it very lively.

Each of them wears scales and exotic-style cloth, and they all have more or less shell-like decorations on their bodies. They look very different from other residents in the Clover Kingdom. .

But the warm and hospitable smile on his face was no different from other places.

Strange buildings resembling reefs and huge corals were built outside the square in a regular but inexplicably harmonious arrangement that resembled a different seaside town. The air was humid, and the "sky" above was formed by a large ancient barrier. The vortex curtain formed.

And just ten minutes ago.

This barrier, which can completely isolate the deep sea pressure, was forcibly separated by someone along with the deep sea turbulence to create an unobstructed road, and then it was repaired casually.

At that time, the shocking scene that seemed like "the sky was cracking open" made the residents of the Ocean Temple look up in surprise.

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