And today, an uninvited guest came here.

"What a filthy place."

Gafan, who was suspended thousands of meters in the air, put his hands behind his back and looked down at the ruins below with an expressionless face. His figure looked like a model aura of a big boss.

Well, if you ignore the system sitting on his neck and dangling its calves.

"Gafan, what are we doing here?" The system lowered his head in confusion and asked.

"Didn't the consciousness of the earth tell us not to go looking for that King of Filth for the time being? Otherwise, we would be targeted by some super powerful strange guy."

"Ok, I know."

Gafan explained patiently: "I just suddenly thought that even if I can't solve the source for the time being, I can clean up all the 'dirty things' in Chiba City first. Otherwise, my aunt, who is an ordinary person, , there is a possibility of being killed.”

"Shizuka Hiratsuka?"

The system tilted its head, remembering the smile of the human woman, and couldn't help but sway its legs twice more.

"Then let's clean it up. Do you need me to ask the white boys to help?"

"No, there are tens of thousands of little white chicks now. It's better not to let them assimilate and increase for the time being."

Gafan shook his head: "By the way, how big is Chiba City?"

"Nearly three hundred square kilometers," the system replied casually.

Gafan: "..."

Wait a moment and let him do the math.

Gafan, who was a little confused, started to curl up his fingers.

After this return, the direct influence range of his "mantra" increased to a radius of 10,000 meters, which is ten kilometers in diameter, totaling over seventy square kilometers.

So in theory, as long as he turns on the "King of Truth" mode and sends out "Heavenly Punishment" in four or five places at most, it can be considered a success.

But in fact it cannot be calculated like this.

Because the "World Consciousness" just reminded him that on this planet, he cannot use a power more than five times that of Tsuchimikado Arima, otherwise he will be discovered by an unknown and irresistible existence, which will lead to death.

And after a period of conversion based on what he could understand, he came to this conclusion.

He had to use a force that did not exceed the disaster level to clean up the life restricted area of ​​300 square kilometers in a carpet-like manner, and ensure that the risk was reduced to close to zero.


After Gafan figured it out, everyone was confused.

When will this happen?

And maybe halfway through the "cleaning", it might suddenly pass through again passively, leaving the remaining monsters looking at each other. Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

"No, I can't do this myself. I have to hire some helpers."

After thinking for a moment, Gafan raised his finger, causing a huge dark sphere with a diameter of five hundred meters to appear above his head.

And at the same time, on the ruins below, a wind of death blew up out of thin air and wiped out all life. It instantly swept away all the filth that appeared on the surface and swallowed up the souls.

"'A tribute to the Dark Mother Goddess Fengran'."

As the words echoed, the huge pitch-black sphere fell and exploded like a water ball the moment it touched the ground, forming waves of pitch-black viscous liquid that swept away and submerged all nearby filth and dissipated into ashes.

Then, tentacles of deep darkness penetrated the earth and reached into the sky.

Four black goat cubs, thirty meters tall, stood up and looked up to the sky.

"The summoning skills of Momonga are pretty easy to use. They don't happen to be at the natural disaster level, but they do cost a lot of energy and have a strange style."

Gafan looked at the "goats" who were stamping on the ground indiscriminately and causing slight earthquakes nearby. He resisted the idea of ​​​​slapping them and snapped his fingers again.

"'Summoning of Bones·Legion of the Undead'."

The words just fell.

For an instant, the ground within a radius of 10,000 meters was shrouded in a strange fog, and then countless pale skeletal hands stretched out, pressed down on the ground, pulled out the whole body from the alien space, and raised the hand in their hand. Decaying weapons offer their most fanatical loyalty to the "Supreme Supreme" in the sky.

There are as many soul flames as stars, swaying on the ruins of the wilderness.

They are waiting for orders from their masters.

"Divide yourselves into four forces in the southeast, northwest, and do your best to eliminate all the filth you encounter."

Gafan's plain voice echoed for a long time under the turbid sky.

"Leave no one behind."

After saying these last words, his figure disappeared directly into this filthy world, leaving only the undead and natural disasters in a dead silence on the ruins.

next moment.

The earth boiled.

The four black goat cubs, which were as big as hills and were strong enough to suppress Basara, began to move their hooves like tall buildings, leading the undead army towards the filthy world——

A war started.

What no one knows is the moment these four "goats" were summoned.

Far outside the solar system, there is a slit in space somewhere in the Milky Way galaxy.

A great being that was so old that it could be traced back to the birth of the universe, suddenly opened his eyes full of "fertility concepts" and glanced at a certain living planet with some doubts.

And this gaze also made a slender figure wearing a shabby yellow robe stay on a broken meteorite outside the earth notice it.

"Hey, the supreme mother goddess, the black goat of the forest who gives birth to all things, 'Shub Nicholas'?"

The King in Yellow looked at the depths of the endless starry sky with some surprise, wondering why that existence suddenly cast its gaze here.

So, he immediately followed the other person's gaze with great interest and also looked at the earth, and instantly locked onto an alien plane hidden in it.

Then, four "little goats" and a group of skeleton ants appeared in his sight.

"A race of superior servants summoned? What's so strange about this... No, these little guys look too young."

The gray-white tentacles swaying in the starry sky paused slightly.

Then, the breath of the law spread, and instantly began to trace its cause and effect line.

After the light green light on someone's body flickered slightly, this behavior was successfully induced to a mysterious and weird university somewhere.

"Oh, is it the people in that university who created new magic? Interesting."

Having found the "reason", the King in Yellow began to take a nap again. At the same time, an invisible soul barrier always enveloped the beautiful planet in front of him.

His intuition told him that something interesting seemed to appear here.


at the same time.

Gafan had already arrived at the door and was about to take out the key when he suddenly shivered inexplicably.

"It's weird, I always feel like I was almost caught by something dirty."

He looked around suspiciously for a while, his eyes capable of detecting everything, but he did not find any expected abnormalities in any space interlayer.

"Gafan...I just felt like something was wrong."

The system no longer gnawed on the slime buns, but also became a little inexplicably nervous.

The last time she felt like this was when she met the "God of Games".

The instinctive tremble when facing the true God.

"Well, it seems that it was not my imagination just now."

Gafan frowned deeply, then suddenly raised his head and stared straight at the sky.

"...There seems to be something outside the earth?"

Just outside the atmosphere.

Just around the corner of the Earth.

This distance is already very close to him now. If he turns on the "King of Truth" state, as long as he teleports through space several times in a row, he can rush directly out of the outer atmosphere and go to the starry sky without any problem. Not affected by the high radiation vacuum environment there.

But the previous warning from the earth's consciousness and his intuition told him not to do that.

Will die.

"Tsk, is the main world so dangerous?"

While Gafan was solemn, he glanced at the current world displayed on the virtual panel speechlessly: There is indeed something wrong with My Youthful Love Story.

"Would you like some shame? Are you so embarrassed to mark the everyday world for me in this situation?"

He shook his head helplessly, and when he was about to ask the system to help check whether there was any malfunction in the function of the virtual panel, the familiar voice of Sanwu echoed in his mind through the spiritual link.

Gafan was stunned for a moment.

That was a cry for help from the doll.

"This machine encounters a force majeure situation. Repeat. This machine encounters a force majeure situation. Please request support from the controller."

Somewhere in a dark and strange space.

The doll, who was just looking for food every day, somehow ended up here, sat on the ground with his hands and knees with a paralyzed face, surrounded by dozens of figures in strange clothes, like cultists.

A chain that smelled of sea and was stained with green moss imprisoned its neck.

It can't bite this thing.

The puppet lowered his head and looked at what seemed to be a sacrificial circle on the ground, and said expressionlessly.

"Ah, I'm dead."

Chapter 247: The will from the deep sea

The doll feels that his situation should be considered unlucky.

And these strange guys around him should be regarded as unreasonable bad guys.

Some speckled debris accumulated near its feet.

That was the "wild" original sacrifice that had been eaten by it. This thing was really hard to chew.

"I've obviously paid, why are you still arresting me?"

With the chain around his neck, he felt as if his behavioral logic was wrong, so he asked expressionlessly.

Regarding this issue, the cultists under the altar looked at each other in confusion, and one of them actually had a banknote forced into his pocket.

And it was the kind of thing that he almost had to take back by force as soon as he gave it to him.

This is simply unreasonable.

They just had some mental problems, but they were not stupid. They remained silent and expressed that they did not want to answer this mentally retarded question.

The puppet, on the other hand, still went its own way, giving out warnings without any sense of threat with a paralyzed expression on its face.

"A warning notice again, please lift the restrictions on the activities of this machine, otherwise you will be sanctioned and tried by the controller of this machine for violating personal property."

"Please let go of this machine, please let go of this machine, please let go of this machine..."

"Calm down for a while, puppet, you are a little too noisy."

An old voice interrupted its words.

In the dim space, the dozens of cultists who were originally surrounding the altar all made way for themselves, and at the same time, they bowed respectfully towards the old man who was walking slowly.

The puppet looked silently, its anthropomorphic pupils turning several times like electronic eyes, collecting information.

The other person is a human wearing old gray and black robes. He is estimated to be around eighty-five years old. The cane in his hand is wrapped with strange seaweed. Its composition cannot be analyzed, and it has some biological characteristics.

The strong smell of sea lingered around the other party's body, and under the rag-like robes, strange shell-like objects could be vaguely seen growing on the surface of the other party's skin.

Judging from the aura, this is not so much a human being as it is closer to...


The puppet was stunned.

Now it is not sure whether there is really something wrong with its "brain".

And just as the puppet was performing a self-examination in confusion, the strange old man who came to the altar also looked at the puppet in front of him with a look of amazement.

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