The unharmed people were so frightened that they flew away.

"...Well, that's pretty much it. I'm really a genius."

The long-name Yuizen, who didn't feel embarrassed at all, put his hands on his small waist and showed an expression that said, "I'm really awesome."

Then he was slapped hard on the back of the head.

"You're such a genius! Was that thing just a joke?"

As the most powerful nobleman among the Twelve Heavenly Generals of the Onmyoji, Kogomi Tenma is about to explode with anger at the guy in front of him, who is holding his head with aggrieved face and whose gender is unknown.

"And what is that qigong you just did? The name is too tacky!"

"You're not stupid, this is a move from a masterpiece in comics, Tianma, don't you even read comics?"

Nagana Yuizen rubbed the back of his head after being hit with a playful smile on his face.

Then I got hit again.

After all, the other two people present had never seen anything like this.

"Stop talking nonsense, you're not a serious guy."

Qiannu reached out and patted this interesting human being speechlessly. Due to his height, he could only pat the other person's lower back a few times.

"Tame Ran, although you have a lot of potential spiritual power in your body, I feel like you are not suitable to be an Onmyoji... No, to be precise, you are not suitable to fight."

"Hey, is that so? Haha, but I really don't like fighting."

Nagana Yuizen smiled nonchalantly, his face full of sunshine and cheerfulness.

He only met the two people in front of him yesterday when he visited his childhood sweetheart Gafan's house.

But he still regarded Corumiya Tenma as a suspicious person, and when he went to visit his house, he saw a porcelain doll-like little girl wearing only a white shirt who opened the door, so he thought that someone was a lolicon.

So, being extremely mobile, she immediately lifted up the confused Qian Nu and carried her away. She even shouted that she wanted to take her to the police, and shouted at the Corugong Tenma who was chasing her. The perversion of the face.

So, of course.

She was dragged into the woods by the two furious men, who beat her with punches and kicks. Only then did she realize the actual situation clearly.

After all, people were beaten to tears.

But after all this nonsense, Tamoran, who was just an ordinary person with a long name, miraculously became the strongest Posala Qiannu and the strongest general Wu Gong Tianma, and they became common friends.

After discovering that his talent was good, he also took the initiative to help guide the potential spiritual power hidden in this guy's body.

No one has this social arrogance anymore.

At least Gafan, who had teleported here, was holding the system in his arms. After seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't figure out how these three living treasures came together.

Obviously, to the main world, he seems to have only been away for one day, right?

"... By the way, what are you doing?"

In front of me, I looked at Nagana Tamame, who was not only being pulled by the Corumiya Pegasus on the cheek, but also being pulled by her own Qiannu by pulling on her short skirt.

Gafan twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

"Eh, Gafan?"

Nagana Yuizen was stunned, and then he saw that the man in front of him was not in a wheelchair, but standing. He blinked blankly, and his smart little head couldn't help but shut down a little.

But after three seconds.

Her beautiful big eyes lit up, and she showed a sunny smile of genuine surprise.

"You are not disabled!"

Gafan: "..."

This little bastard really knows how to talk.

And after only "one day" of missing each other, he seems to have turned into a half-baked Onmyoji candidate?

And this reaction... He now doubts that this guy's memory of straying into the "wild world" was not erased by the girl wearing the fox mask last time.

"Okay, for some reasons, my injuries have completely healed. Let's not bring up the subject of disability."

He walked over with a smile on his face, and Gafan unceremoniously stretched out his hand and pulled the guy's smooth little face, showing a warning look.

"Well, if you know how to provoke me, don't pinch my face."

"Who told you to poke me in the cheek before when I was inconvenient to move?"

After teasing him angrily, Gafan then turned to look at the two people watching the show next to him in confusion and asked.

"And seriously, why did you two get together? And Qiannu, didn't you say that you are dirty and not used to being exposed to the sun? Why did you go out?"

"It's okay to get some sunshine for a short time."

Qiannu tilted her head and blinked curiously. She felt that the man in front of her seemed to be different in some way.

But she didn't express doubts about this, and just smiled cutely: "And it's quite interesting to tame this human being. I don't hate him...but I don't like this guy with seven stupid hairs on his head. Onmyoji."

"I don't like you either, little short-legged one."

The Corugar Pegasus, who had his arms folded, curled his lips in disdain, but from his wandering eyes, it could still be seen that this guy was a little concerned.

"Of course, if it's Tame Ran...this guy is not bad, I don't mind being merciful and making friends with her."

Why is this guy so arrogant all of a sudden?

Looking at this guy who turned his face away, but whose profile was more feminine than that of a woman, Gafan's eyes became a little strange.

"Forget it, anyway, I just suddenly found Qiannu not at home and that's why I found him. As long as he's fine... System, what are you doing?"

Gafan, whose collar was pulled by the little guy in his arms for a long time, and who was suddenly poked in the cheek, could no longer ignore the other person's behavior as if nothing had happened.

"Look at the back."

The system glared at the person holding him without avoiding each other, and even reached out to point to a tree in the distance.

And in the shadows where the sun doesn't shine.

A tall man with a vixen-like smile who didn't know when he arrived was silently looking in this direction, not hiding his interested gaze.

Those golden eyes that resembled those of a fox were full of inexplicable meaning.

"I know, I've sensed that peeping pervert a long time ago."

Gafan sighed helplessly, turned around casually, looked at the man with long hair reaching his waist, who looked like a perverted man, and raised his eyebrows.

"So, who are you?"

"Ah~ I feel like I'm being disliked. It's really distressing. I didn't do anything bad~"

The man who looked like a vixen whistled lightly, and from the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the system that was in charge of eating steamed buns.

This little guy is not simple.

Then an inexplicable sense of crisis made him subconsciously quickly withdraw his gaze.

He looked at the expressionless person with a surprised look on his face and smiled.

"Hello, Mr. Gafan, this is the first time we meet, please allow me to introduce myself ~ I am the current head of the Yin Yang Lao, Arima Tsuchimikado."

Tsuchimikado Arima, who instantly recognized that the other party was an outsider, gracefully made a slight gentlemanly gesture.

"I have something to ask you about."

Anti-fraud film promotion

Let me tell you something, readers.

I've been scammed.

More than 80,000 are gone.

This time I tell you this without shame, just to publicize and enhance everyone's anti-fraud awareness, and to completely ignore those pornographic software and the activation requirements for fake orders.

Otherwise, you will be like me, a sophomore, who gets emotional beforehand, takes chances during the event, and regrets it afterwards.

In the days from March 26 to March 30, 2022.

The process is 58+588+2088+2000+5888+4000+6000+8888+11000+7888+38888=87286 yuan, which is almost bankrupt.

Every time, they say they will get a 20% increase in rebate, but in fact, only the first two transactions are actually transferred, and then they use words to drive your emotions and defraud you of all your money.

Also, when I transferred the last amount she said, she told me that the transfer would reach the upper limit of personal income tax, and I would have to pay more than 20,000 yuan in taxes myself, and transfer it to the card number she issued before I could withdraw it. At this time, my wallet was finally empty, so I woke up and chose to call the police in the bank.

And after being defrauded, even if you call the police and file a case, it is basically certain that the money will not be recovered, even if it is completely lost.

Because those scammers transfer money quickly and simply buy foreign funds and other things to launder money. Even if they are caught in the end, all the money will almost certainly be lost.

Don't believe they have a conscience.

The group I showed you is definitely full of trolls, no matter how the atmosphere inside fits your "guess".

The defrauded money is almost all I have, and I only have a few thousand left in my card now.

The only good thing is that no matter how impulsive I was, I never took out a loan, let alone borrowed even a penny from my family.

Because this involves my principles and bottom line as a human being.

Resist your own stupidity and it will never affect your family.

And always leave yourself the last bit of money you can survive on that must not be touched.

The only pity is that.

I never used the royalties I earned for myself, I just saved them for my life after graduation, and then they were all gone.

I have been writing books for so long, and I have only earned nearly 12,000 yuan in total, of which nearly 9,000 yuan was defrauded. Only less than 1,000 yuan was used for college living expenses, which is almost meaningless...

Except for the 20,000 I transferred to my mother before.

Only this money makes me feel that the money I earn is meaningful.

Alas, I feel that I have said a bit too much and it is a bit confusing. In short, do not download [91 Dimensions], let alone all the software included in it. They are just pig-killing disks that change their names every once in a while.

Don't let impulsive lust and interests disturb your reason.

Sorry, there are a lot of things happening today, so I won’t update.

I will continue to write this book in the future, because I can make money to support myself in college.

There is no need to take money from the family, so parents can worry less.

Even if it is really boring to insist on coding...

Finally, let me post a few more related pictures below. As for the screenshots of transfers, I won’t post them because there are eleven orders.

Chapter 244: Rehabilitation Warm-up Exercises (Part 2)

Inside the Shanhe Sheji Map.

One of hundreds of alien planes.

The endless, clear mirror lake that looks like a vast ocean occupies almost all of this extra-dimensional space.

It's like a bigger mirror prepared for the God of Creation.

Except in the central area of ​​​​this world, there is an island in the middle of the lake with a length, width and diameter of about three kilometers.

There are no living things on it, only the slightly sparse grass that covers the entire island, an old tree with lush branches, and...

A group of theatergoers were cracking melon seeds under the tree.

"Is that the boss of your Onmyoji?"

The system was eating the pulp of the melon seeds in handfuls, and on its shoulders was a white tool mass that continuously helped break down the shells and transfer the new melon seed flesh.

With her cheeks as thick as a gluttonous hamster, she asked the boy next to her who looked very much like a girl with a dissatisfied expression and kept clicking his tongue.

"He looks like a polite scum, and he doesn't look like a militant person... Anyway, it gives me a weird feeling."

"That guy is a bastard pervert."

The Corugate Pegasus, who was also holding a handful of melon seeds in his hand, seemed to be remembering something from the past, with a look of disgust on his face.

"The old fox doesn't know what he is thinking all day long, and I don't like him very much, but I only recognize him in terms of strength, and he can indeed be regarded as our Onmyoji... Boss?"

He glanced at the system speechlessly: "Your title is quite down-to-earth."

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