"What are you arguing about? You just turned into a ghost. Didn't your sister also change? What a big deal."

Ye Jianjieda had no intention of looking back, and directly exposed his defenseless back. His breathing became more and more rapid...

The new member of "Black Bull".

And just when Kamado Tanjiro was about to lose control of himself, he froze immediately because of the other person's words.

"Hey, kid, pay attention to the guys unconscious in a pool of blood over there. Aren't they your companions?"

After hearing this, Tanjiro Kamado turned into a ghost. He turned his head blankly and looked at the ruins in the distance. Those extremely familiar figures appeared in his mind, which was completely filled with hunger. corresponding name.

My wife is good at leisure, has a smooth mouth, and has a gentle tongue.

They... are companions who share life and death with them.

Kamado Tanjiro was stunned for a long time, but the hunger in his mind began to dissipate inexplicably.

At this time, a calm voice sounded in his ears.

"They are dying. I can't restore the magic, and I can't leave now."

Yami Jiedai, who never looked back, looked at the front a hundred meters away with an expressionless face. He was slowly walking towards him again. He was the strongest enemy he had encountered since he came to this world.

Whether it was pure skills or the weapons he carried, he couldn't compare to his opponent.

So he might die this time, but it doesn't matter.

Because, just go beyond the limit.

"Boy, if you don't take them to find a doctor who can treat their injuries now, then they will all die."

Ye Jianjieda said the cold and cruel truth indifferently.

The pitch-black blade in his hand had been raised and leaned forward, aiming at the ghost swordsman from a distance.

"Don't make any nonsense excuses. Have you forgotten what I taught you before?"

"You're here now to push me beyond my limits, and besides..."

Yami Jida said calmly.

I don’t know if I was saying it to the people behind me or to myself.

"You have no other choice."

Chapter 238: Angry Rabbit

Some dark basement.

It has completely turned into a huge dark golden tumor, and the figure inside is looming, very silent.

But at the level of spiritual connection, there were constant hysterical roars.

"Trash, it's all trash, you can't even find anyone!"

The half-asleep and half-conscious Kibutsuji Muzan was furious and helpless.

"Half of the more than 3,000 ghosts we brought are dead, and the rest were held back by those damn pillars and other team members."

"Naruto is following the order to overdraw herself. Although Infinite City is still jumping through space, her life situation has become very bad."

"And Hei Shimo...what on earth are you doing now?!"

Unknowingly, Kibutsuji Mumei, who was originally calm and composed, became more and more anxious.

He felt that the current situation was quite bad, and things were not developing as he originally expected.

He had obviously killed the ancient sword that had been drained of its power. With that guy's current strength, he should be able to easily kill everyone in the Demon Slayer base camp and bring that hateful strange rabbit over. , becoming an important nutrient for his final evolution.

But now Hei Shimo was held back by a sloppy uncle passing by.

And that brat wearing sun pattern earrings, even though he turned into a ghost, he was still able to maintain his self-awareness, and like the guy who overcame the sun, he was completely under his control...

Is this justified? !

"No, we can't go on like this."

Quietly immersed in the dark golden sarcoma, and waiting to turn into a pupa and turn into a "butterfly", Tsuji Muzan finally made an important decision after some tangles.

"The guy who defeated the sun is still not found, and the dead rabbit I want has not been brought here... I have no choice but to wake up 'that guy' first."

With this thought, the ancestor of ghosts who created all ghosts and had absolute control over them, no longer hesitated to connect to the bottom of the "Infinite City".

There sleeps a giant creature that would never have been born in nature, or rather...

A real monster.

In the darkness without any light, eight pairs of huge golden vertical pupils opened suddenly.

next moment.

All the people and ghosts who were fighting bloody battles on the ground above felt an earthquake-like vibration coming from under their feet, and——

The ultimate horror of being targeted by some nightmarish and terrifying existence.


Large swaths of low-rise houses collapsed, and an abyss-like ravine crack suddenly opened in the ground buried under some ruins. There was something exaggeratedly large inside, and it was rushing out.

Immediately afterwards, all the ruins in the nearby area were uncovered.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, a monster with a body length of a hundred meters that resembled an existence from their mythology looked up to the sky and let out a deafening roar in this cramped area shrouded in darkness.

Obsidian-black scales cling to its indestructible body.

Eight tails that looked like small mountains were swaying wildly, easily crushing the nearby houses into ruins.

Because it has been sleeping for hundreds of years, its back is covered with dark green moss, and its silver-white belly is covered with ferocious and strange patterns.

Eight dragon-like heads, with vertical pupils as bright red as red sour sauce, which contain absolute coldness without any emotion, and...

Indiscriminate madness and murderous intent.

Once upon a time, when the Warring States Period was coming to an end, Muzan Kibutsuji, who had gone through a hundred years of pursuit and finally survived the death of that man, suddenly found that he could no longer sleep.

Because as soon as he closed his eyes, he would dream again of the figure that had become his lifelong nightmare, and then wake up in an instant.

Even when he was alone, he would suddenly and inexplicably feel someone standing behind him, trying to pull him into the sun.

At that time, he was really suspicious of ghosts every day for a long time, and he was simply suffering from persecution delusion.

And it is in this situation of extreme lack of security——

Kibutsuji Mumei finally decided to temporarily give up on searching and trying to develop the blue Higanbana flower, and devoted all his energy, paranoidly and obsessively, to create an unreasonably strong one that could protect himself or help. existence after the break.

So, the final result product.

It is this creature that stands on the earth like a prehistoric monster——

"Zero of the Wind: Yamata-no-Orochi".

"Ho ho ho ho!!!!"

The sound waves scattered in all directions, and the huge roar that shook the world continued to echo in this cramped space with a radius of only five kilometers, stimulating people's eardrums and internal organs.

But suddenly, the neighing sound of Yamata no Orochi suddenly stopped, and then it started shaking its head as if it was defying something unruly.

During this process, its huge body, which was a hundred meters long, caused the ground to start shaking slightly again.

But in the end, because of the absolute control of the "Blood Curse" and the increasingly intense pain in the brain, it finally nodded slightly unwillingly, which was considered as a promise.

As a result, eight heads the size of houses slowly turned somewhere in the distance at the same time.

The cold and angry vertical pupils reflected a house with a built-in pool.

The order was very clear, it was going to catch a damn rabbit and kill every human in sight.


The dark purple snake vomited out, with a fishy smell of blood.

Yamata no Orochi began to move forward, its huge body crushing all the buildings along the way like knocking down building blocks, and it was quickly approaching its destination.

And as if it felt that this was still a bit slow, its forward movement slowed down slightly, and then it opened the bloody mouth of one of the eight heads, condensing a blazing flame with an astonishing temperature, and then -

A huge fire pillar with a diameter of seven meters pierced the darkness, and with unstoppable ferocious momentum, it instantly blasted towards the house in front of it from a distance of half a mile.

The sky is filled with fire!

The huge explosion, accompanied by the shock wave, spread to every corner of the five-kilometer radius, attracting countless shocked eyes.

And in the sea of ​​​​fire, the contemporary water column was standing with a knife. There was no flame in the three-meter radius centered on him, and it even maintained the original temperature.

A calm, tranquil mood like a water mirror filled the air, blocking out all the disputes.

Giyu Tomioka, who maintained his "Nagi" state, looked up at the distance with an expressionless expression on the Yamata-no-Orochi, which began to scream in the sky again, as if to declare that he was powerful, and he couldn't help but feel a little dazed for a moment.

"What is this? It's so big...it's a little hard to cut."

He took a look at the opponent's huge size, and then looked down at the three-foot-long Nichirin sword in his hand.

Silence fell.

The stunned Tomioka Giyuu was thinking about what he should do to run over and cut off all eight snake heads of the big guy.

And just then.

A jet-black thing suddenly rolled down to his feet, causing him to subconsciously look down and be startled.

"What is this? He's so ugly."

Tomioka Yoshiyuki blinked in confusion, but what he didn't know was...

They were a pair of canvas shoes that a certain rabbit had just bought. Half of them had completely turned into charcoal. They were originally so pretty.

A minute ago, these extremely handsome canvas shoes were clearly being carefully wiped with a white handkerchief and admired intoxicatedly once a day.

But now, there is nothing.


At this time, Tomioka Giyuu was shocked to find that the surrounding air seemed to have solidified.

Even the wanton and arrogant sea of ​​​​fire has stopped spreading and burning like purgatory.

Under some ruins, a rabbit from another world stood up silently. His eyes seemed to ignore the cover of the broken eaves and broken walls, and directly focused on the "culprit" who was still screaming in the sky half a mile away.

next moment.

With its fierce kick, the ground sank in an instant, and the ruins blocking the way above were swept away like dust.

Not even a second passed.

The Yamata no Orochi, which has dominated this area, reflected an angry and violent rabbit in its sixteen golden vertical pupils, and——

The fist hit like a falling meteorite.

BOOM! ! ! ! !

The huge shock wave that shook the earth scared the dark golden sarcoma in a certain basement to tremble slightly.

Invulnerable to weapons and bullets, the snake head the size of a house was directly exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Even the remaining absurd strength directly sent the huge body like a prehistoric monster flying dozens of meters away.

At this moment, the coldness in Yamata no Orochi's eyes disappeared, and he was temporarily stunned.

When it subconsciously raised its head and looked far ahead, it discovered that the person who had knocked it away was a red-haired boy wearing a red and white striped prison uniform, only 1.6 meters tall, and wearing a bunny ears headdress. .

The eyes of the dead fish, which glowed red, were full of extreme violence that made snakes tremble with fear. A bloody mouth shaped like shark teeth was emitting a terrifying low roar.

That is......

Kirilenko was completely furious because he had no canvas shoes.

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!!!!"

Chapter 239: Perfect Creature

Thunder and lightning, violent wind, flames, sound waves, frost, acid, pitons, and poison.

All kinds of extremely large-scale blood ghost techniques are released from the eight bloody mouths of the Yamata no Orochi, regardless of consumption.

The area with a radius of one kilometer seemed to have been baptized by a natural disaster. Shocking traces could be seen everywhere, and it had completely become a forbidden zone for life.

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