Horrible to the extreme.

Holding the unconscious child in his arms, Gafan's face was filled with distress.

"I finally recovered my memory, that's good, that's good, then..."

He silently turned his head and glanced at the man-eating evil ghost whose body was completely frozen and did not dare to move. He smiled politely with cold eyes.

"Go to hell."

Chapter 230: Do you dare to come?

The first ray of dawn has shone on the earth, dispelling the darkness.

Somewhere in the woods outside the Knife Forging Village.

A hundred meters in radius were burned into a scorched earth by the black flames.

But the vitality of this place has not been cut off. When the dust turned from the remains of the wooden dragons blends into the ground, it will make the soil here more fertile, allowing new vegetation to grow in the coming year.

Gafan held Muichiro Tokitoru, who had been completely cured by him but was still in a coma, with one hand, and casually grasped the head of Hateboten, who was slowly turning into ashes, with his other hand.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't him, nor was it because of the morning light.

It was simply because the main body of the winding sword on the other side had just been killed by Kamado Tanjiro and others as in the original work, and at the same time, Kamado Nezuko, the child, had also successfully overcome the sun and stood in the morning light. Down.

In other words, the Kamado family, who inherited the Hinata Breathing Technique from Enichi Tsukuni, all have such a talent.

"Hey, Kibutsuji Muzan, I know you are watching here."

Gafan looked down at the head of the evil ghost that was about to completely disappear from the world, and looked into its frightened eyes, as if he wanted to see through the other person the ancestor of ghosts hiding in a dark corner somewhere.

"Using the 'Blood Curse' to obtain information through the senses and thoughts and memories of ghosts, you can know in advance and avoid irresistible enemies. That guy Yuanyi must have been troubled by your ability back then. I have taken action to destroy ghosts before. You should have 'seen' the process several times, which is indeed quite troublesome. "

"But that doesn't matter now."

Gafan turned his head and glanced into the distance, as if through the cover of the woods, he saw under a cliff somewhere, the red-haired boy who had survived the disaster, holding the ghost girl who was trying to speak, and his heart was filled with joyful cries. Crying loudly.

"The thing you have been pursuing for thousands of years has appeared, and it is within my sight, so next..."

He casually crushed the evil spirit's head and at the same time passed on the last chuckle, or a teasing question.

"Do you dare to come?"


at the same time.

Miles away.

Somewhere beside a thawed forest stream.

The remains of the ice doll and water lily Bodhisattva that were chopped into pieces were covered with the frost-stained lawn, but they were rapidly melting under the morning light.

It was also accompanied by a headless corpse that was missing most of its body and was dressed like a cultist, which was also quickly reduced to ashes.

On the second string, Tong Mo, the ghost of ice, has been killed.

"My shoulders are a little sore."

Sheathed the knife, found a stone to sit on, and lit a cigarette as a reward.

Ye Jianjieda lowered his eyes and looked a little tiredly at the figure who was still standing in front of him, maintaining his flawless posture. His body was covered with unhealable slashes and the headless body with blue lines that represented sinners. body, slowly blowing out a smoke ring.

"You guys are average in strength, but you're really strong enough to be cut."

"Come again...come again..."

Yiwozao, whose consciousness was slowly dissipating, made a vague voice that was still full of fighting spirit.

"Keep fighting with me, strong man."

"Okay, okay, I know you like fighting, so stop talking."

The sloppy man smiled helplessly, and accidentally choked on the white smoke that filled his mouth. Combined with the mud and blood stains on his body, he couldn't help but look a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, the cigarette given by the village elder is really strong."

He shook his head slightly, and then looked at the headless body in front of him: "Is your name Yi Wo Zuo? I remember, you look magnanimous compared to that guy who still had a fake smile on his face until he died. More...at least you won't attack the unconscious girl behind me as a condition for fighting me."

"Of course not...I don't kill women, that would be despicable and against..."

Yiwozuo's voice was intermittent: "My principles and bottom line as a strong man."

"Principles and bottom lines? That's indeed a good thing. Adhering to these will at least not turn you into a hopeless beast."

Glancing at the increasingly obvious white fish belly on the horizon, Yami Jiedai subconsciously speeded up his speech slightly as he thought about evil spirits being directly killed by the sun.

"To be honest, this is the first time I've met a type like you who is not weak when fighting with bare hands. The people I fought with before were all similar to the guy who used ice, that is, magic or something..."

He lowered his head and looked at the many bruises and wounds left by the opponent's iron fist on his body as strong as an iron tower, and continued to take a puff of the cigarette as if nothing had happened.

This is all he needs.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. It's pointless. Besides, looking at how you're about to turn into ashes, you probably don't need me to help you dig a grave on the spot."

Yami Jiedai looked at the other party calmly: "Although you are as full of blood as the guy just now, I am surprised that I don't hate you very much... Let me just say that you still maintain the will to fight until now. The reason?”

"Just treat it as your last words or something, and let's talk casually."

"...The reason I fight?"

Yiwozuo, who had been fighting non-stop for hundreds of years, his muttering tone before his death became a little confused for the first time.

Yes, why does he want to become stronger?

I always feel...as if I have forgotten someone or something.


Yiwozuo whispered to himself unconsciously, saying the name of a person who had died hundreds of years ago, that was——

his wife.

"Lianxue...I'm sorry, I didn't protect you..."

Yiwozuo's voice began to become softer and softer, becoming more and more vague, as if he was telling something that he had long forgotten, but Ye Jianjieda just smoked a cigarette and listened quietly. A dying man's last words.

After a long time.

A cigarette has been burned out.

The bodies of the warriors were all reduced to ashes, slowly dissipating with the crisp breeze.

The tired man fell silent for a moment and said nothing. He just lit up a choking cigarette for himself again with an expressionless face, took a deep puff, and couldn't help coughing again.

"This guy's name is Komaji, cough, cough, cough."

It sounds like a good name for a warrior.

The man silently smoked a cigarette and thought this way.

And after a while.

On the dewy lawn, a girl who had been unconscious since last night slowly opened her eyes and looked around blankly.

"Where am I...?"

The girl murmured to herself, then subconsciously touched her immature face and found that the mask was gone.

So she hurriedly took out a spare Fire Man mask from her arms and put it on skillfully again. At the same time, she finally noticed a familiar figure sitting far ahead under the rays of morning light. Uncle.

Some sloppy clothes, a little melancholy eyes, sparse beard, a face that still looks unkempt under the light and shadow effects, and a head of messy black hair.

And there was a half-burned cigarette hanging casually in his mouth.

"You brat, now that you're awake, go back to the village and have breakfast with your family."

Ye Jianjieda stood up slowly and yawned lazily. Regardless of the dazed expression on the little guy who had been protected by him all night, he waved his hand casually and turned around to leave. .

"There is no danger here anymore."


Somewhere in an unknown mountain forest with few human traces.

One hundred meters underground.

Infinite city.

In a dark, spacious room, a voice full of ecstasy was echoing crazily.

"Finally, finally, it appears... Well done, Hantengu, the guy who overcame the sun finally showed up!!!"

In the shadows, a woman wearing a kimono embroidered with alluring patterns, her hair in a bun, her skin as pale as paper, and her pupils red, was covering her face with her hands unable to suppress her emotions.

"Thousands of years have passed. It's been too long. Even the twelve ghost moons have a rare physique that has not appeared before. The chosen ghost... there is no need to look for the blue flower of the other side now!"

As long as the girl named Nezuko Kamado is eaten and taken into her body, she can successfully overcome the sun and make up for the last flaw!

The woman's delicate face, as cold as frost, was filled with a sickly smile.

She, no, he is Kibutsuji Muzan.

The current female posture is transformed from "complete mimicry".

This comes from the ability developed hundreds of years ago to better avoid someone. It allows him to freely change his appearance, gender, smell, etc. It is a kind of ability that can completely change anything that is visible to the naked eye. Convenient ability to change it.

Relying on this ability, he hid in the vast sea of ​​people and has not been found by any ghost slayer for hundreds of years...except for the boy wearing sun pattern earrings he met not long ago.

"The long wait is finally over. From now on, the annoying sunlight will no longer be an obstacle to me, and I will achieve perfect immortality without any weaknesses!"

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan was so excited that his hands trembled slightly, but as if he suddenly remembered something, his movements and expressions suddenly froze.

"That strange and powerful human... Onmyoji?"

Based on the "intelligence" obtained from the deceased Wu Yuhuna of the upper string, Muzan Kibutsuji, who confirmed the bizarre identity of the other party, fell silent for a while, and then suddenly showed a ferocious and abnormally terrifying expression on his pale face.

"Ask me if I dare to come? Who do you think you are? That person from hundreds of years ago...you actually dare to threaten me!"

The ancestor of ghosts roared hysterically.

For the first time in thousands of years, he finally saw the hope of becoming a truly perfect creature.

Even if he gained information about the opponent's unreasonable and unreasonable extra-standard strength from the evil spirits that were eliminated by the opponent, he would never back down this time.


Tsuji Muzan's cold voice echoed throughout the dead silence of Infinite City.

"Take out all the 'special nutrients' that I have stored and accumulated for hundreds of years!"

The body's flesh and blood were distorted, and after a few seconds, it returned to its usual appearance of a young man wearing a black suit with fine features.

Oniwu Tsuji Muzan tightly held the delicate cane that smelled of blood, and knocked heavily on the wooden floor.

There was a hint of desperate madness in his voice.

"The 'Perfect Evolution' plan that has been planned for a hundred years... can begin."

Chapter 231: Three Xiaoqiang

Three days later.

Knife Forging Village.

Thanks to the efforts of the craftsmen, the damaged parts of the buildings caused by evil spirits attacking the village have now been basically repaired.

Smoke from cooking fires, representing lunch, rose from all over the village, and the air was still vaguely filled with the aroma of food.

At this time, a sloppy uncle with a cigarette in his mouth was sitting on a wooden post at the end of the village, looking at the three distinctive people in front of him with an expressionless expression.

Or to be precise, he was sizing up the two brats standing next to Kamado Tanjiro.

One is a boy with round eyebrows wearing a yellow haori with a triangular pattern on his uniform and having medium to short blond hair.

This guy had an inexplicable look of fear and panic on his face, which made some blue veins pop out on his forehead.

The other one was a strange boy wearing a gray boar hood, deer hair around his waist, and bear hair around his feet. His upper body was naked and he was burly. For some reason, he only wore Demon Slayer pants on his lower body.

This guy has the aura of a beast.

Ye Jianjie blew out a smoke ring lightly, thinking this in his heart.

"Hello, my name is my wife Zenitsu."

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