"Xiao Toru, let's go together later...I happen to have someone I'm looking for right there."


at the same time.

Knife Forging Village.

Some toilet.

"Ah sneeze——!"

Yami Jiedai, who was holding a newspaper in his hand, rubbed his nose in confusion.

"Strange, I always feel like someone is talking about me."

He frowned and muttered, but quickly dismissed it as an illusion. Feeling that he had almost cleared his stomach, he casually touched the place where the toilet paper was placed.

Then, the strong body froze.

Yami Jieda: "..."

He turned around silently and looked.

Look at the place where there should be a full stack of toilet paper, but it is actually empty.

Take a deep breath.

next moment.

The crow taking a nap on a branch outside the house was instantly frightened by the huge roar and fell down.

"Where's the toilet paper?! Why is it empty again!!!!"

Chapter 215: Knife Forging Village

At this time the sun has fully risen.

The emerald green branches and leaves are covered with crystal clear morning dew, and a soft and thin mist spreads beside the mountain streams.

The mountains are painted with a soft milky white color, and the white fog makes everything hazy and psychedelic, but gradually dissipates as the sun climbs towards noon, and a cool autumn wind blows.

There are some rough forest paths somewhere.

A sleepy yawn suddenly sounded, breaking the quiet atmosphere nearby.

"Yawn - we're finally here. The location in this deep mountain and old forest is really hidden."

Sitting in the wheelchair, Gafan casually wiped away the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes due to physiological reactions.

In her arms, she was still holding System, who had personally helped change clothes, but was still sleeping soundly in bed, unwilling to wake up.

"How long are you going to sleep for, this little slacker?"

Gafan muttered helplessly, with an obvious look of sleepiness on his face, and suddenly yawned lazily, looking very sleepy and lazy.

After all, he was woken up early in the morning today, even though he slept quite late yesterday.

And speaking of which, he hasn't had breakfast yet, so he's a little hungry.

Gafan was thinking endlessly in his mind, and at the same time, his eyes were looking at the village in front of him which was not far away.

His unusual eyesight allowed him to see the villagers, or craftsmen, walking on the street from a distance, all wearing strange fire-man masks on their faces.

There is the village of swordsmiths.

As for the wheelchair that had already been pushed all the way, Muichiro Tokitoru, who brought him here, had already taken the lead just now.

He said that he wanted to quickly go to Mr. Kazumori, who was responsible for forging his swords, to explain the situation, so that he could customize and replace the Nichirin sword with a new one. By the way, he also wanted to find a machine doll that was rumored to be able to help people train.

Gafan understood this, but...

"That kid Tokito, please help me push into the village first."

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Gafan covered his face helplessly and sighed, then he snapped his fingers, causing the wheelchair under him to start to move forward automatically without relying on the push of others.

After all, you can't let the system that is still sleeping in your arms help him push the wheelchair, right?

As for Kirilenko, he should have woken up at Tomioka Giyu's house and continued to look through his canvas shoe magazine.

When he went to stay at Tokito Muichiro's house last night, he didn't bring that guy with him. After all, the dead rabbit was sleeping soundly and couldn't be moved.

I don’t know if Mr. Tomioka is getting along well with him now.

Although to be honest, that person and the rabbit are not sociable people.

Thinking of this, Gafan also showed a helpless expression, and at the same time, with a casual move, a somewhat old book appeared in his hand.

This was given to him by Tomioka Giyu before leaving last night.

This is a notebook written by a man who is a water column, narrating and recording his previous experience in developing the somewhat unconventional "Nagi" move, as well as his subsequent understanding of "mood" and "artistic conception".

He said that he wanted to use this as a thank you gift for helping cure the Lord's terminal illness.

It was obvious that he was doing this just to help the kid Shitou repay his kindness, but he didn't expect that it would bring unexpected rewards in this regard.

I always feel a little inexplicably deserved.

With a slightly tangled mentality, Gafan took it back to the storage space again, planning to read and study it carefully when he had time.

"By the way, if I go directly without a guide, I won't be regarded as a suspicious person by the people in the village, right?"

As if he suddenly discovered some blind spot, Gafan paused for a moment.

After all, the Sword Forging Village seems to be a secret and important logistics facility of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Even though he now knows the lord and several pillars of the Demon Slayer Squad, he has just arrived. If he doesn't have any identification, people here don't know his situation.

You can't go back to the Demon Slayer's base camp first to find a "certifier", right?

Thinking of this, Gafan rolled his eyes in frustration.

I'm in so much trouble and so tired.

At this moment, a curious voice with a gentle tone suddenly remembered, interrupting his thoughts.

"Hey, you don't seem to be from this village. Where did you come from? Did you get lost in the mountains and forests?"

The voice was full of lively and familiar kindness, which made Gafan subconsciously think of a certain friend who was his childhood sweetheart, had cockroach hair on his head, and loved to laugh.

Just as naturally stupid.

Who is it?

Gafan turned his head in confusion, and then saw a pink-haired girl who came to him at some point, looking at him with a sunny smile on her face.

Those big light green eyes were full of unabashed curiosity, and were dotted with natural tears.

There are three long cherry-pink braids behind her, and the ends of her hair gradually turn into grass green, just like her innocent eyes.

Wearing a loose kimono dotted with cherry blossom patterns, it covered her overly mature body, but the neckline on her chest was too open, exposing a shockingly plump white.

In addition, the girl is also wearing a special snow-white feather fabric to keep warm, which shows her identity as one of the contemporary Nine Pillars, the Love Pillar——

Ganlu Temple Mili.

"Hey, why is your wheelchair moving forward on its own? It's so amazing!" Mitsuri Kanroji suddenly noticed something unusual and cried out in surprise.

And Gafan also said without changing his expression: "Because it is already a mature wheelchair and can learn to move forward on its own without being pushed by others."

"Hey, is that so?"

Mitsuri Kanroji, who was easily deceived, blinked blankly.

And this innocent look with big breasts and low IQ made the joking Gafan instantly feel guilty.

He is not used to lying to good people.

"...Let's just skip this topic."

Looking at the pink-haired girl in front of him, Gafan sighed helplessly, and then asked with a light smile that got straight to the point.

"Excuse me, do you know where Yami Jiedai is?"


at the same time.

Among the woods at the other end of Knife Forging Village.

A boy with dark red hair and pupils came here.

He has a scar that looks like a flame on his left forehead, and his ears are also wearing sun disk earrings passed down from generation to generation, and behind his back, he is carrying a strange box made of foggy spruce wood for some unknown reason.

The boy looked around, twitching his nose from time to time, using his unusual sense of smell to capture the smell in the air, as if he was looking for something.

His name is Kamado Tanjiro.

I once made a living selling charcoal and lived a peaceful and happy life with my family, but now...

He is a demon slayer swordsman of the Demon Slayer Corps.

"What is the secret weapon that Miss Kanroji said can make people stronger? Is it really a knife? Is it buried in the soil?"

Tanjiro Kamado said with great interest: "It feels like I'm on a treasure hunt. It's so exciting."

But although this is a good place, the smell of the hot springs nearby is really too strong.

In response, he rubbed his nose in distress.

Of course, the fact that his injured body has not fully recovered is also one of the reasons, otherwise he would be able to distinguish the various differences in the air more easily now.

"Also, it would be nice if we could find Mr. Iron Tomb quickly. The village chief of Huidi said that he was practicing alone in the mountains and forests in order to forge a sword for me... Hey, kid?"

Kamado Tanjiro's brisk steps suddenly stopped, because out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly spotted two people who seemed to be arguing about something in the distance.

One of them is a child who looks young and has a fire mask on his face. He should be a child who ran away from the village, and the other person...

Well, he seems to have seen this person before. He is a pillar.

Kamado Tanjiro was stunned for a moment, but his expression didn't show much surprise. After all, he had already come into contact with several of the pillars in the Demon Slayer Squad.

They are all very powerful people.

The smell of the person in front of him smelled a little incomprehensible, as if it was like a mist. Miss Ren seemed to have mentioned the other person's name to him before, and it was--

"Xia Zhu..."

Kamado Tanjiro said with some uncertainty.

"Tokidou Muichiro."

Chapter 216: Human Touch Part 1

"Ah hahaha, Purgatory told me about you. He said you are a very powerful guy. Why are you still sitting in a wheelchair?"

Yami Jiedai, who has a stubble on his chin and looks unkempt, is sitting cross-legged at the small round table with a bold smile on his face.

That attitude was not at all special because the strange man in front of him came in a wheelchair.

"...Then I'm really sorry for disappointing you."

Looking at the uncle in front of him who seemed to have no ill intentions, Gafan couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly.

With Miss Ganlu Temple's help leading the way, he has now entered the Knife Forging Village without any hindrance.

Although craftsmen wearing fire-man masks cast curious glances from time to time along the way, because it was their familiar Lianzhu who led the stranger into the village, no one raised any doubts about it.

When he came to the house where Yami Jiedai lived temporarily, he even stopped by to meet with the little village chief here and explained his identity and purpose of coming.

After all, except for special circumstances, Gafan is generally happy to abide by the rules of the locals.

As for now?

Gafan looked at the sloppy uncle who was still smiling in front of him with an expressionless face.

He silently used his ability to forcefully control his paralyzed body, got up directly from the wheelchair, and also sat cross-legged on the comfortable tatami.

"Stop laughing, otherwise I won't be able to help but want to hit you." Gafan said speechlessly.

"Oh? You really dare to say this."

Yami Jiedai, who finally stopped laughing, looked at the man in front of him directly with a pair of dead fish eyes.

This guy has injuries.

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