But what came first was a plain chuckle.

"There's another one?"

Inexplicable fluctuations spread, and the magic of perception directly locked onto a certain old figure who was still ten meters underground.

The strange gaze that came from unknown sources made the mole, who was quietly waiting for the young boy above to complete his task, instinctively convey an indescribable feeling of horror.

It was like meeting a swordsman with flame markings on his forehead in the wild hundreds of years ago.

At that time, I was on the mountainside and the other party was at the foot of the mountain.

If it weren't for his decisive decision to escape directly, he would have been killed not only on the top of the mountain, but also on top of his life.


Without any hesitation at all, even the adult's absolute order was immediately forgotten. A bloody energy enveloped the mole's body, and then his figure disappeared instantly.

"'Vampire Art: Tu Xingsun'!"

Just like a swordfish escaping from its natural enemies in the deep sea, the old figure in the underground filled with dense rock formations jumped out nearly a hundred meters in the blink of an eye like a crossbow arrow that had taken off its string.

"Hey, you run pretty fast?"

The plain voice coming from the other side of the space crack was tainted with a hint of surprise.

Then, he loosened his grip on the Devil's Iron Fist, and then casually explored the void in another place.

"Perception sharing... system, help open another 'door'."


Another cheerful and unfamiliar childish voice came.

next moment.

Pulled by several translucent tentacles, the cracks in the air like broken glass spread again, causing a new space crack to expand, allowing the palm to reach in.

at the same time.

The mole, who had escaped hundreds of meters underground, suddenly instinctively felt the terrifying sense of crisis. Not only did it not diminish as he escaped, but it increased sharply again.

And before he could react or take action, in the dark underground passage...

A hand had been quietly placed on his head.

"caught you."

I don't know where it came from, but the strange male voice suddenly echoed in his ears, making Mole's body stiffen, and he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

The vertical pupils that represented the evil ghost's signature feature tightened, and his intuition told him that it was different from the time hundreds of years ago.

This time, he couldn't run away.

And this is indeed the development of the facts.

A stream of underworld flames from hell had burned all the mole's body from the neck down at some point, leaving only a head that was casually pulled by a hand stretched out from the void.

"Come here you."

Then, the scene in front of him changed.

The dim underground passage space disappeared, and the vision was replaced by a room lacking light and the red ghost with dull eyes.

Spatial ability?

Who caught him? !

Incomprehensible and strong questions flooded into the heart of the mole, who had only one head left, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

He doesn't even dare to try to regenerate his body now.

Gafan, who was sitting in a wheelchair and had been pushed out of the space rift by the system, glanced at the head in his hand. After thinking for a while, he temporarily gave up his plan to annihilate the opponent directly.

"You seem to have lived quite a long time... Anyway, let's save your life for now. I have something to ask you later."

Gafan said calmly, and at the same time he raised his hand casually and caught the iron fist that hit his face directly.

Then, he looked at the evil ghost with an inch hair in front of him, and his eyes went straight to the essence of existence.

A lot of cannibalism.

And I don't feel the slightest guilt about this matter.

"There is no need for you to be left behind."

Gafan said with a slight frown.

"Huh? The way you talk is really unpleasant!"

Chi Gui, who was suppressing the inexplicable horror in his heart, smiled ferociously. He tried to withdraw his fist but failed, so he just tore it off from his wrist and regenerated it instantly.

Not long ago, for some unknown reason, that lord wiped out almost all of the lower strings in the Twelve Demon Moons, and the only remaining one was said to have been defeated by a ghost slayer.

From now on, if you want special words to appear in your eyes, you can only become Shangxian first.

And he who had been accumulating strength and wanted to directly challenge Xia Xianyi could only continue to accumulate strength, but...

He thinks that his current strength is not far behind even when compared to Shangxian.

"'Vampire Art: Fighting Armor'!"

With a low roar, the crimson energy surged out of the body, and then quickly condensed to the extreme, forming a half-energy, half-solid full-body armor on the body surface.

The dust rose up and floated to the surface of the blood armor, and then was silently broken down into smaller things.

As for Chi Gui, who only had half of his face exposed, at this time, just like every time he met a ghost slayer in the past, he had no idea of ​​​​avoiding, but directly smiled and raised his indestructible fist.

"Human, I'm going to blow your head off."

This move made Mole, who had only one head left, secretly cursed an idiot.

Gafan, who was sitting in a wheelchair, looked at the guy in front of him with a strange look, thought about it, and said casually.

"Come on, use all your strength."

He wanted to do some testing along the way.

"Ha, you are such an arrogant guy!"

The feeling of being slighted made Chi Gui feel angry.

Through the identification of scent, he had completely confirmed that the cripple in the wheelchair in front of him was only a human being.

How can a guy who can't even walk be so strong even if he has some special abilities?

And the scene where the space was pulled out of the crack just now, he also believed that it must not have been done by the man in front of him, but hidden somewhere in the dark, another vampire who had somehow escaped Master Wuhan's control. technique.

Therefore, after Chi Gui's simple thinking, he decided to use his own strength as always to solve all obstacles head-on.

So, the next moment.

The iron fist wrapped in energy blood armor hit the opponent's head again with all its strength.

"I'm going to blow you up!"


A huge muffled sound appeared, without any hindrance, and hit directly.

The clear and strong feeling made Chi Gui's mouth curl up in an open manner.

But when the other party's voice appeared again, he froze.

"I've underestimated you a little. The 'multi-layered barrier' has actually been partially broken down..."

Gafan's plain eyes did not change at all.

He just looked at the fist that stopped in front of him and could no longer move forward, and the invisible barrier that was decomposed by an inexplicable force with cracks appearing.

"Your abilities are quite interesting."

He nodded and commented like this.

And such a result is obviously unacceptable to Chi Gui, who has lived for decades.

"It's impossible, why...it's impossible for a mere weak human being!"

The fist wrapped in the energy blood armor that could theoretically decompose all matter began to be overloaded, and it was swung out with all its strength like a violent storm, and each fist shadow could shatter boulders.

As for Gafan, who was beaten like a sandbag, he didn't blink, his clothes weren't wrinkled, and even the wheelchair underneath him wasn't moved.

The system yawned out of boredom.

Gafan silently assessed the opponent's strength.

Based on his previous chat with Tokitou Muichiro, he has confirmed the approximate timeline of the current world.

That is, after the pair of winding land in Yoshiwara Flower Street were conquered, and before the attack on the Sword Forging Village began.

At this time, the Twelve Ghost Moon no longer has a lower quarter, only the empty upper quarter remains.

But none of these things mattered to him.

Gafan glanced sideways at the familiar-looking Zhu Shi not far away, as well as the unconscious man on the ground. After remembering who this woman with the temperament of Yamato Nadeshiko was, surprise flashed in his eyes.

This kind of thing never happened in the original work.

He remembered that the only time Tamashi was attacked by other ghosts was when he helped Tanjiro Kamado and exposed his whereabouts.

Is it the butterfly effect?

Ignoring the futile punches that were blocked by the barrier on his body, Gafan pondered slightly, and at the same time he was a little glad that he saw this when he was helping the kid Shitou to search for the dark evil ghosts in the entire city with the magic carpet of perception. One scene.

He has a good impression of people who are willing to take the initiative to save lives and heal the wounded, and even transform themselves to avoid cannibal ghosts.

Just like the child Qiannu.

Thinking of this, Gafan shifted his gaze back to the man-eating evil ghost in front of him.

He was almost sure. Although he didn't know why this guy came to trouble Zhu Shi, he should have a lower-level strength.

But it couldn't even compare to the death knight that Momonga summoned at random.

So roughly guessing, those strings should be even worse than that vampire girl who is always frightened by Yuanyi.

But if we just talk about survivability...

"break down."

A dull voice suddenly sounded, and inexplicable fluctuations spread.

Then, the blood armor covering Chi Gui's body suddenly dissipated and turned into tiny fragments all over the sky.

Without the protection of the blood armor, the fist that was thrown out again was directly shattered by the huge repulsive force the moment it collided with the invisible barrier.

This scene made Chi Gui's pupils shrink.

But before he could react, the next sentence came out again.

"Frequency homogeneity, sound wave resonance."

There was no warning, and there was no way to defend himself. The strong body as forged from iron was filled with cracks like broken ceramics.

Chi Gui's bloodshot eyes widened to the limit.

All his internal organs and bones were shattered, and even his brain turned into a ball of mush.

But Gafan's brows frowned slightly.

"What kind of body structure is this? Isn't it dead?"

With a puzzled look on his face, he raised his finger with the hell flame attached to it, and with a random stroke, the opponent's head was dislocated.

Holding the new head with his bare hands, he quietly looked at the remains of the body that had been completely burned by the black flames, leaving no trace.

Then, Gafan lowered his head and looked at the other party who was still alive and even had his brain tissue recovered. The doubt in his eyes couldn't help but become heavier.

Although he is so weak, it is so troublesome to kill him?

"I don't understand the principle. Excluding those extra-standard abilities, do I have to cut your necks with the Nichirin Sword to be able to kill you for sure?"

Chi Gui didn't answer.

In other words, he had been made to give up his ability to think by this outrageous reality, and his eyes were dull.

He couldn't figure out why he just came here to arrest someone, a very simple thing, why did it develop like this?

And what is the situation of this human being in a wheelchair?

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