"What you said is really direct. Although I don't hate this way of speaking."

The Corumine Pegasus raised his eyebrows, then casually caught the two oranges that were really thrown at them, and looked down at them with a speechless expression.

By the way, where did these two things come from just now?

Retrieving items from the air?

At this time, a sleepy and childish voice came to my ears.

"Well, have you had breakfast?"

Qiannu, who was wearing plush slippers and a white shirt, rubbed the corners of his eyes with his small hands and walked from the direction of the bedroom in a daze.

The long, somewhat messy gray-white hair was naturally spread down along the smooth and slender brown calves to the bare ankles, and an old and smooth wooden bead headdress was tied at the end of the hair.

Since she came to this world and started to live a stable life, she couldn't help but become more and more fond of sleeping in and staying in bed.

As for the original black and white hunting clothes similar to Onmyoji?

This set of clothes that had been worn for hundreds of years had long been washed and thrown into the closet to hide in the snow.

After Qiannu systematically wore it at home, he found that such cool clothes were more convenient and comfortable, and he kept it that way.

She wasn't used to leaving this house anyway.

"Qian Nu, your shirt is not buttoned properly." As soon as Gafan turned his head to the side, he turned back helplessly to remind him.

"Huh? Oh, really, I didn't even notice."

Qiannu looked down and took a look at the exposed flat belly and cute pink and white fat, and then buttoned it up again without caring.

She didn't care at all that her beauty was leaked.

It would be better to say that Basara has no concept of this at all.

And this is where Gafan has been troubled recently.

You know, he, a temporarily paralyzed invalid, has been sleeping on the sofa for a week.

Because his own bed has been occupied by the thinly dressed System and Qiannu. If it were just System, he would never have minded about it, but Qiannu could not.

Gafan still takes certain issues of principle very seriously.

Even if the other party's real age is older than myself.


Walking in a daze, he suddenly found that the Onmyoji with the "cockroach tentacles" was behind him. Qian Nu also silently hid behind Ga Fan, grabbed the opponent's shoulder with his small hands, and slowly poked his head out.

Then, in synchronicity, he also cast a look of disgust.

Wu Gong Tianma: "..."

Who are these people?

Having been given special treatment since he was a child, he had a complicated mood after drinking the last mouthful of lean meat porridge that seemed to have too much sugar. He put down the white porcelain bowl, licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue and clasped his hands together. He made a gesture of thanks for the hospitality.

"Then I've finished the porridge. I have something else to do, so I won't bother you."

"Well, let's go slowly without seeing him off." Gafan nodded very naturally.

"...You could be polite and try to persuade me to stay."

The Corugate Pegasus twitched the corner of his mouth, but didn't say anything more. Instead, he waved his hand casually and walked out of the house in a familiar way without looking back.

And Ga Fan, who was watching him leave, had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Strictly speaking, they were not close friends. Why did this guy come from home to eat for seven days with nothing to do?

Once a day, either for breakfast, lunch, or supper in the evening.

This uncertain period of time seemed to be taken out of a busy schedule.

"What a strange guy."

After Gafan muttered a few words, he shook his head and threw it away.

Let's have breakfast first, it's almost getting cold.

Thinking of this, Gafan was about to pick up the bowl, but found that a spoon full of meat porridge had been handed to his mouth.

"Well, ah——"

The system sitting in Gafan's arms indicated that he wanted to feed him.

And Gafan accepted this naturally and chewed it calmly.

"Now, Gafan, you have to get better soon. Then it will be your turn to feed me and cook."

"I know, I know."

He responded vaguely, chewing the meat porridge in his mouth very carefully.

As for the taste?

It's just plain delicious.

There’s nothing overly delicious or weirdly dark culinary leanings.

It's the kind that's made step by step, just like a recipe, and is generally delicious.

It is also Gafan’s favorite taste.

Because both Sister Tou and Rimuru had made such a meal for him.

That kind of warmth nourishes his humanity and allows him to clearly know "who" he is.

Qiannu, who was watching the interaction between the two people, couldn't help but smile.

There was no dirty negative emotion in those beautiful golden eyes, they were full of gentleness.

Although there has never been a "concept" among the filthy races.

But Qian Nu now has it, because of these two people in front of him, that is——



at the same time.

Tu Yumen Island, Yin Yang Liao Headquarters, Taiyue Tower.

This is the most important information link and center of the entire Yin Yangliao.

Hundreds of elites from related fields take turns to be stationed here day and night, accepting and handling the tasks related to the eradication of filth, as well as all related events of "True Layer·Harmful Wilderness".

And today, it is rare that another important person comes here.

He has a tall figure, fair skin, waist-length hair like snow, and a pair of golden eyes that resemble fox eyes.

On that delicate face, there was always a smile that was calm and slightly perverted.

He is the orthodox successor of "Dōjimaru" who inherited Abe Keimei's will and magical power, and is known as the strongest among the Yin and Yang leaders in the past. He is the well-deserved leader of the Yin and Yang divisions——

There is a horse at the earth royal gate.

"Ah~ This is really rare. I didn't expect that guy Tianma to be willing to vouch for someone."

He looked at the screen on the huge ball of light in front of him that had ended communication, half-squinting his eyes, and the smile on his lips became thicker and thicker.

He never missed any detail of the expression and words of Corugong Tianma just now.

"Do you use your identity as the head of the Lugong family and the Twelve Heavenly Generals as a guarantor? Obviously these two identities are the ones you hate the most. This is the first time that you have taken the initiative to use your power, and it is just to vouch for someone... ....”

After Tsuchimikado Arima lowered his head and thought for a moment, he made a swipe of his hand, causing new information to appear on the light ball screen.

It was a man with black hair and black eyes.

"This guy seems to have been in contact with the prophesied Onmyoji of the Double Star, that is, the child of Hong Xu from the Hanano family... Is this Gafan? Interesting~"

There was a look of interest in his golden eyes.

It just so happens that he has something to do and has to go to his hometown. Let's find a chance to meet him then. After all...

This was the first time in so many years that he had seen someone who could make Ruigong Tianma willing to take the initiative to help.

"Is there any more information about this Gafan in the database?"

"It probably doesn't exist anymore, but there must be some somewhere in the mainland. I'll ask about it right now, Lord Arima."

"Well, thank you~"


In front of a house somewhere.

After ending the communication somewhat impatiently, the Corugate Pegasus stretched lazily.

At the same time, his beautiful heterochromatic eyes glanced at the house behind him, with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes, but more casual.

"I have also observed that the Basara named Qiannu is indeed not dangerous. He is obviously the most mysterious and strongest Basara in recorded rumors..."

"Forget it, anyway, that guy Bingyangzi is as strong as a pervert, so there's nothing to worry about."

Corvus Pegasus scratched the back of his head casually, making his long burgundy hair a little messy.

"I have repaid part of the favor I owe you."

He muttered and was about to leave. After all, he was one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals, and besides the holidays, he was still very busy.

But at this time, his footsteps stopped suddenly.

"Hey, why did the aura suddenly disappear completely? And that little girl named System?"

Wu Gong Tianma subconsciously looked shocked, but quickly calmed down.

After all, isn’t it quite normal for powerful guys to appear and disappear?

And that guy seems to have a strange alien space, so he must have gone in for something.

Thinking of this, Wu Gong Tianma shook his head slightly, shook off distracting thoughts, and prepared to really leave. After all, he still had work to be busy with.

But at this moment, a white and tender palm suddenly pressed on his shoulder.

Then there was a suspicious and unfamiliar voice.

"Hey, why are you lingering in front of my childhood sweetheart's house? It's very suspicious~"

"Huh? Who do you think is suspicious...eh?"

Hearing this question, Wu Gong Tianma couldn't help but turn around subconsciously. When he wanted to refute the opponent directly, he was suddenly stunned.

Not just him, the other party was also stunned.

Taking advantage of the school holiday, he went out early in the morning and planned to stop by Gafan's house to play before going to Gonohito's house.

After seeing that there seemed to be a sneaky guy at the door of the other party's house, he approached him without hesitation, and then...

She fell silent.

For a time, Corumiya Tenma, who had been misunderstood as a girl by others since childhood, and Naganame Tamezome, whose gender has been unknown since childhood, started to glare at each other when they met for the first time by chance.

And both sides saw doubts and disbelief in each other's eyes.

The heterochromatic pupils and brown eyes were full of confusion.

After a long time.

He and she tilted their heads at the same time, and subconsciously asked the question originating from their souls in unison.

"Are you a boy or a girl?"

Chapter 193: The leader of the Black Bull

Black Bull Group, headquarters.

A remote place far away from the city, somewhere in a clearing in the forest.

There is a strange and shabby stronghold house that looks like it is pieced together from building blocks.

Through the somewhat cloudy glass window, you can see the spacious room that resembles a living room inside.

A man with strong muscles all over his body and a bit too strong was sitting on an old sofa with his legs crossed, a cigarette in his mouth, and reading the newspaper in his hand idly.

Scattered black hair, lazy dead fish eyes, and a rough and unkempt face.

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