Huano Hongxu, who broke into the disaster area alone and arrived at the last moment, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two innocent citizens in front of him showed no signs of injury.

But looking at the group of filthy people who were about to rush in not far away, she didn't have time to say any more comforting words, but said directly in a deep voice.

"Please stay away a little, hide in a safe place, and wait for me to clean up the filth in this area before I take you back to the real world."

"Okay, okay."

Nagana Tameran responded subconsciously. His soft little hands instinctively pinched someone's cheek nervously and pulled hard.

Gafan: "..."

Oh, forget it, I pushed his wheelchair all the way.

If she wants to pinch you, pinch her for a while.

"Well, pinch it a little more gently."

"Huh? Ah, uh, sorry."

Nagana Tamezome, who had his eyes wide open and his brain was in a state of downtime due to various things, unconsciously apologized.

Then, the action of the little hand changed from pinching to rubbing.

It's like kneading dough.

Gafan: "..."

It's a bit hot.

And at the same time.

On top of some ruins several miles away.

A figure wearing a simple hooded windbreaker whistled softly.

"Eh - here comes a troublesome Onmyoji. I thought those two 'bugs' would be crushed to death directly."

Sitting on the ruins, dangling his calves, he had an indifferent expression on his face.

"But the Onmyoji who suddenly appeared looks a bit familiar... Hey, isn't this Hong Xu?"

His inhuman eyesight directly spanned the distance of several miles, and he clearly saw the figure of the girl who was preparing to fight, fighting dozens of filthy beasts alone.

The platinum-gold pupils shrank subconsciously, but soon revealed a boring look.

Is this guy really his sister? All these years have passed...

"He's still as weak as an insect."

A whisper of extreme indifference.

The boredom directly made him want to leave this place, and he had no idea of ​​meeting the other party at all.

But just when he was about to leave, his eyes suddenly caught sight of the girl with lavender hair pushing the wheelchair.


After looking at the other person for a few more times in surprise, he suddenly raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a cheerful sunny smile.

What an unexpected gain.

Although he looks like an ordinary person, he still has quite a lot of potential magic power in his body.

"It's a good experimental material~"

Chapter 185: Shi Jing Yuuto’s Disaster Part 2

"Booming Wrist Talisman, Wei Tuo Tian Talisman, Diamond Talisman, Star Reading Talisman, Yin and Yang Curse Equipment..."

Four magical talismans filled with magical power were taken out and suspended in mid-air.

Then under the influence of the spell, it simultaneously disintegrated itself and turned into an energy pattern that adhered to the surface of the delicate body.

"The rock-breaking lion, the flying horse's feet, the armor covering the industry, be aware of disasters before they come, and be as urgent as laws and orders."

Wearing a mysterious fox mask, Hanano Hongxu, who was already in full spell-dressing state, leaned down slightly.

After quickly locking onto all the filth present in front of him, he grasped the two talisman swords tightly, assumed a stance similar to starting, and then——

Disappeared instantly.

"'Dance on the Other Side of Izayoi'!"

"Qiang Qiang Qiang——!"

The crisp sound of the sword echoed.

The petite figure holding the sword started to move at super high speed amidst the dozens of filthy beasts that were attacking, converting the speed into power and driving the sharp sword blade to cut open the filthy body and exorcise it. .

His speed was as fast as a foul for an ordinary person, which dazzled Naganame Tamizen, who was hiding in the distance and looking at this place, with a look of blankness and inexplicable excitement on his face.

"Wow... wow! Look, Gafan, look, that little girl is so amazing! She's so fast!"

"Well, it's pretty fast."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Gafan said speechlessly with a black line on his forehead: "Don't shake my shoulders, I'm a little dizzy."

"Hey, I know, I know."

Nagana Yuizen stopped his excited hands with a smile, and took out his mobile phone, as if he wanted to take a photo or something.

But just as she took it out, she seemed to have thought of something. After being silent for a while, she took it back again with a smile on her face.

"What, you don't want to take pictures or record the screen?"

Noticing this guy's little moves, Gafan asked jokingly.

"Well, let's forget it."

Nagana Yuizen tilted his head and showed a slightly helpless smile for the first time after meeting: "I feel like doing this will be a bit dangerous."

After all, isn’t that how it’s played in movies?

Passers-by commit suicide, and the consequences also endanger their family and friends.

She doesn't want such a thing.

"Hmm... I feel like you are unexpectedly quite sensible, Tongran."

"What do you mean by accident? I have always been a very rational person, okay." Nagana Tumori curled his lips angrily, "You don't even think about who didn't abandon your childhood sweetheart just now, and still carried her with her desperately. Let’s run away together.”

"Well, I'd like to thank you for that."

Gafan's tone was casual.

But in the dark eyes that usually became duller, now they were filled with a gentle smile.

"So, Tongran, although we have just met, I am still willing to treat you as a true friend."

Or strictly speaking.

In the current world, I suddenly encountered a guy of unknown gender and a noisy guy.

It can be regarded as his first friend.

"...Ah! Gafan, you suddenly spoke so bluntly, which makes me a little shy."

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, a hot blush quietly appeared on Naganame Tumori's fair and tender face, and he silently looked away.

However, her naturally rough nerves allowed her to quickly return to her normal mood.

"Now, now, Gafan, I suddenly thought of something."


"You were so calm before. Didn't you already know that someone would definitely come to save us?" Nagana Tamizen blinked his brown eyes curiously.

After all, the man in front of him was obviously in a state of paralysis, but he was in a crisis situation just like that of a horror movie in reality.

The state is always like going out for a walk.

It was like those terrifying unknown monsters chasing him. To him, they were like a group of slightly annoying mosquitoes chasing him to suck his blood.

Also, this guy seemed to have said before that his paralysis would be cured in just a few days.

"Could it be that... Gafan, you are actually a very powerful guy?!"

As he was thinking about it, Nagana Tuneran's imagination began to spread on a daily basis, and he covered his mouth with an exaggerated expression: "Gafan, you can unleash waves against monsters, or conjure cups for me out of thin air." Starbucks?”

The former is possible, but for the latter, he must first know the molecular structure that makes up that thing.

Gafan said silently in his heart.

At the same time, after thinking about it for a while, he showed an expression that said, "You have to have a sweet dream at night."

"What are you thinking about? Do you think I am a powerful guy with this 'weak' look?"

"Eh, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I'm super weak."

Gafan showed a dead fish eye like he was a bastard.

If the little girl holding the sword in the distance hadn't appeared, he wouldn't have minded showing off his special abilities in front of this guy.

But now that's not necessarily the case.

He first wanted to see how the guy who had quickly wiped out all the monsters nearby dealt with the current situation.

He understands so little about the seemingly everyday current world.

Whether it's the ghosts that ordinary people can't see, the strange existence that inexplicably followed him to another world, or the green dumpling that sent a warning two days ago, and...

The little girl in front of me seems to be well-organized and possesses extraordinary abilities.

He had to first find a way to figure out what the current world was like, what kind of setting and style it was. unknown being with malicious intentions use him as a bridge to sneak into another world and bring harm to the innocent people there.


After shaking his head slightly, Gafan turned his attention to the little girl wearing the fox mask, looking at her thoughtfully.

He felt that the image of the child was quite familiar, but he just couldn't remember it for a while.

It would be better to say that the current world is too "complex".

He has already met several characters from different daily dramas here, including his aunt, and the guy next to him now who looks inexplicably excited.

"Tame Ran, if you rub my face again, I will get angry."

"Hehe, I'm sorry, but Gafan, you're surprisingly good at pinching your face. Do people usually pinch your face often?"


Recalling a certain system that left him in a wheelchair in a park, Gafan rolled his eyes angrily.

It's no use hurting her.

At this time, the beautiful figure that was constantly moving and cutting between dozens of filths finally stopped.

The appearance of platycodon-printed five-pointed stars one by one represents the dead filth.

The energy lines attached to the body surface dimmed. Hanano Hongxu took off the fox mask on his face, revealing his better and more youthful face. He lowered his head and took a few breaths.

After all, killing dozens of filths in a short period of time, even if they are not strong, is still a big burden for her now.

Even though she is a genius praised by other onmyoji, at the end of the day.

She is only fourteen years old.

But these are not problems for Huano Hongxu.

Because she has a reason to become stronger, and a motivation that is enough to support her in her heart.

Whether it was her parents who died at dirty hands in front of her, or the incident two years ago...

"The Tragedy of Hinazuki".

This incident is a well-known taboo among the local Onmyoji.

Because dozens of filths from the "Disaster Wilderness" attacked the Hinatsuki Ryo, which specialized in cultivating "seedlings", killing almost all the eighteen Onmyoji candidates there.

Among the victims, her brother was also the only remaining blood relative——


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