"Hey, hey???"

Suddenly, some of the white men who were ready to explore the depths of the mountain forest froze, looking stupid and did not dare to move.

And those piles of white cocks pressed down by the two people above had long been disguised as dumb dolls, and they had given up their simple thoughts.

"Gafan, I'm serious, your current situation is too bad."

The system held the opponent's big hand tightly in its own small hand and said with a low expression.

"The consumption caused by the trick you used before should have completely emptied the concept of your existence. Not only your body and soul, but even the will that represents your body have all returned to nothingness... ..”

"Honestly, this situation is a true sense of physical and spiritual destruction. Theoretically, it is the kind of death that will cause death and cannot even be resurrected."

"Well, it sounds really serious." Gafan thought for a while and asked, "What about the actual situation?"

"...You were rescued by the 'Comprehensive Repair' that was given when you traveled through the world."

The system muttered: "But it's still only 'half' saved. Not only is the body and soul in a [broken] state, the activity of the "energy-absorbing cells" has also been suppressed to the lowest point, and even your "mantra" The ability itself was almost completely shattered and crippled..."

"The only thing that is intact is the will that represents your existence."

"That's it."

After listening to his situation silently, Gafan pondered for a moment and asked, "Will my situation get worse?"

"Well, this probably won't happen." The system tilted its head and thought for a moment, "Although the comprehensive repair did not completely save you, it also completely stabilized your injuries... But We can’t fix the remaining parts that haven’t been repaired yet.”

"Okay, I roughly understand."

Recalling that not long ago, when I was on the verge of death, I completely overdrawn my ability to cover the entire planet, and went back in time to a time when no outsiders came there.

Ga Fan felt that it was pretty good that he didn't die even if he did this.

Well, he is really surprisingly optimistic sometimes.

"So, the system, my situation needs to be fully repaired again to get better?"

"Yeah, that's probably all we can do."

"That's fine. It's not like it will never get better. Just don't cry and look sad. It won't look good."

"Nonsense, I already knew I was super good-looking!"

The system retorted without hesitation, but his face was no longer downcast.

After hesitating for a moment, she took the initiative to hold the other person's big hand, put it on her head, touched it gently, and then finally smiled cutely again.

"Hey, Gafan, you have temporarily become a useless person!"

"...Although this is the truth, don't you change your emotions too quickly?" Gafan, who couldn't move after trying for a long time and had confirmed that he was paralyzed, looked up to the sky speechlessly.

"Forget it, anyway, let's go home first."

With that said, he was about to activate the "Mantra" and start spatial teleportation, but his brain suddenly felt an extremely strong sting.

next moment.

A soft little hand directly blocked his mouth, preventing him from using words to change the rules.

"Stop using your powers."

The system rarely looked serious and said: "At least don't use it in the past few days. Gafan, you really need to take a good rest. Do you understand?"

Gafan: "..."

He can't move now.

You blocked his mouth again.

So how should he express his thoughts?

In the end, Gafan, who felt that his mouth was still tightly blocked, had no choice but to roll his eyes in disgust, and then alerted the system and realized that his behavior seemed a bit inappropriate.

"Anyway, just obey me. If I say you can't use it, don't use it!"

"Ahem, I understand. I will listen to you. The system will do whatever you say, but in this case..."

Gafan, who was in the mountains and forests, looked inquiringly: "Then how should we go back?"


When asked, the system showed a cute expression.

She first lowered her head and looked at the white boys below her who were about to fall asleep, only to find that these little guys had already digested all the monster corpses they had eaten before and could no longer use their spatial abilities... .

"Wait, why did you digest it so quickly this time?"

The system wrinkled its beautiful eyebrows and asked angrily.

The white boys who were interrupted from their nap also responded in confusion.


They are simple-minded and do not understand what the subject is trying to express.

"Wow, why are you so stupid?"

"Hey hoo, hey hoo!"

"What, IQ is related to me? How dare you say that!"

He randomly grabbed a "lucky guy" named Bai Xiu, and held the little guy tightly in his hand and shook him hard, causing the system to yell loudly and dissatisfied.

"Hey hey hey."

Then this time it was the white boys' turn to feel aggrieved.

They dare not resist the subject.

But at this time, Gafan glanced at the system in surprise and asked:

"What's this?"

There was no worry or caution in his tone, because he felt a familiar aura there that was the same as the system.

"Ha, Gafan, what do you mean?"

He finally stopped bullying the poor white-haired system and asked with the same surprise.

Then she followed the other person's line of sight and casually turned her head to look beside her.

As a result, I was stunned.

There is a translucent tentacle extending from the void.

It was swaying slightly like a piece of seaweed in the air, but at this time, as the system's mood changed, it seemed to be stunned and stopped swaying.

"...What is this?"

The system asked himself stupidly with a cute expression on his face.

Chapter 178: Disdain from the Will of the World

"So...what exactly is this thing?"

Gafan, who was lying on his big bed, unable to move, his face still being poked by the translucent tentacles, asked speechlessly.

"And don't let it poke me in the face. If it weren't for the fact that I can't move now, I would definitely have to fight back."

"What is it? Didn't I already tell you that this is my tentacle."

System, who had long since taken off his plush boots, was sitting cross-legged on the side with a proud expression on his face that said, "I'm so awesome." Secretly, he was still controlling the tentacles and continued to poke the other person's face.

"This is my new ability. Well, it's not an ability, right? To be more precise, it should be-"

The system tilted its little head, subconsciously scratched its cheek with another translucent tentacle, and said with a little tangle of uncertainty: "Have you evolved?"

"What, you've become a Pokémon?"

"How are you talking?!"

He patted the soft bed hard with his little hands, and the system started yelling dissatisfied.

Several translucent tentacles on the side casually thrust into the void, pulling out an extremely stable space crack. On the other side, the scenery of the mountain forest was clearly visible.

That's how they just came back.

"It seems to be related to the bad guy I swallowed before, right? In short, while my 'personality' has improved a bit again, the place in my body that is connected to the origin has also evolved a new form of expression."

As he spoke, the system still controlled the translucent tentacles, held up a slime bun, fed it to himself, and continued to explain in a somewhat vague manner.

"These are the tentacles, they are part of my body. As for the specific abilities, I haven't figured out yet, but...some of the abilities that will be devoured by the white cats in the future will be permanently controlled by these tentacles. "

Oh, it turns out that this is how the space ability just came from.

Gafan, who had already started to have his face rubbed by the tentacles, thought this in his mind, and at the same time he was almost used to the bursts of pain in his body.

Speaking of which, that thing that is similar to the evil god does have the ability to control space, and can even have a certain impact on the forced movement of one's own space. It is quite powerful, but speaking of it...

What's that thing called?

Gafan, who was clearly fighting a life-and-death battle with someone but didn't even know the other person's name: "..."

Never mind, that doesn't matter.

"Well, well, let's call it 'original tentacle' from now on."

The system, who didn't notice that the other party was distracted, was still explaining enthusiastically, and suddenly pulled out a dazed white squirt from his body.

"And look at Gafan, it can still be like this!"

Hearing this, Gafan glanced over subconsciously, then froze for a moment.

At this time, in the mid-air above the bed, there was a soft white dumpling, with dozens of slender, translucent tentacles extending from below at some point, and it was "swimming" around in a panic.

"Hey! Hey!!!!"

Bai Xiu didn't understand what was happening to him, and kept shouting in confusion.

But soon, it calmed down again, and then curiously observed the extra part of its body, and tried to control those small tentacles.


Um, isn't this just a jellyfish?

Looking at this scene, Gafan silently came to this conclusion.

"How about it? It's awesome, isn't it?" the system said proudly, "The white cocks can fly. In this way... I can float around on them in the future!"

"Ahem, cough, no, that's not how it should be used, right?!"

"Hmph, you mind me."

Sticking out his little tongue, the system ignored the white fish that turned into a jellyfish. It floated around for a long time, and finally stopped on top of his head to rest.

In fact, she is almost capable enough to protect herself now.

Even if, like some characters in the novel, she continues to devour other extraordinary beings by any means necessary, then she and her white cats can turn into a true world-destroying natural disaster, but...

She doesn't want to do that.

Because although the reason is hard to explain, she really likes to be protected by Gafan.

That kind of valuing by the other person that was more important than her own life made her heart warm, and she really liked it.

She firmly believed that as long as Gafan was by her side, no one could bully her.

No one can.

"So...you need to get better soon."

The system whispered softly.

"Well, did you just say something?"

He was looking at Gafan, who was as white as a hat again, and asked doubtfully.


Withdrawing the tentacle, he stretched out his slender fingers and continued to poke the other person's face. The system asked cheerfully: "By the way, Gafan, what new abilities have you gained this time? Please let me know." "

"It's done, and I told you not to poke me in the face."

Gafan responded with a look of disdain on his face, and at the same time glanced at the original tentacles behind him that were retracting into nothingness.

Unlike the evil god's pitch-black tentacles, he didn't feel the slightest distaste for these translucent things, even though they had just been playing tricks on him.

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