But she felt an extremely high-level aura from its sharp blade full of gaps.

This sword was once stained with the divine blood that he had cut out.


After looking around curiously, the system discovered the dark fragments scattered around, which were the disintegrated parts of the long sword.

She tilted her head and thought about it, then without saying anything, she directly controlled the storage space and put it all in.

Because she has an impression of this thing.

This is what Liya gave to Gafan.

And this time.

The pale white fluorescence suddenly surged, and the supreme aura that transcended the rules of the world filled the air without being noticed by anyone.

They will all return to their respective worlds soon.

And at this moment, the ultimate ability suddenly synchronized with the incomplete world rules again, extending the original two-second time limit.

And in the void of the outside world.

A supreme scroll, completely open.

In just a moment, the inexplicable fluctuations spread to the entire planet, completely covering a certain devastated island country, other countries that had launched investigations, and all existence.

"Completely overdrawn, borrowing from the future..."

Raising his arms towards the starry sky, he was suddenly and completely annihilated, including his body and soul.

But the words of truth that subvert the rules of the world are still echoing.

Memories flashed through Gafan's distracted eyes.

He once discussed a problem with Momonga in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick when he was studying his abilities.

That is, is there any way to redeem "mistakes" and "regrets"?

And in the end, they did come up with a feasible solution.

But after trying it, they all found that this method was extremely deceptive.

Not only is it unable to affect products "outside this world", but its terrifying consumption and load can completely enable people to achieve an astonishing achievement——

If you use it, you will die.

But fortunately, he is going back soon.

The injuries caused by traveling back to the original world are fully repaired, which can save his life.


Most of his body, along with his soul and essence, was completely shattered in an instant, but Gafan still didn't care about it.

He just took one last look at the beautiful starry sky and slowly closed his eyes.

This world...

I don't owe you anything anymore.

"'Fourth Dimension Interference·Time Backtracking'."

Summary of this volume

First of all, I want to say sorry to you. After all, the plot of this volume is broken_(:з」∠)_

There is a reason why I chose Blade Road as the world that the protagonist passively travels through this time. The original reason was simply because I saw the picture below before I opened the book.

To be honest, I thought it was really interesting at the time, the strongest creature on earth VS a real monster, and then I decided to add a theme like Blade Way to the outline.

But after I actually started writing it, I found that not many people were watching Sabagado, so I wanted to quickly end the plot related to the "locals" and skipped the incident I originally wanted to describe.

And not only that, at that time I also found the following two pictures together.

So I immediately decided to add the theme of Ultraman VS Cthulhu Evil God.

Some readers have mentioned that my illustrations are too appropriate for the occasion, but in fact they were not found after I finished coding the plot, but were already there before.

Therefore, the three elements of the world, the good guys and the bad guys, are all gathered together at once.

But this is only a small part of the reason.

After all, the final BOSS must be defeated by the protagonist, and the strength level of the Cthulhu-type evil god is obviously beyond the scope and should not exist in the early stage.

So, I started thinking about how to cut this thing.

The protagonist had to be given a more "fair" fighting condition, and his "growth" side should also be reflected. Later, even because of readers' response, I added a requirement to reflect the role of the system.

Therefore, I have laid down the foreshadowing and foreshadowing a long time ago.

I have said before that the reason I choose a lost person is not his strength, but his suitability, so...

In the second volume, I chose Kamijou Leader just for his "Fantasy Killer".

In the third volume, I asked the protagonist to learn swordsmanship from Bai Lao, just so that when fighting the evil god, everyone could not use any special abilities due to materialism, and could only defeat the opponent in close combat.

The "Mountains and Rivers Map" and the ability "WORLD" obtained in the fourth volume are also preparations for fighting the evil god.

In other words, the gifts from the world obtained by the protagonist in each volume will play a key role in the next volume, and all the abilities obtained in the first four volumes can also be said to be preparations for the fifth volume.

And in the end, when the ability of the world's gifts was fully demonstrated, but still lost, relying on the enlightenment gained from the eldest sister, and the unyielding and courage witnessed by the undocumented knight, he used the abilities he had developed to fight in life and death. Win in battle.

In this way, the climax and burning point of the plot can be achieved.

So originally in my original concept, volume five was the most dynamic part in the early stage, because the protagonist will completely grow up here.

Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

At that time, I did not expect that when I was coding the fifth volume, my state would become so bad. I even lost the motivation to double update, and the plot became more and more biased, without thinking about the details at all.

The plot finally coded out is really very different from what was originally imagined. For example, the picture below is still useless.


One day off on New Year's Day

@@@@New year, the latest day.

Happy New Year! ! !

And we need to rest_(:з」∠)_

After all, from the beginning of the book to now, I have coded 600,000 words in one breath and have not stopped updating it. This is really inconsistent with my image as an old pigeon.

So today I will do nothing and just be a complete waste all day long without thinking about anything.

We’ll talk about coding and stuff tomorrow.

Today, Swordsman Tower is going to fish.


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Chapter 176: Prison Break Rabbit

solar system.


A powerful monster that looked like an upright lizard, was bloated, and was fifty meters tall. It lay covered with bruises and collapsed on the dead earth.

It's already dead.

Next to the huge corpse, there was a giant of the same height standing.

The skin is red and blue, with white lines wrapped around the waist and legs. There are armor-like decorations on the shoulders and arms. It is unknown who inherited it from. There are two natural head darts on the head that look like artifacts. Ice axe.

His name is Zero.

He is the M78 Nebula Kingdom of Light, the strongest Ultra Warrior of the younger generation, and also...

Severn's son.

The powerful perception spreads to the entire planet, conducting a carpet-like search, not even missing any space gap, just to find the clues that a certain existence may leave.

And this high-intensity exploration has lasted for nearly a whole day.

And, as time went by, Zero felt more and more solemn in his heart.

Yesterday, his father Severn's signal connection to the Kingdom of Light was suddenly and completely disconnected without any warning, and he was never connected again.

Although every once in a while, there will be different Ultra Warriors who penetrate into strange places such as the Broken Dimension, causing the signal connection with the Kingdom of Light to be unstable, but there has never been such an instant complete disconnection. Condition.

So, out of worry, Zero immediately crossed time and space and traveled over a long distance with all his strength to come.

Then when he landed on this planet at the edge of the solar system, he was suddenly attacked by a large monster that was already seriously injured. The opponent still had familiar wounds left by his father.

But after a fight and successfully defeating the opponent, Zero couldn't find any trace of his father at all, as if...

The other party has disappeared into this world out of thin air.

"No, I can't find any clues at all."

Finally giving up exploring the planet, Zero's aura began to become unstable and anxious.

Powerful energy fluctuations enveloped his whole body, and the space fluctuated violently. He was going to rush back to the Kingdom of Light and ask for help from others.

"If he is the father of Ultra, there should be a way to find traces of my father."

He murmured, already getting ready to shuttle through space.

But at this moment, in a space not far ahead that had been searched countless times, a warm ball of light suddenly appeared out of thin air, exuding an aura that was extremely familiar to me.


Zero was stunned, and teleported directly in front of the ball of light, raising and lowering his hands, looking at a loss.

"You, why have you become so weak... No, your breath seems to have changed."

The originally anxious and worried tone paused for a moment, and then turned into blankness.

Sensing the familiar yet slightly unfamiliar aura of the other party, Zero subconsciously said in disbelief.

"Becoming, a bit like Ultraman Noah."

And these words also reminded Severn, who was in a state of emotion, that he also discovered the essence of his own existence at this time, and he didn't know when some special changes had occurred.

The level of light particles is slowly continuing to increase.

Faced with this situation, Seven, who didn't know how to explain it for a moment, just sighed to his son in the tone of an elder.

"Well - it's just a long story."

"Father, you always say this every time you want to deal with me."

"...You are the only one who talks a lot."


In the quiet courtyard.

A strong figure suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The blood-stained flame feathers swayed in the breeze, and the sharp blade full of gaps was held tightly in the hand. Under the sunlight, it glowed with a cold and blazing light.

Long yellow hair with crimson tips fell on her shoulders, and her eyes were always closed for some reason and never opened.

Purgatory Anjuro was still in a coma, but he maintained his standing posture and his instinctive posture, and did not fall down.

The strange things that were originally left in his body and brain have disappeared after traveling back to this world, along with all the hidden injuries.

At this time, a mosquito suddenly flapped its wings and buzzed closer.

It wanted to land on the forehead of the human being who was standing motionless for some reason, suck some blood, and leave a bag behind.

However, just when it was about to fall down and extend its mouthparts, a pair of eyes suddenly opened, as if the flame of will that could touch the spirit was still burning inside.

Just for a moment.

The mosquitoes were inexplicably burned up suddenly under the sunlight, leaving no trace.

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