"You're going too far here."

Gafan frowned slightly.

However, he found that the other party had already pulled out his foot that was being stepped on at some point, and then firmly grasped his left and right wrists with both hands. He jumped up and slammed his knee into his chin.

Its force is strong enough to completely crush an ordinary person's jaw.

But the next second.

The world is spinning.

As his vision went dark, Fan Ma Renya found himself lying on the ground in confusion.

There was also a burning pain on his face.


What just happened?

"Are you okay?"

Gafan, whose expression had not changed much, lowered his head and looked at the mark on the other person's face, then looked at the bamboo sword in his hand that seemed to be a little bent.

This thing should be safer than a wooden sword.

"...Mr. Gafan, what did you just do?"

"Huh? Well, it's nothing. I just threw the bamboo sword in your face."

"But haven't your arms been sealed by me?"

Sitting up from the ground, Fanma Renya didn't pay attention to the severe pain on his face, but continued to ask doubtfully.

"Yes, so I didn't move my arms, I just used my wrist strength." Gafan shook his head slightly and said indifferently.

During the few days of training in rapid swordsmanship with Enichi Jiguo, I didn't learn any of the gorgeous and powerful sword moves, but the basics became much more solid.

Apart from the first time, the simple slashing and blocking with the sword have become much stronger, right?

Although he has no real feelings about it.

After all, in terms of swordsmanship alone, he couldn't even defeat Liya. He was truly a scumbag.

"Just... use wrist strength?"

What an unreasonable physical quality.

Fanma Renya was silent.

He doesn't mind losing, after all, he just needs to win the next time and come back, but he can't accept the "ignorance" of his opponent.

That is not contempt and contempt for those who are weak, but a complete indifference.

At this time, he already felt that the man in front of him was in a rather boring state.

The fight with him made the other party feel boring.

"...Mr. Gafan, I lost."

"Hey, don't you want to fight?"

"do not fight."

Standing up from the ground, patting the dust on his trousers, Fan Ma Renya smiled helplessly.

"The gap is too big. You are not fighting me seriously at all. If you continue to argue, I feel you will definitely laugh at me."

I won’t laugh at him, he’s not that boring.

Ga Fan looked at the injuries on the other party's face and hands speechlessly, but his senses also changed a lot because of the other party's free and easy attitude.

Quite a pure person.

"Is your injury okay?"

"Haha, it's okay, it's just a little painful. It won't affect the fight."

After trying to move his fingers, Fan Ma Renya shook his head indifferently, and then turned his head with excitement again in his eyes to look at the man wearing a flame feather fabric in the outdoor corridor in the distance.

"I have to fight Mr. Xingjuro next, otherwise it will be really hard to bear... Mr. Gafan, do you want to watch the battle?"

"don't want."

Gafan shook his head without hesitation and refused directly.

"I'm also going to buy octopus."

"...Eh, octopus?"

Fanma Renya was stunned.

The topic jumped a bit too quickly, and he couldn't keep up with his train of thought.

"Nothing, it's just the kid who came with me. He said he wanted this for dinner in the morning, and I almost forgot about it."

After thinking for a while, Gafan asked again: "Do you have a kitchen?"

"Well, it seems that the kitchen here is quite big, old man. Do you want to cook it yourself?"

"Yes, although this is my first time cooking this thing, it feels quite troublesome. The little guy's appetite has really been increased recently."

When mentioning this issue, Gafan also showed a helpless expression, but the gentle look between his eyebrows was so obvious.

It was so gentle that Fan Ma Renya felt some differences.

Because since they met, it was the first time that he saw the man in front of him, who was always dull and seemed to not care about anything, showing such a clear and humane expression.

After recalling for a while, Fanma Renya remembered the white-haired girl who was eating glutinous rice dumplings intently.

Rather, he was very impressed by it.

After all, this is the first time he has seen someone who is so delicate and cute, as beautiful as someone who came out of the virtual world in comics.

And, there is a strong sense of inhumanity similar to the man in front of me.

"Mr. Gafan, is the girl next to you strong?"

After pondering for a while, Fan Ma Renya couldn't help but ask.

Then, for some reason, he suddenly found that the easy-going and calm man in front of him looked at him strangely.

"Is the guy in the system strong? It's really hard to answer this question, well... let's put it this way."

Gafan thought about it and smiled.

The smile is very kind and humane.

"If you dare to touch her, I will hang you up and beat you."


Fan Ma Renya was stunned and didn't know what he said wrong, but he could feel the man in front of him.

No kidding.

"Ahem...Well, I'm going to find Mr. Anjuro."

"Well, come on."

Gafan encouraged him kindly, with that look in his eyes.

Seeing Fan Ma's sharp teeth, he was so panicked.

At this time, a few sparrows landed on the branches and leaves of the bamboo forest in the distance, preening their feathers, and then curiously looked at the few white dumplings rolling around in the pile of dead leaves below, and couldn't help but let out a clear and confused cry. Voice.



Then the white cockroaches also noticed them, and looked at the sparrows blankly, and responded in confusion.

It was the first time for these little guys to see creatures like each other.

Soon after, a crisp and sweet sound sounded in the bamboo forest.

A gentle breeze blew, blowing up the fallen leaves.

Under the warm sunshine, it looks peaceful.

Chapter 156: Unquiet and strange night

There is a dark night sky above our heads. Because of the bright lights of the city, we cannot see the bright stars all over the sky like in the past.

There is only one full moon, which has always hung high in the starry sky through the ages.

The bright moonlight was shining on the earth below.

On a secluded street, a burly man wearing black cloth passed by quietly alone. He was also wearing straw shoes that were incompatible with modern attire.

Miyamoto Musashi looked up at the street lamp that seemed to be broken and flashing. His face was expressionless, as if he was thinking about something, or he was just in a daze.

Too many things really happened to him today.

Try to understand this strange era, and meet someone strong enough to easily defeat yourself, who is unparalleled in the world.

Both the worldview and the value of one's own existence were severely shattered.

This made even him, whose consciousness was as hard as a rock, feel lingering confusion for a moment.

So, he went shopping for the second time today to relax.

But this did not bring him peace of mind. On the contrary, it made him even more irritable.

Because the strange looks in the eyes of those around me hint at the deep generation gap that I am "different" from them and incompatible with them.

In this era, he is an unnecessary "alien".


He raised his head and stared at the strange "candle light" that flickered and went out. He couldn't understand this alone.

Is there really a place for him here?

"Go back...Ha, where can I go back?"

Miyamoto Musashi shook his head helplessly, but quickly sorted out his emotions.

After all, it's not like him to look sad like this now.

Even an indescribable feeling of loneliness has begun to erode his heart all the time.

But he can still endure it, because for him, it is enough to have a "sword" in his hand.

Slashing was all he had left.

"Go back, I'm hungry."

Withdrawing his gaze from the street lamp, Miyamoto Musashi was about to stride away from this remote and uninhabited street and return to the Tokugawa Prefecture that he was most familiar with here.

However, after taking only a few steps, his steps stopped.

"Hey, what?"

Miyamoto Musashi, who was keenly aware of the strange aura, turned his head and looked at the sewer entrance to the side in surprise.

He could feel that there was a dangerous "beast" there.

And as if because he knew that he had been discovered, the rustling sounds suddenly became clearer.

Miyamoto Musashi looked interested as he looked at the creature the size of a wild cat that bit through the iron grating at the sewer entrance and slowly emerged.

"I didn't expect that four hundred years have passed. Not only have there been so many weird things, but even the mice have changed?"

After sizing up the fierce-looking little guy in front of him, he couldn't help but marvel.

"This actually makes me curious about what the giant ape that was beheaded will become in this era. Has it not turned into a monster that cannot be killed no matter how hard it is beheaded? Haha."

Miyamoto Musashi was amused by his words, and even some of the annoyance in his heart was dispelled.

But in the shadow behind him out of sight, a few strange rats with blood dripping from their mouths were already staring at his exposed neck.

And in the next moment.

They were powerful enough to kill tigers and leopards, and at the same time they pounced out fiercely and silently, and opened their sharp claws.


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