
Miyamoto Musashi lowered his head and looked at his hands, which were cracked and covered in blood. They were still shaking slightly due to the shock caused by the previous high-intensity slashing.

The emotion called "unwillingness" appeared so strongly in his heart for the first time.

However, as a samurai, he is not a loser.

"Purgatory Anjuro, you win."

He looked up at the man in front of him who hadn't even shed a drop of sweat, as if the competition just now was just a warm-up for the opponent, and said with a complicated expression.

"You beat me, Miyamoto Musashi, and that unparalleled reputation...is yours."

These bitter words made Purgatory Anjuro, who had already confirmed that the other party no longer had any intention of continuing the fight, was slightly stunned.

"Musashi, you are serious. It won't happen. This is just a sparring match."

"Haha, you don't have to comfort me like this. Even if it's just a sparring match, if you lose, you lose."

Miyamoto Musashi twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly reluctantly: "Both sides used real weapons, and both tried their best, went all out, and competed openly and openly. In this case, they lost... .I have nothing to say."

After all, the knife in his hand was broken.

As a swordsman, having your weapon destroyed by others is a shame and a sign of "immaturity".

The last time he broke his sword, it seemed that he was still young. He was just a young boy. However, during the battle of Sekigahara, where more than 100,000 troops were invested by all parties, he killed too many enemies. Just cut it off.

"I'm sorry, I can't think of how to comfort you right now, but I refuse."

After Purgatory Anjuro was silent for a while, he said with a serious smile: "Because this title is too unworthy of the name for me. Moreover, I only need to be the Flame Pillar of the Demon Slayer Squad, and this title is enough."

When he said this, his eyes were very open, without a trace of concession or falsehood.

He never lies, and every time he speaks from a young age, he always speaks out of the most intuitive thoughts in his heart. He will still do this even for the master he serves.

This way of acting will cause embarrassment and embarrassment to many people who meet him for the first time, but after getting along for a longer time, everyone will have the greatest trust in him because of this.

But at this moment, these words seemed so harsh to Miyamoto Musashi's ears.

Not worthy of the name?

So what is his defeated general, a funny joke?

In the Warring States Period, there was no such thing as "humility"!

"Besides, Musashi, you are truly amazing. You can use your swordsmanship to that extent through sheer muscle and willpower alone."

Infernal Anjuro, who didn't notice anything strange about the other party, laughed in a loud voice.

"If you throw away the breathing method, I may not be like you."

"...breathing technique?"

Miyamoto Musashi, who looked expressionless, frowned slightly: "What is that?"

"Hey, don't you know?"

This time it was Purgatory Anjuro's turn to be surprised.

"It shouldn't be. According to the historical records of the Demon Slayer Corps, the Breathing Technique originated from the Warring States Period. You should have heard about it... No."

He almost forgot that although the relevant records were missing, the original intention of the Breathing Technique seemed to be to kill evil spirits, so the Demon Slayer Squad had never been reported. In historical records, a man named Miyamoto Musashi Fortunately, he has never encountered a ghost in his life, and of course he is not aware of the existence of the Demon Slayer Squad.

After all, their Demon Slayer Squad has never been officially recognized and operates in secret.

"Sorry, let me explain a little bit."

Purgatory Anjuro thought about it and organized his words.

Because the training method was too harsh, except for his younger brother Senjuro, he had not coached anyone for a long time.

"The so-called breathing method is simply breathing and posture. It is a special technique that coordinates the core muscles to ensure the balance between physical energy reserve and output. It also speeds up blood circulation in the body and the beating speed of the heart, strengthens cardiopulmonary function, and enhances physical fitness... ..”

As he listened quietly to the other party's explanation, Miyamoto Musashi's brows wrinkled tighter and tighter.


He thought in disbelief that because he had studied swordsmanship his whole life, he had never heard of or imagined the "breathing method", a technique that complemented swordsmanship.

Although he will also rely on his past experience to enhance his state and concentration by adjusting his breathing rate.

But that’s not on the same level at all!

Who created this?

Thinking that the other party said that this technique also originated from the Warring States Period, Miyamoto Musashi began to think back with his eyes blank. The faces of the swordsmen flashed before his eyes, but they were rejected one by one.

What they can't do.

This was his judgment. After all, through the other party's explanation, he confirmed that this was no longer something that could only be done with an understanding of swordsmanship. It also required an incredible understanding of the structure of the human body. This——

It should not be a technology that could be born in their time.


The various thoughts in his mind were very confusing, but at the same time, Miyamoto Musashi also confirmed one thing.

That was him. Compared to the man in front of him, what he lacked should be a special power that went against common sense, like a "breathing method."

Even the highest state of "No Knife" and the completed form of "Two Ten First Class" are not enough.

He must also have a special power of his own.

His fists clenched unconsciously.

He wants to become stronger, and then rely on slashing to reach the top again in this strange era.

He wants to get ahead! ! !

And before doing that again, he needs to...


A very sudden burp sounded from behind, causing Miyamoto Musashi's expression to freeze.

He didn't notice it in advance.

Are there any experts? !

Looking at Purgatory Anjuro and Tokugawa Mitsunari who was still sticking to the corner, they both looked surprised and wary. After a moment of silence, he slowly turned around.

Then, completely different from the picture of a macho man with ligated muscles in his imagination, what caught his eyes was a figure wearing a blue and white robe.

The other party was a young man who was no more than twenty years old. His right hand was holding a white-haired girl who was looking up at him with a speechless expression.

His abdomen was slightly bulging abnormally, and his free left hand was covering his mouth for some unknown reason, with a look of discomfort and despair on his face.

There is absolutely no aura that belongs to a strong man, but...

The instincts honed on the battlefield of life and death were sending him unprecedented danger signals, as if the other party was an unknown, indescribable existence beyond his understanding.

Cold sweat oozed from Miyamoto Musashi's forehead unconsciously.

At this time, the uninvited man in front of him finally spoke.

"Excuse me...where is the toilet?"

Gafan had an expression on his face that said, "I'm about to reach my limit." His voice was trembling with cold sweat on his forehead.

"I'm about to vomit, vomit!"

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the scene.

Under the silent gaze of everyone, it began to change in a wonderful direction.


at the same time.

Tokyo sewer.

Warm water flows continuously from everywhere, maintaining moderate temperatures and humidity throughout the year.

And there are always some owners who will buy pets that are larger than expected on a whim and throw them into the sewer, such as crocodiles, lizards, turtles, snakes...

There are countless tropical creatures living underground in Tokyo.

At the same time, it also creates an excellent habitat for someone.

"Swish, swish, swish——"

A sound like a heavy object being dragged on the ground echoed in the quiet and dark sewer passage and spread far away.

Also accompanied by heavy footsteps.

Several gravels on the ground began to tremble due to the shock, and a few mice in the corner who were in a state of panic for some reason and were looking around quickly hid like frightened birds.

Then, a little giant, nearly three meters tall, approached.

In his hand, he was easily dragging a strangled crocodile that was more than five meters long and weighed more than half a ton.

His name is Pico.

It is a creature from 200 million years ago, a primitive man, who feeds on dinosaurs and is the strongest male in the Cretaceous period.

A year ago, it was excavated from a rock salt layer 701 meters underground at a nuclear waste disposal facility in Colorado, USA.

Now, living in the sewers of Tokyo.

This is his hunting ground. Whether it is a crocodile or a python, they are just scraps of food for him. He has already confirmed that he is at the top of the food chain here.

Then, he lived a peaceful life day after day.

However, for some reason, the creatures in the sewer behaved strangely today, full of anxiety, as if they were instinctively afraid of something.

This made Pi Ke very confused. After all, this was the first time he encountered this situation, and for some reason...

He also felt a little uneasy in his heart.

At this time, a sound suddenly came from far ahead, causing Pico to pause.

He felt the danger.

As a result, his originally calm face began to turn ferocious. He stared straight ahead with unabashed ferocity, bared his fangs, and made a threatening gesture like a wild beast.

"Dong, dong, dong——"

The heavy muffled sound got closer and closer, and soon, a huge creature stepped out of the shadows and came to him.

Pi Ke was slightly startled.

Because it was a crocodile that was ten meters long. With such a size, for him who was born in the Cretaceous period and was in the same era as the dinosaurs, he was just a little guy.

However, this guy's appearance is a bit strange, very different from the one in his hand.

The powerful upper and lower jaws were covered with strange scars and had many conical teeth of different lengths and some were broken.

The legs are short, with claws and webbed toes, but somehow they have two joints. The long and thick tail has something like a mace growing at the end.

The skin is thick with exoskeleton-like scales, and its back is covered with curved and thick bone spurs that penetrate the body, with conspicuous blood stains on them.

In the pale, pupil-less eyes, there seemed to be some small dark tentacles that were constantly twitching and shaking.

This guy is strong.

Instinct told Pico this conclusion, but for him...

It’s still just food!

"Ho ho ho!!!"

The next moment, deafening roars from both sides began to echo in the silent and dark sewer at the same time, and were directly overshadowed by a violent collision of flesh.

The people passing by on the streets had no idea that beneath their feet was a battle beyond their imagination.

is breaking out.

Chapter 153: Karthus

Somewhere in a dark, dead sewer.

The air was filled with a stench similar to that of a bathroom, mixed with the extremely strong smell of blood.

"Whoosh! Whoosh——"

The sound of heavy breathing continued, like a bellows with a hole in it, and was mixed with a few violent coughs from time to time.

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