Shalltear, who was no longer naked, exposing her perfect body, turned to look at the swordsman kneeling on one knee, with a satisfied smile on her lips.

"Is immortal."


The long knife slashed through the defenseless neck again, and the frightening heat of the sun touched the burning wound of the soul.

But Shalltear calmly summoned the full-body armor again, covering her skin, and turned her head to look in a certain direction. Her eyes seemed to penetrate through the barriers of layers of buildings and gazed at a white-haired girl. .

Just drinking this little blood will have such an amazing effect. If you eat it all...

How strong will she become?

It should be stronger than the Supreme Being!

After thinking about this, Shalltear greedily licked her scarlet lips.

But he didn't notice that his thinking was unconsciously affected by something.

"you are mine."

"Advanced teleportation".

No longer paying attention to the swordsman, her figure disappeared instantly and came to a dark alley somewhere.

She looked at the white-haired girl who was leaning on the wall in front of her, her pretty face was pale, and the wounds on her body had healed for some reason. Without hesitation, she stabbed out the dropper spear in her hand and penetrated the other person's shoulder.

Life drain.

Then, an unimaginably huge life force gathered into her body along the spear.

The ultimate pleasure that could almost intoxicate the soul, Shalltear couldn't help but let out a coquettish cry, and her whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

At this time, a long knife that condensed the sun's flames to the extreme slashed her nearly a hundred meters away.

The strong wind roared in his ears, and the figure of Enichi Tsukikuni followed him instantly.

"'Shunpo·Yang Hua Tu'!"

Overloading his body, whose body temperature had already exceeded its limit, Ji Guoyuan caught up with the figure that flew upside down, and swung his knife like a violent storm to hit the opponent.

"Clang Clang Clang!!!"

The spear stabbed like a rain of pear blossoms, but was bounced away by the sharp blade.

The door is wide open!

But Shalltear, whose thinking had gradually become a little abnormal, roared with a ferocious expression.

"Go away! I'm not interested in you now!"

Completely ignoring that he was being slashed crazily, his scarlet eyes stared intently at the petite white-haired figure in the dark alley in the distance, full of longing.

But at this moment, a plain word made her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

"found it."

Carrying extreme heat and burning with sun-fire, the long knife followed the cracks in the body armor and completely penetrated the opponent's body, and also penetrated...

There is some blood in the stomach that cannot be seen directly.

The hands holding the sword hilt were slightly loose.

"Extreme Body Burning", the limit time of three hundred seconds...


"Go away!!!!"

Shalltear's face was instantly filled with panic, and she punched the opponent with all her strength. The figure that flew out directly knocked down an abandoned low house, leaving only a trembling sword still stuck in it. her belly.

And this easy result also stunned Shalltear, and there was a flash of confusion in her red eyes. Just for a moment, she seemed...

Seeing the other person's long platinum hair turning back to black.

An incredible possibility emerged, causing her to become increasingly confused and prone to losing control, and a glimmer of clarity flashed through her mind.

But at this moment.

Somewhere in the distance, under the vast starry sky, in the entire royal capital, the people who are still outside are staring at the sight that shocks the soul.

A pillar of flames that could be said to destroy the world, with a diameter of a full kilometer, suddenly roared madly from the ground somewhere and rushed high into the sky, releasing extreme light and heat, breaking away the clouds and covering up the That starry sky.

Within the scope of the royal capital, no matter where they were, no matter what they were doing, even the kingdom soldiers and eight-finger thugs who were fighting stopped fighting and looked at the dark night with dull faces... ...

It became "day".


The weapon was dropped to the ground unconsciously, but no one paid attention.

A certain supreme demon who had been chased by lasers cast a surprised look at him.

Somewhere in the messy back courtyard, full of knife marks and frozen ice, the Glacier Ruler, who was healing his wounds, silently raised his head and looked at the pillar of flames soaring into the sky.

A certain pitch-black adventurer who arrived belatedly also couldn't help but stop. The soul flame hidden behind his helmet was shaking slightly.

At this time, Shalltear subconsciously retracted her gaze from the Optimus Pillar, which was completely composed of blazing flames.

Because out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure in a blue and white robe in the dim alley in the distance.

And the extremely cold and calm voice echoing in my ears——

Death whispers.

"Who did it?"

Chapter 131: King of Truth 5K6

He looked at the white-haired girl whose clothes were stained with blood and who had a bloody hole stabbed in her left shoulder.

Gafan felt that his reason was evaporating, a hysterical extreme madness and violence were occupying his entire inner being, unspeakable destruction and desire to kill were emerging, and the next moment...

A soft little hand held his trembling big hand.

"Gafan, what's wrong with you?"

The system looked up at him, his clean blue eyes filled with worry and relief at seeing him.


In an instant, the madness dissipated like snow, leaving only pure anger and unspeakable guilt.

After releasing the suspension, Gafan knelt down on the dusty ground. His hands could not stop trembling as he gently held the child in front of him in his arms, as if he were touching a fragile object.

"Sorry, I am late."

The man with red eyes tightly hugged and protected the girl he regarded as a treasure, and his voice even started to cry for the first time.

Even if he was in the end of the world, even if he faced a natural disaster, even if he was in despair, he had never cried in his life after time travel.

After all, you are so grown up.

But now, looking at the injured girl in front of him, he could hardly bear it anymore.

"I'm really sorry."

Looking at the man who looked like this for the first time, the girl's eyes widened slightly.

The differences in race and outlook made it impossible for her to understand the other person's sadness, because she had never experienced anything similar before, and she had no physical experience to feel someone else's embrace, but one thing was clear to her now... .

She didn't want him to be sad.

Because, she will also be unhappy along with it.

"Gafan, don't cry, don't cry. You told me how old you are before. Stop doing this."

The girl being held stretched out her little hand and patted the other person's back gently, comforting the other person a little awkwardly.

She also hugged him, leaning her little head on the other person's arms, and rubbed him gently, with a soft and happy expression on her little face.

Sure enough, it was only when she was with the other person that she got used to it and felt extra at ease.

Although she didn't know when this feeling started, but...

She didn't hate it.

After finally seeing the system again and holding him tightly in his arms again, Gafan listened to the familiar voice in his ear that sounded like a coaxing child, and the uncontrollable anxiety and uneasiness in his heart finally calmed down bit by bit. Dissipated.

Only peace of mind remains.

After a long time, he picked the other person up from the ground and returned to the suspended state, just like usual.

He looked down at the system in his arms, and his face had lost all trace of indifference and gloominess, returning to its usual helplessness and gentleness, as well as a hint of imperceptible doting.

Gafan asked softly.

"System, tell me, who bullied you?"

When she heard this question, the system she was holding immediately became energetic. She stretched out a small hand to pull the opponent's cheek hard, and the other hand without hesitation reached out to a figure holding a gun in the distance. .

The children who were wronged outside came back and shouted as if they were complaining to their parents.

"It's her, that pervert hit me twice, it hurt so much, she, she even bullied Liya!"

The system was moving restlessly, and the two slender calves wrapped in pantyhose were still dangling.

"Hey, Gafan, help me fight back!"

"Okay, okay, I got it. Speaking of the system, please stop making fun of me. It hurts, okay?"

Gafan seemed very tired and said helplessly, but he had no intention of resisting at all and allowed the child to pull his cheek casually.

Then, he discussed softly.

"System, can you come back to my mind first? Just for a moment, very quickly."

"Yeah, I understand... I'm just calling back. Don't force yourself."

The system voice said softly.

After seeming to hesitate for a moment, she suddenly stretched out her hands and hugged the other person's neck, with a happy look on her face, and rubbed him very intimately.

It's nice that they're together again.

Then, the petite figure of the white-haired girl dissipated and returned to a certain quiet space.

The moment the system returned to his mind, Gafan teleported directly in front of Shalltear, who was at a loss.

He looked at the other party, the gentleness and smile in his eyes were gone, and his face was expressionless.

"Shalltear, the guardian of the first to third floors of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, is that Momonga's... subordinate?"

"Um, Lord Gafan, I..."

Shalltear, who recognized the other person's appearance and the facial features that Demiurge had described before, looked flustered and seemed to be about to say something.

The man who needed to vent his emotions interrupted her directly.

"Forget it, it's not important anymore."

He casually stretched out his hand, and a bunch of large scrolls with a length of one meter and a simple appearance appeared out of thin air, exuding some supreme aura belonging to the laws of the world.

That is a world-class item that has automatically changed hands after meeting the conditions——

"Picture of Mountains and Rivers and the Land of the Country".

The scroll opens, revealing mountains and rivers that are enough to satisfy all the imagination of the world.

And there is an imperceptible crack on it, containing broken space and nothingness. The next moment...

The world changes instantly.

The starry sky above our heads turned into false day.

The surrounding houses and streets disappeared, replaced by the endless Gobi desert.

The yellow sand blows with the dry wind, taking away moisture and life, and also weathering the cliffs in the distance.

In the entire dead world, it seems that there are only a few lonely dead trees that can bring a little bit of vitality. Other than that...

There was only a gun-wielding figure that suddenly appeared in the Gobi desert.

"This, this is..."The Map of Mountains and Rivers"?!"

Seeing the shocking scene change in front of her, Shalltear's eyes flashed with deep astonishment.

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