She had been in that adult's office and heard him subconsciously murmuring when he accepted the message from Sebastian.

"Gafan came to pick up the princess and the child left? So soon..."

At that time, she thought it was just an auditory hallucination.

But after seeing Lord Ainz's hesitation and helplessness, she knew that this was true, and as a woman, her intuition told her...

This kind of "leaving" is likely to mean that, like other supreme beings, they will never come back again.

This made her, who kept a smile on her face, feel unspeakable irritation in her heart.

And this annoyance, after learning from Demiurge that the man named Gafan might also know the whereabouts of other supreme beings, reached its peak and could no longer be suppressed.

He must die!

"Why do people like you exist?"

Putting down his hand, Albedo's figure disappeared instantly, leaving only an indifferent whisper.

"It would be nice if you didn't show up again...I won't let you see Ainz-sama and the princess."

In the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, it is enough to maintain the status quo.

You cannot escape from the alien space blockade formed by the "Mountain and River Sheji Map" borrowed from Aura. Here, I will try my best to kill you——

Lord Gafan.


Dry air, hot earth.

The hot wind carrying gravel blows in the face, taking away the moisture and eroding life.

Looking at the endless desert in front of him, holding Ibiruai under one arm, Gafan's face was already gloomy.

Escape from these strange haunted places and fail again.

He looked at the dark figure suddenly appearing in the distance ahead and said in a deep voice.

"Are you Albedo?"

The dark figure who was about to charge forward froze for a moment and did not respond.

"I really didn't recognize the way you looked in this broken armor before. I just remembered that you still have such a form."

Gafan took a deep breath and suppressed the irritability and negative emotions in his heart.

"It's impossible for that guy Momonga to do this to a friend. This should be just your personal will... Why?"

Seeing that the other party remained silent and showed no intention of answering, Gafan's eyes began to turn cold.

He usually doesn't get angry when others attack him, because it's a normal thing when fighting enemies.

Even if Milim, the kid, lost control of his emotions and smashed his own barrier with a punch, and hit him head on, he would just feel depressed.

Because he didn't feel any murderous intent at the time, and the other party finally stopped in time and didn't really hit him.

The only time I had ever felt a little angry about something like this was when I faced the Vaccine Man's full-force punch.

That time, the other party did not break his barrier, and he did not suffer even a trace of injury, but...

At that time, the "murderous intention" that seemed to be eroding his whole body and completely tearing him apart caused him to instinctively have a strong stress reaction and the first thought -

I'm going to kill him.

And now, it's the second time.

"Forget it if you don't answer."

Feeling the unabashed murderous intent and malice that seemed to swallow and tear him apart, Gafan took a long breath, his face expressionless.

"Let me out, I really have something urgent to do now."

And what about the other party’s response?

It was the afterimage of the forward charge, and the dark giant ax that struck mercilessly.

"Local scale gravity maximization."

The gravity coefficient instantly increased dozens of times, the air was distorted, and a huge pit with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared in the desert below.

The originally loose sand was squeezed together, leaving no gaps. A falling black figure landed here, sinking into a hole.

In the center of the pit, a bottomless pit was smashed out, but the next moment, the dark figure inside stared at the pressure of gravity and rushed high into the sky again.

But it was cut down again by a line that seemed to dislocate the space.

"'The most enhanced magic, now broken'."

Gafan, who was high in the sky, said again with a cold voice.

"Gravity imbalance, vacuum field, automatic and precise impact of gravel, solid, highest speed."

In an instant, all the air a hundred meters away was squeezed out, and inexplicable fluctuations spread, causing the surge in gravity to become chaotic again.

The gravel on the desert floated up automatically and condensed into tens of thousands of gravels, which were even harder than steel, and then...

A large tornado of sandstorm appeared.

It reaches heaven and earth!

A scene like a natural disaster is enough to disintegrate the fighting spirit of any mortal army. Even a wave of monsters capable of destroying a city will still be intimidated by it.

Because every grain of gravel blown up by the sandstorm tornado is enough to penetrate hard armor or invulnerable fur.

"I don't have time for you now."

Ignoring the crazy and rapid consumption of energy in his body, Gafan looked up at the sky and rushed at full speed again. Before reaching the barrier of nothingness, he wanted to take advantage of the fact that the guy below should not be able to care about him for the time being, so he quickly left this ghost place and went to find the system. .

But the next moment, an invisible force suddenly pulled him toward the desert below, quickly pulling him towards it.

"Magic immunity!"

Gafan said in a hurried voice, but the tendency of falling to the earth did not decrease at all.

The invisible force pulling him has nothing to do with magic, fuck!

"Abnormal status eliminated!"

The distance to the desert below is less than a hundred meters, but the invisible force still exists.

Gafan controlled himself to fly upwards, and then suddenly realized that this situation looked familiar. It was not that there was something wrong with him, but the surrounding environment.

It's gravity!

"Local gravity returns to normal, constant following."

Only ten meters away from the ground, Gafan's figure finally stopped.

He was suspended in mid-air, looking at the sandstorm tornado in the distance that should have continued to rage until he left, but it had dissipated at some point.

From the rising dust, a dark figure holding a giant ax walked out.

Moreover, under Gafan's narrowed eyes, the opponent's armor showed no damage due to the sandstorm tornado that was enough to wipe out the wave of monsters and had a radius of a hundred meters, and even his breath was not weakened in the slightest.

The defense power and physical strength are both frighteningly high.

"Stop struggling, you can't escape from here."

The other party said in a cold voice: "In my memory, there is only one adult who has been able to break out after being imprisoned here. You, you can't do it."

"This is really fucking difficult."

Ignoring the other party's words, Gafan glanced around at this world filled with only desert.

He felt the deep malice towards him in this dimension.

Based on the situation just now, it seems that the other party can use the world-class prop "Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map" to change the environmental conditions here at will, including gravity.

However, there should be limitations to this. It cannot be without consumption, otherwise the other party can use it directly from the beginning...

At this time, a sharp pain without warning suddenly came from his chest, interrupting Gafan's analysis and thinking.

The nitrogen barrier with no blind spots was still there, the dark figure was still in the distance, and he had not been attacked by any means.

Gafan looked down with a dull expression. At this time, the blood flowing out had soaked his blue and white robes, and a slanting line of blood appeared from his chest.

Looking through the barrier of clothing, he saw a hideous wound slashing across his entire body, half an inch wide and very deep.

The "energy-absorbing cells" in the body did not react instinctively to this.


Gafan thought blankly, and then suddenly recalled the time when he added defense buffs to the system before, and finally added with uneasiness -

"Life Sharing."

He murmured quietly, his mind going blank.

Because he understood where the injury came from. It came from the system that he didn't know where he was at this time.

The other person is injured.


In an instant, blood rushed to his brain crazily.

That's called the shackles of reason.


"Qiang Qiang Qiang!"

At this time, a dark giant ax slashed towards the enemy with the momentum of splitting mountains and mountains, and then rubbed out brilliant sparks on the nitrogen barrier that had turned into an absolute defense.

Following the strong repulsive force, he retracted the giant ax, and an iron fist with a metal gauntlet struck hard at him like he was repeating his old tricks, trying to knock the opponent away.

But this time, the result was different.

"Muscle utilization is 100%, and kinetic energy is absolutely absorbed."


A raised palm tightly grasped the cold iron fist.

Before Albedo could withdraw her hand and respond with a side kick that could shatter a boulder several meters high, a hoarse voice sounded.

"Hey, bitch, I say it one last time, now, immediately, immediately..."

A pair of bloodshot black eyes met Albedo's gaze through the gap in the visor, even making her slightly stunned.

What kind of look is that?

Full of hysterical extreme madness that is not like human beings, and rage that can no longer be suppressed at all, as well as the deepest heart of the human race——

Pure malice.

Albedo suddenly realized that the man in front of her was doing something because of something...

Almost going crazy.

"let me out."

Chapter 127: Time and Space Fracture 4K8

In a deserted and silent square.

An open picture that depicts all the great mountains and rivers.

There are hundreds of dimensional spaces contained in it, and the supreme aura belonging to the laws of the world flows in them.

At this time, in a different-dimensional space with only desert, it was as if the sun in the sky fell to the earth, and the high temperature spread to the extreme in an instant.

A mushroom cloud planted by someone exploded.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom--!"

The huge fireball, so hot that it seemed to burn the soul, rapidly expanded to a diameter of a hundred meters in the blink of an eye, swallowing and destroying everything around it.

The ring of flames visible to the naked eye, accompanied by a blinding light, was like a tsunami wave from a landslide, rolling and spreading unstoppably in all directions, until it reached the end of this extra-dimensional space.

The pressure of the air wave and wind that almost turned into reality caused the endless desert below to start to set off waves like a vast ocean.

A huge crater quickly formed beneath the nuclear explosion.

At this time, a dark figure suddenly rushed out of the huge fireball that could destroy everything.

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