"Molecular Reorganization, Sulfide Carboyne."

The next moment, all kinds of related molecules with a radius of thousands of meters gathered together under the spread of an inexplicable wave, reorganized themselves precisely and rationally, and finally formed a dark and sharp one-handed sword.

Then he combined the broken dagger and the leather scabbard on Liya's waist into a new scabbard.

He put the sword into its sheath and Gafan handed it over to Liya who was stunned.

"Here, your new weapon is not as good as a magic item, but it should be quite durable."

"...Thank you Gafan."

Holding the "gift" in her arms, Liya laughed and seemed quite happy.

Seeing this, Gafan just smiled faintly, and then put the wild boar beside him that died peacefully into the storage space.

"Let's go to the village first and tell the old village chief that the wild boar that caused harm to the fields has been dealt with. Then we go back to the capital to meet someone."

"Who are you meeting?" Liya asked curiously.

"A man who is very good at swordsmanship. I want to ask him to teach you a few moves." Gafan touched the other person's head and smiled casually, "That guy is the strongest person I have ever seen in terms of swordsmanship alone." ”

However, when she heard this, Liya did not show any expression of happiness or surprise. Instead, she grabbed the corner of Gafan's clothes, raised her head and asked, "How about you compared with Gafan?"

Well, kid, my swordsmanship is not as good as yours.

The corners of his eyes twitched. Just when Gafan was about to give a speechless and honest reply, he lowered his head and saw the admiration and admiration in his eyes.

"...He shouldn't be able to beat me." Out of conscience, he used a euphemistic way of saying it.

"Oh oh oh, Gafan is indeed the most powerful!"

Liya, who looked like this, hugged the other party happily, but soon seemed to be embarrassed, and let go with a blushing face.

Gafan, who was hugged by the child, didn't care and floated directly to System not far away, who was eating the last skewer of barbecue with a happy face.

"We've finished beating the pigs, why are you still eating them?"

"Come on, come on...wait, were you scolding me just now?"

"It's just your illusion. Come on, it's time to go."

After wiping the system's mouth with a white handkerchief, Gafan directly lifted it up and let the other person ride on his neck again. After all, this child is indeed quite light, and he does not lack this kind of weight. ...

"Hey, system, it always looks weird when I carry you around like this. How about you change into a dumpling state next time and stay on my shoulder?"

"No, I always feel like you have evil intentions." The system muttered angrily, "And when that slime was riding on your neck, you didn't have any objection at all."

"Well, that was only once. Most of the time I carried him around in slime state."

"Emm, that's it... let's talk about it next time."

Handing an apple to the seemingly shaken system with one hand, and holding Liya's small hand with the other, Gafan simply recited Xinbai's "Advanced Teleportation", and together they disappeared in an instant.

This consumption is much less than forced movement of space.

The scene in front of me changes.

Outside a certain village, on a path beside a field, three figures appeared out of thin air, and...

It is suspended two feet high from the ground.

Gafan expressionlessly looked down at the piles of fresh cow dung on the path, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Huh, luckily... I didn't step on it this time."

"Gafan, my wrist hurts a little."

Liya, who was hanging in the air by her wrists without her feet touching the ground, said in a weak voice.

"Ah, sorry."

With a hand, Gafan picked up the child by the waist and was about to cross the rice seedlings in the field and float towards the village in the distance, but he paused as if he suddenly remembered something.

"...just roll with it."

Several roasted sweet potatoes appeared out of thin air and floated in mid-air.

That was the first time he took the system out to eat, and the little guy ate the leftovers.

"Return to the status quo and spread out to farm on your own."

Looking at the steaming sweet potatoes, they suddenly changed from a ripe state to a fresh one. Then, like a group of groundhogs, they scattered in the vast field, each finding a suitable corner. Went into the ground.

Gafan, who was mumbling something that was quite energy-consuming, stopped paying attention to it, yawned and drifted away.

There are only a few crops left that are inconspicuous, and I don’t know if they exist in this world. In the breeze, the new green seedlings are swaying gently.

"Um, Liya, what are you laughing at?"

"No, no, hehe~"


at the same time.

The royal capital.

A luxurious mansion somewhere.

A carriage stopped here quietly. The white horse, which seemed to be a little bit hungry, was poking its hooves unhappily. Then after being glanced at by an old butler, it instantly became well-behaved.

"Kiare, I want to go shopping with Suo Liuxiang, so I'll ask you to look after the house."

Sebastian looked away, looked at the blond maid who was hiding behind the half-open door, and said warmly.

"Se, Master Sebas..."

Chiare hid behind the door, looking a little hesitant, but finally showed a forced smile.

"Well, I will wait for your return."

In response, Sebas smiled and nodded in response. He was thinking of ways to eliminate the other party's psychological shadow bit by bit.

"Then it's up to you."

After waving his hand, under Soliuxiang's somewhat impatient gaze, Sebas, who had been delayed for some time, finally got on the carriage, intending to follow Ainz-sama's previous instructions and make a final trip to buy supplies. Then you can abandon this temporary stronghold and return to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

However, what Sebas didn't know was that there was another person in the house at this time.

"This bed feels quite soft."

In a certain room, Qi Ye, who was still in the state of a child, tried to stretch out his little hand and patted the white sheets and down quilt under him, showing a satisfied expression.

Then, she took out a white pillow from somewhere and started to compare it with the original pillow on the bed.

She took it from her bed before she came out.

"My pillow feels much better...Forget it, let's try a new pillow."

After a few seconds of hesitation, he made his decision. Qiye threw the white pillow he brought behind him, making a perfect arc in mid-air, and finally landed on the wall next to the window with a plop.

Then, without the slightest hesitation, Xiao Qiye, who had already browsed more than a dozen rooms without anyone noticing, finally lay down on the new bed that he found, relaxing.

"Children's bodies really get sleepy easily after exercising~"

The little head rested on the soft pillow, wrapped in a down quilt that seemed to have just been exposed to the sun, and smelled the delicious light fragrance.

In this quiet room with no one around, Qiye no longer resisted the strong sleepiness that kept coming up, and slowly closed his eyes and fell into sleep.


The cool breeze blew in from the half-closed window, circulating the air in the room, and made Xiao Qiye sleep more soundly on the bed.

The white pillow thrown on the wall near the window: "..."


at the same time.

An alley outside the house.

Several men wearing black cloaks and moving strangely came out of the shadows.

The one who seemed to be in the lead, after looking at the direction the carriage was leaving, turned his attention back to the house.

"The old butler has left and we can start taking action."

"Boss, why don't we arrest the housekeeper as well? The old man who looks so frail, and the aristocratic lady, her breasts are real..."


"You know nothing!"

Withdrawing his fist, the leading hooded man looked at his idiot subordinates with hatred, and said in a hoarse and vicissitudes of voice.

"It's enough for us to do what we are told by our superiors. Don't worry about other things. And...I heard that the old butler is not averagely strong."

"This, this is it."

The beaten subordinate covered his head and stuttered in reply.

Then he seemed to feel that he had lost face in front of his companions, so he quickly volunteered.

"Then let's start taking action quickly. Let me tell you, boss. I'm not bragging. My lockpicking skills are the best in my street. You can trust me to pry open the door of this house. I promise to use it." Not much more..."


"You know nothing!"

Withdrawing his fist again, the leading hooded man looked like "Can't you be smarter than me?" and then raised his hand to point to an open window on the second floor of the house.

He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Isn't that open window very spacious?"

Chapter 115: Can you let me observe your body more?

"Can you let me observe your body more?"

"Are you serious?"


Gafan, who had an expressionless face, couldn't help but fall into deep silence when he looked at Jiguo Yuanyi who smiled and nodded to him.

"...I'm starting to resent you."

Half an hour ago.

In the royal capital, in front of a top-notch hotel.

"It should be here."

Gafan, who had just submitted a commission from the Adventurer's Guild, looked at the four-story white building in front of him, which covered a large area and had a rather delicate appearance.

He also said to himself with a somewhat uncertain tone.

After all, it's not like Jiguo Enichi, a person who looks very stable and simple at first glance, would come to live in a place like this.

After glancing at the virtual panel again to confirm the location, Gafan ignored the strange gaze of the doorman and touched his chin.

"It's really like this, but this distance... there should be a backyard."

"Excuse me, this guest, do you have an appointment?"

At this time, the attendant who was guarding the door finally couldn't help but speak, and asked in a tactful way that the man in front of him, with his feet off the ground, well-dressed, and two children beside him, was already standing still and looking at him. The strange man who has been in the hotel for a long time behind him.

"Uh, no."

Gafan, who was suddenly asked in such a formulaic manner, was stunned for a moment and replied subconsciously.

"In that case, can you please leave?"

The doorman bowed slightly and asked politely.

"If you stay like this and don't leave, it will affect the reputation of our hotel. If you want to check in, I can help you make a reservation in advance."

"No, actually I'm here to find...forget it, I'm sorry."

Shaking his head, Gafan glanced at the obviously young attendant in front of him, and without saying anything else, he directly held the small hands of the two children beside him and floated towards the nearest alley.

And seeing that the "Magic Singer" didn't cause any trouble and left directly, the young guard attendant also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, his job was hard-earned, and his brothers and sisters in the family all depended on him for their livelihood, so they couldn't lose it because of some accidents and involvements.

But the little white-haired girl who was eating apples next to the adult just now is really cute, as delicate as a doll.

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