HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 736: Inception (5)

"HP approached the magic world (

"But the problem now is that we can't have enough time to find it slowly here.

We have to speed up, so that we can get out of here in the shortest time.

Regardless of whether the cure is good or not, we can never get ourselves trapped in it. "

"If it's just this, then boss, you don't have to worry too much."

Laura thoughtfully said: "Generally speaking, people’s consciousness activities are very fast. Although they have a few dreams in one night, they only spend about 10% of the time in dreaming. Other times are relatively When awake, not dreaming.

But the problem we are facing now is that the current environment may not really be a dream. "

It may also be a consciousness space.

If it’s a dream, it’s easy to say. When the dream is over, the space environment here will naturally end the blockade, and they will naturally be able to go out, but if it’s a conscious space, it’s not easy to say.

"What if it is a consciousness space?"

"Human consciousness is a very complex existence. Although it looks like it exists in the cortex of the brain, it is changed by bioelectricity, but in fact it is not like this.

If this world is purely material, then there is no problem, but now it can be proved that this world is not a material world, but a world where matter and magic intersect each other, so some things need to be reconsidered.

Ordinary people can't use magic?

The answer to this question, I think you, boss, should know better than me. If ordinary people can't use magic, why can I be transformed into a wizard?

So ordinary people actually have a little bit of magic, or a little bit of magical elements, which exist in their bodies. In any case, human souls are always suitable for the dwelling of magical elements.

Therefore, for ordinary people, their soul power can also absorb some magical elements to settle in. "

Jon nodded, confirming Laura's view.

"Go on, I really want to know what's behind."

"Actually, it's just a theoretical basis, and I haven't practiced it, but if it is a conjecture, there should be no problem."

Laura cleared her throat and continued.

"In this world, the existence of magic elements is a very peaceful phenomenon, just like the law of matter, and its existence is a rule.

But for humans, the existence of magic elements tends to be more mysterious and unpredictable, because there is no way to be observed, so naturally everyone will have some wonderful ideas about this element.

But the place where magical elements reside in the human body is the brain, and the space for generating ideas is also in the brain.

I can’t say whether it’s the existence of magic elements that caused humans to have ideas, or whether the structure of dreams is based on the existence of magic elements, but at least a reasonable hypothesis can be made, such as the consciousness we are now in. space.

This Mrs. Longbottom is a very powerful wizard herself. If she is really crazy as the doctor said, then her consciousness space should be completely chaotic.

Instead of still having rules like now,

Let me give an example. The mental patients in the mental hospital are very confused. Even if we use some special methods to guide them, there is no way to say anything normal.

The medicine we provide them only temporarily suppresses their confusion, and for a long time in the future, the effect of this medicine is only to treat the symptoms but not the root cause, whether mental patients can heal themselves, I cannot answer this question. But their mode of existence is indeed very much like a peculiar phenomenon.

This phenomenon seems to be..."

"It's like being disturbed by magic, right?"

"Well, almost, if the soul in this world is real, then the dominant factor of the brain will be transformed from the bioelectricity to the soul. For us, the form of the soul's existence is the moment we are in Of this consciousness space."

What is in the human consciousness?

Few people can enter the consciousness space of other people to see, so there is basically no answer to this question. Those who can make outstanding achievements in consciousness, they also often speak about their own consciousness, but consciousness This kind of thing varies from person to person.

This thing has no commonality.

Obviously, whether it is in the wizarding society or the Muggle society, those who actually come into contact with the real surface of this thing are still a minority.

Jon didn't dare to say that he had come into contact with the true form of consciousness, let alone others.

However, they are now in a person’s consciousness space, and they are indeed more suitable to do some research~www.NovelMTL.com~ As far as the environment we are now in, we are now in a person’s consciousness space.

And this person's consciousness space...obviously, although a little strange, it is still stable. "

Seeing that Jon didn't say anything, Laura continued to explain.

"We just fell from her upper level of consciousness into this level of consciousness, but in fact I just tried to escape, so I can boldly make assumptions. There are some things in consciousness that cannot be rationalized. of.

For example, I want to escape now, but it is very likely to enter a deeper level of consciousness. How long can I repeat here depends on how many levels of consciousness we are in now?

This is a very troublesome thing, because we have to be in the deepest consciousness space to escape, because that is the foundation.

Generally speaking, there are only two levels of human consciousness. One is the shallow level. In the shallow level consciousness, our conscious interference from the outside is not very connected with the ontology, so we can break away at any time.

The other layer is the deep consciousness, which is what we commonly call the subconscious. In the subconscious, the rules are often very strange. We are likely to see that the sky is stepped under our feet, while the earth and buildings are suspended above our heads. In the subconscious, we can still leave through the anchor point we are looking for,

The most troublesome thing is that this kind of intermediary consciousness is not as easy to break through as the superficial consciousness, and at the same time, unlike the subconscious mind that can easily find an anchor, we can only continue to go deeper, which is very troublesome.

Because no one knows what we will encounter in our consciousness. The collision in the soul is a very dangerous thing. It is very likely that we will be drowned before the collision is over. "

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