HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 734: Inception (3)

"HP approached the magic world (

Jon's force field finally chose a church.

After all, other places are houses with closed doors and windows, and it is not appropriate to rush in, regardless of whether there are people living in them.

There is much peace here in the church, there is nothing terrifying in it, and the idols are also covered with dust, and it seems that there is no such thing as a priest living here.

Jon took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket. Although it was said that he had touched it, it was better to say that he had magically transformed it. The two of them wiped the rainwater on the back of their hands with paper towels, and suddenly they found the paper. The color is very strange.

"Obviously it should be white, why is it, yellow-green?"

"This color seems a bit familiar, I think about it, this color seems to be some kind of chemical medicine... Boss, the ether seems to be this color, I saw it with Lena before."

"Lenna, does that still have this?"

Jon jumped a word, but it is definitely not the time to talk about this. The first thing is to find the source of this thing. The Longbottoms are both wizards. They must not have access to the chemicals of the Muggle society, but Laura said. , It did give Jon some ideas. If it wasn't for chemicals, it could also be a potion.

The two of them live in the magic hospital and usually need some medicine.

"Boss, do you hear anything?"


Jon had been thinking before, if it hadn't been for Laura's reminder, he would really not have noticed this. At this moment, when his spirit returned to the subject, he suddenly realized that some strange sounds were indeed ringing in his ears.

It's not as clear as the bell tower before, but Shaara's, not very real.

It should have come from the northeast, and it seemed to be a woman's cry.

He took Laura's hand, determined the direction, and then directly mobilized the magic power to go over there.

Then appeared behind a huge curtain.

This is a very strange thing. The curtains should not be placed outside the house. This is more like a closed prison. Jon didn't do what he wanted, and stretched out the curtains.

Behind the name is a not-so-good space, the light is yellow, and the inside is pure white, and there is a woman sitting.

This woman is wearing very beautiful clothes, just like a wedding dress, and in her hand, she is also holding a robe.

"Laura, look, what is she doing? In this environment, why would a person suddenly act like this?"

Laura looked intently and found that Mrs. Longbottom in the white room was touching a small ball with her hand. The small ball was hidden under the robe.

"Memory Ball?"

"Is the node this thing?"

Jon asked, but Laura didn't give a definite answer.

"I don't know, but I have to give it a try. If this lady really poured her memory into a crystal ball before she went crazy, so many years have passed, where are we going to find this? Where's the crystal ball?"

"If you want to find it, you can always find it. Now the coverage of the magic net can cover the whole of Europe.

No matter how far the ball is thrown, it will not leave this range.

And now that the Longbottoms are still alive, it means that the protective measures they set up are still working, but no one can save them from the muddy life.

This is what Dumbledore wants us to play. "

"It seems that this role is still difficult, but if that is the case, I don't think there should be a big problem, then let's go."

Jon was about to nod when he saw a strange group of people suddenly appeared from a distance.

These people are wearing long robes, carrying a cross, carrying a long chain in their hands, and a knife at the end of the chain.

"Boss, what is this?"

Laura was obviously frightened by these people, or the weapons in their hands.

"It looks like we are regarded as dark wizards, but I don't know, Mrs. Longbottom's family actually has a history of fighting the Holy See, or their family believes in the God of Light?"

After the end of the war, most of the priests in the Temple of Light died. Only some of the people survived and joined the wizard camp. Jon had studied these before, so he was very clear about their existence. Now they are walking towards them. This group of people is the famous meat grinder and chain saw monk in the Holy See.

"Now what?"

Laura looked very panicked. She is different from Jon. What Jon sends in is only part of the consciousness, and what she sends in is the whole. If something goes wrong, Jon is injured at most, but she really is going to die here. Up.

"Don't worry, your boss is still a bit capable. Even if it is a real chain-saw cultivator, standing in front of me can only be passively beaten. You are ready to leave. I will teach them what the strong is king."

Finally, he had the opportunity to pretend to be forced under the genus. Jon had to take advantage of this opportunity.

Although he didn't have a magic wand in his hand, he still managed to deal with this group of monks.

The faint blue flame spread from his fingertips and turned into sparks one by one, shrouded in the surroundings of Jon and Laura. This kind of large-scale magic can easily destroy Mrs. Longbottom if the power is too strong. Consciousness, so Jon carefully controlled them within an appropriate range.

This is a test of operation, but for Jon, it is not difficult.

It stands to reason that, at this time, Laura should appropriate a few words of magic ~www.NovelMTL.com~ But now is not the time to flatter, she still has to work hard to connect with the outside world and guide them back.

Those flames floated back and forth, and under Jon's control, fell on the heads of the chain saw monks who were gradually approaching them.

The flame, just burn.

This is the first time for Jon to use this wide range of destructive magic, so the power control is not very good, he accidentally burned people to ashes, which made it impossible for them to detect Long through this thing. Mrs. Barton's current mental condition.

Otherwise, he would still be able to take a look at how much magical energy impact Madam Longbottom could withstand with her current mental strength.

But then, Jon discovered another problem.

They went back to the Longbottom couple's ward again, everything seemed normal and there was no problem, but that was the problem.

"Boss, I remember that we should be in an isolated space when we left..."

"Yeah, we are in an isolated space, so we didn't go out at all. My current strength is still the separated ones."

"But I obviously..."

"It's not your fault. If we haven't returned to reality, it means that we are still in the consciousness of Mrs. Longbottom."

"This is her second level of consciousness, and it seems that this level should be stronger than the previous level of consciousness. It may not be easy to get out successfully, so be prepared."

Jon rubbed his wrist. There is a very strange place in human consciousness that can accommodate a very powerful force. Moreover, he had never thought before that he could still play Leonardo Di as a guest in his lifetime. Caprio, staged a scene of Inception.

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