HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 701: The struggle that took place in the classroom

Harry awoke from his sleep.

He didn't know that far away, there was a man who had just finished his work and entered the dream state, and this man had been secretly manipulating many things that happened around him, even arranging his fate.

But even if he knew it, he wouldn't care about it at this moment.

Because of the recent period, he has always had a problem.

Hogwarts’ new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Dolores Umbridge, an official from the Ministry of Magic, has been targeting him for some reason.

According to rumors, the reason he was targeted may be because of Voldemort's resurrection, and the people at the Ministry of Magic were obviously unwilling to accept this fact.

But so what?

The fact that cannot be accepted by others is also a fact, and at this time, he can do too little.

He couldn't make people believe in Voldemort's return, nor was he able to fight Voldemort like Dumbledore and the others, and even his classmates didn't believe him, thinking that he was a grandstanding liar.

Bear the burden of humiliation.

This is what Sirius once said to him.

But Harry felt that he might not be able to do it.

If he could do it, he might have become the person Dumbledore wanted him to be.

Harry lay on his bed for a while, the sky gradually lit up, and a few rays of sunlight penetrated through the barriers of the drapery, and dust danced in the sunlight.

It reminded him of the first Saturday of the new semester, when he wrote a letter to his godfather Sirius.

He wanted to see Hagrid, but Hagrid still didn't come back. There had been no smoke in his hut during the recent period, and the curtains had been tightly drawn, and it was obvious that there were no people living.

He suddenly thought of two people.

On the day he sent a letter to Sirius, he met Filch, the administrator of the castle, who looked weird that day.

Although it was aimed at him, he didn't deliberately seek out his fault, which surprised Harry, because if he looked at it in the past, Filch would definitely force him to ask.

Or it is also the credit of Qiu Zhang.

If she did not testify at the scene, I am afraid it would indeed cause a dispute.

He suddenly thought of the girl's smile, and a hint of happiness suddenly appeared in his heart.

This seems to be the feeling of being in love.

All things have rushed to Sirius during this period of time, and occasionally he can communicate with him through the fire, but it is only a short communication, and he always feels that Sirius has an inexplicable relationship, as if it is possible at any time. It’s like losing him, so he’s a little uncomfortable,

In their conversation, Umbridge was also mentioned, but it was not a good character. Harry hated her very much, and because of a law once promoted by the witch, Lupin could not find a job... Of course this was just giving Harry more reasons to hate her.

He was awake for a while, then turned his head back to sleep.

Until the next morning, they still ate in the restaurant as usual.

It's just a little different today.

The owl who came to deliver the Daily Prophet’s newspaper flew away from the milk jug when Hermione took a sharp breath.

On the newspaper was a picture of Dolores Umbridge. It was a very big picture. The witch on it was smiling and blinking at them.

Then there is the title.

The Ministry of Magic seeks educational reforms.

Dolores Umbridge was appointed as the first senior investigator.

"Senior investigator?" Harry frowned, ate half of the bread, and slipped from his fingertips: "What does this mean?"

Hermione carried the newspaper and read: "During an ad hoc operation last night, the Ministry of Magic passed a new decree, which allowed it to control Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to an unprecedented level.

‘For some time, the Minister has become increasingly uneasy about the status quo at Hogwarts. Percy Weasley, junior assistant to the minister, said, ‘he took the action after listening to the concerns of the parents. The worried parents felt that the school seemed to be moving in a direction they disapproved of. ’

In recent weeks, it is not the first time that Minister Cornelius Fudge has adopted a new law to improve the magic school. Not long ago, it passed the "Education Order No. 22" on August 30 to ensure If the current principal cannot provide a candidate for a teaching position, the Ministry of Magic will provide a suitable candidate.

‘This is how Dolores Umbridge was appointed as a teacher at Hogwarts,’

Weasley said last night, "Dumbledore could not find anyone, so the Minister assigned Umbridge. Needless to say, she was immediately successful, causing a breakthrough reform in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class and promptly The Minister provided on-site feedback on the real situation of Hogwarts. ’

Recently, this temporary action came into effect due to the passage of the Ministry of Magic’s "Education Order No. 23" ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ and also created the new position of Senior Investigator at Hogwarts.

‘This is an exciting new initiative in the minister’s momentum to control the so-called decline in education at Hogwarts. "Weasley said, "The investigator will have the authority to review his faculty and colleagues to ensure that they all meet the standards. Professor Umbridge was awarded this post besides her teaching post, and we are happy to tell everyone that she has accepted it with pleasure. ’

These new measures of the Ministry of Magic have been enthusiastically supported by the parents of Hogwarts students.

——Then there are some interviews with Malfoy, and the vilification of Lupin, Hagrid, and Dumbledore. There is nothing to read.

If you have anything you want to see, you can come and see for yourself. "

From Harry's perspective, Hermione was very angry.

But considering Umbridge's sudden inspection, they ran to class in a hurry.

For Harry, Hermione has been a little strange this time around.

She suddenly became very courageous-not that she was not usually courageous, Harry admitted that Hermione did meet all the qualities a Gryffindor should have, brave and fearless, but in the past, Hermione was in class She is always very much like a good student and never contradicts the teacher, but recently, she has actually begun to contradict the senior investigator in Umbridge's class-and there are still conflicts where there is no need to Things.

In this case, Harry certainly wanted to get involved, but Hermione... Umbridge didn’t dare to deal with it. After all, she was a very good student, but she didn’t deal with Harry like that. How taboo.

So after Harry spoke, he was confined for another week.

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