HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 698: Their guess

"HP approached the magic world (

The emergence of a magic must follow a principle, that is, this magic can be done by a wizard with the right conditions.

Otherwise, this magic can't be regarded as a regular magic, but the kind of magic similar to the blood sacrifice performed by evil wizards.

Especially the magic that appeared during the period when the classical magic system was launched on the stage, all were universal wizards, and it was already very difficult to survive, so if some more severe magic appeared, it would be realized. The possibility is even lower.

According to the joint research of Jon and Grindelwald, this magic has a lot to do with the blood of the wizard.

Man himself is an animal.

Even biologists in the Muggle world don't deny this. The human race itself has something in common with animals, and it can be regarded as a kind of animal, but the human race has evolved a bit more advanced, so it shows the difference.

However, even if the human race has evolved a very advanced external representation, it cannot be denied that the human race has something in common with the animal itself.

Such as the existence of werewolves.

In fact, wolves and werewolves are essentially wolves, just like Muggles and wizards are essentially human beings, and this essence is reflected in the bias of magical elements.

What the magic element likes will become their container, if it is a human, it will become a wizard, if it is a different animal it will become a magical creature.

But if you want to reverse, this process is very difficult.

Ordinary wizards cannot reverse the process of being acquainted with magical elements. They are like creatures in four-dimensional space that can adjust time at will. Three-dimensional life cannot. This is not due to the limitation of the rules, but from the level of life itself. The difference brought about.

Unless you can break through this barrier and become another kind of life, that is, become a god.

But even Helga had to face some problems.

It takes a lot of effort and a lot of time to make progress.

It's just that Jon doesn't want to think about these issues now.

He vaguely felt a pair of invisible hands touching his world, arranging every step he took in a suitable direction. He could not refuse this arrangement, and the so-called premonition was also It's just a feeling.

The kind that nobody would believe it.

What's more, many things are indeed his own choice.

Standing on the roof of the manor, the force field unfolded invisibly, concealing his figure, and the moon in the sky was as bright as a disk, with light shining on him.

He is a very talented wizard, and there are many powerful wizards, and talented people to lead the way, so many things do not need to be complicated to solve.

For example, this transformation magic.

Don't have to bother to use the existing route, not to mention that he has used the existing route once, and it has already failed.

He has mastered this magic, or the core content of this sacrificial ritual, so he only needs to mobilize this content and push it backwards.

The person who founded this magic must have discovered this, and he has also used and modified it.

Although the secret behind it may be only a useless secret, the secret is a secret after all.

He activated this magic again.

The feeling of blood reversal was uncomfortable, but Jon was not the little boy he had been, he was already able to tolerate a lot of things.

That call.

From the moment the moonlight descended, a call sounded from his soul.

He seemed to have become a tree.

It seems to have become a bird again.

a long time.

The inability to radiate light shrouded in him receded, and he remained unchanged.

He failed again.

And he didn't find the reason.

Why did it fail? Obviously, he has made such a complete preparation, and at this point, he no longer needs to do anything.

"The changes of light and shadow appear in a hidden space. If this change is magnified, then it can show a lot of power.

In the same way, the blood is the same. "

In his force field, under the bright moonlight, a figure was outlined.

This figure is wearing a shirt, trousers, casual shoes, and a baseball cap.

"It's daytime on your side? How do you feel like you are in a training ground around you."

Sesatli-Cinnabar did not speak, but circled in front of him.

This projection magic has to be projected so far away. It is a very laborious thing in itself, but Cinnabar and Jon are special people. They both left their marks in the deep blue sea. With this mark, they both This can do things that many people can't.

Speaking of which, this was also the first time they met in half a year after they separated from their childhood.

"It seems that you are living well in the East. I heard that your mother is the head of the family. It feels very happy to be with her again, right?"

"It's okay~www.NovelMTL.com~ at least quite free, unlike before, I have to learn messy things every day, and when I left the world, Osiris did give me some good things."

"Does it also contain the truth?"

Jon asked.

This so-called truth, of course, is not talking about the truth of the world, but about what he is doing now.

"Reluctantly, it's just that among a lot of information, this incident is not a strange thing, you know, I am a monster."

"Demon race? Is there a pure monster race in this age? The so-called monster race in the East is just a race with the blood of a monster beast."

"Everyone is of mixed blood, each other, the blood of the black bird in your body is the blood of the totem, but the blood of your Hufflepuff family is also the blood of the pure tree monster clan.

Don't tell me anything about the world tree, it was promoted by Senior Helga abruptly, not a natural bloodline. "

"I thought you wouldn't answer my question. Unexpectedly, in the end you still said it."

"Anyway, you have already guessed the answer. There is no problem telling you about this matter, and the West is originally the world of the monster race, you don't admit it yourself."

"Don't say I don't admit it myself, just these people around, wizards or Muggles, who do you think would admit that they are an animal?"

"It's better to be a mixed race. It's relatively stable. And we all know that the human race and the demon race, in the final analysis, were created by that unspeakable ancestor god. I have read a lot of related classics in China during this period. Because the record of "has not been cut off, it is still very complete, and our guess is not wrong."

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