HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 678: Ministry of Magic

The reason why Anthony and the others are asked to try to get in touch with the history of the wizarding world is because they are an important part of Jon's layout.

Even though there is no way to transform them into wizards, as long as the conditions are ripe, since these people have been by his side, they must be the first to become wizards.

And most importantly, there will always be wizards in the laboratory, and they will be troublesome if they don't understand these things.

But now these things can still be queued a little bit back.

"We are almost ready for things here, and we will start working there. There are many things to do in the same period. If it is convenient, you should let the people over there hurry over."

The so-called people over there are talking about the group of people in charge of the underground laboratory, and in Jon's concept, there is only one of these people.

That is Grindelwald, he alone is enough, especially his space magic, it is very superb.

"Are the architectural drawings ready?"

Anthony nodded: "It's already done. We can start construction on our side. According to the normal logic, shouldn't we build the foundation? If you choose to do the top first, what should we do with the basement below? What?"

"It's convenient to use magic to do this kind of thing. It's not a difficult thing to violate some known laws. Besides, if you want to do it, you should do it thoroughly. Go and prepare."

"Yes, I understand."

Anthony nodded and exited the office. Jon didn't stand here for too long, but frowned, and then disappeared from the room.


The atmosphere in Grimmauld Place was very embarrassing.

The next day was the day when Harry was on trial. Dumbledore came in the evening. While Harry was asleep, he explained a few words to the people in the Order of the Phoenix. He will come in the evening for these two days. After the children were asleep in the dark, he would come and take a look at the situation here.

According to Mrs. Weasley, Harry's condition has been very wrong recently.

I maintained a dry emotional state every day and didn't speak much.

On the day Harry was tried, Mr. Weasley took him to the Ministry of Magic, so he got up very early on that day.

At half past five in the morning, he suddenly woke up from bed.

Obviously no one called him, but it was as if someone yelled in his ear.

He just lay motionless on the bed, and the matter of going to the Ministry of Magic for trial, poured into every corner of his brain.

Mrs. Weasley had put the newly bathed jeans and T-shirt beside his bed. Harry put on them without waking up others. Ron was still sleeping soundly in the bed. He walked outside the room and walked through the stairs. Platform, and then crept down the stairs to the kitchen.

He thought there was no one in the kitchen, but when he walked to the door, he heard a low voice coming from behind the door.

Opening the door, Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley, Sirius, and Lupin were all sitting there, as if waiting for him.

Mrs. Weasley stood up and asked Harry what he wanted to eat. Harry ordered some bread, and then sat down on the table.

Lupin and the others didn't care about Harry's presence here, and continued to talk about things that Harry didn't understand.

Their indifferent attitude made Harry feel a little more relaxed at the time. After all, he had always felt embarrassed by today's affairs, and the calmness of the people around did help him relieve a little.

He silently nibbled the bread that Mrs. Weasley brought over, and it didn't taste good, like eating another flake of wax that didn't taste much.

And Mrs. Weasley was sitting next to him, caring about his clothes very much, getting here for a while, getting there for a while, this kind of excessive care made him feel pressured.

He really hoped that Mrs. Weasley would stop doing this, but he couldn't say it.

He listened to Tonks talking about the task, complaining that the night shift was a very painful thing, and what Mr. Weasley said, he didn't know what it was like.

And today Mr. Weasley did not wear a wizard robe but a pair of thin pants and an old jacket. After he finished speaking, he turned his eyes from Tonks to Harry.

"How do you feel now?"

Harry shrugged silently.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon." Mr. Weasley encouraged: "In a few hours, you will be fine."

Harry didn't speak, and quietly listened to Mr. Weasley's explanation of the trial situation, as well as the advice and comfort that Tonks and the others provided him.

But it's useless.

He put down the bread and stood up. Mr. Weasley decided to take him earlier to avoid any unexpected circumstances, and before leaving, he grinned reluctantly.

Then he followed Mr. Weasley upstairs and walked through the hall, and the two came outside ~www.NovelMTL.com~ It was just dawn at this time, and the sky was gray with a biting chill.

They took the subway to the center of London and got off there. At this time in the center of London, there was a lot of people. Countless well-dressed men and women with briefcases walked out of the subway, went up the escalator, passed the ticket gate, and then came to a very On the wide streets.

The streets are full of traffic and people come and go.

Mr. Wieser was a bit at a loss. After all, he obviously rarely went to work in this way, so he didn't know what to do, but he soon found his way.

Harry followed Weasley and walked forward, the buildings on either side gradually became normal, and finally they came to a bleak street.

There are only a few seemingly tattered offices, a tavern and some dump trucks.

He followed Mr. Weasley into the dilapidated phone booth, and then watched Mr. Weasley pick up the handset to dial and report.

A square color badge was drawn out of the metal chute. It was written with his name and the words being tried. He pinned the badge in front of the T-shirt, and the female voice who had previously spoken to Mr. Weasley rang again. Up.

"Guests of the Ministry of Magic, you need to be checked and register your wand at the security checkpoint, which is located at the end of the main hall."

The floor of the phone booth trembled suddenly, and then they sank into the ground. After about a minute, a thin golden light shone out and finally hit Harry's face.

"The Ministry of Magic hopes you have a good day."

He heard the girl say, and then walked out behind Mr. Weasley.

In front of him was a magnificent hall.

This is the Ministry of Magic.


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